Biodiversity and the ecosystem approach in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
作 者:Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations.
There are over 500 million farm management units in the world, overwhelmingly found in developing countries. FAO's ongoing field work in over 100,000 rural communities has found that all those farm managers can understand their farms, fields, forest, rangelands and fisheries as ecosystems. Farmers, even in the poorest and most food- insecure regions of the world, manage genes by their decision on crop varieties, manage species by their decisions on farm animals and manage ecosystems by their decision on soil pollination.
Farmers, fisherfolk, and forest dwellers not only understand and can apply ecosystem approaches in their decision-making, but also understand the potential impact of large-scale environmental threats to their livelihoods. FAO's biodiversity programmes apply ecosystem approaches to stimulate community level education and experiential learning by rural people. The same approaches educate national policy makers wishing to fulfill commitments made to environmental treaties while still meeting agricultural production demands.
Table Of Contents:
Foreword iii
Summary report 2(6)
Biodiversity and performance of grassland ecosystems in communal and commercial farming systems in South Africa 8(20)
Biodiversity management in West African pastoral and agro-pastoral systems: 28(22)
Traditional use and availability of aquatic biodiversity in rice-based ecosystems 50(22)
Organic agriculture and genetic resources for food and agriculture 72(28)
Effectiveness of biodiversity conservation 100(18)
Conservation and use of mahogany in forest ecosystems in Mexico 118(22)
Impact of cultivation and gathering of medicinal plants on biodiversity: global trends and issues 140(28)
Impact of cultivation and gathering on biodiversity of medicinal plants: case studies from India 168(28)
Soil biodiversity management for sustainable and productive agriculture: lessons from case studies 196(28)
Cash crop farming in the Himalayas: the importance of pollinator management and managed pollination 224(24)
Ecosystem management in agriculture: principles and application of the ecosystem approach 248(46)
Globally important ingenious agricultural heritage systems 294(14)
List of participants 308
Foreword iii
Summary report 2(6)
Biodiversity and performance of grassland ecosystems in communal and commercial farming systems in South Africa 8(20)
Biodiversity management in West African pastoral and agro-pastoral systems: 28(22)
Traditional use and availability of aquatic biodiversity in rice-based ecosystems 50(22)
Organic agriculture and genetic resources for food and agriculture 72(28)
Effectiveness of biodiversity conservation 100(18)
Conservation and use of mahogany in forest ecosystems in Mexico 118(22)
Impact of cultivation and gathering of medicinal plants on biodiversity: global trends and issues 140(28)
Impact of cultivation and gathering on biodiversity of medicinal plants: case studies from India 168(28)
Soil biodiversity management for sustainable and productive agriculture: lessons from case studies 196(28)
Cash crop farming in the Himalayas: the importance of pollinator management and managed pollination 224(24)
Ecosystem management in agriculture: principles and application of the ecosystem approach 248(46)
Globally important ingenious agricultural heritage systems 294(14)
List of participants 308
Biodiversity and the ecosystem approach in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
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