Unit One Introduction
Why Study Greco-Roman Mythology?
What Is Mythology?
How to Approach Mythology?
Greek Mythology
Unit Two Creation Myths
Account from Bilbo's World
Account from Hesiod's Theogony
The Pelasgian Creation Myth
The Homeric and Orphic Creation Myths
Account from Metamorphoses by Ovid
Unit Three Five Ages of Man:Human Alienation from the Divine
The Five Ages of Mankind
Alienation of the Human and the Divine
Prometheus and mankind
Pandora's box
The Deucalion flood/deluge
Unit Four Titanic and Olympian Genealogy
Uranus and Cronus
Gaia's Children
Cronus and Zeus
War Between Old and Young Gods
The Olympian Gods and Goddesses
Nature of the major Olympians
Minor gods and goddesses and demi-gods
Unit Five Olympian Gods
Apollo versus Dionysus
Unit Six Olympian Goddesses
Unit Seven Greek Heroes(Ⅰ)
Unit Eight Greek Heroes(Ⅱ)
Unit Nine Trojan War Saga:The Iliad
Homer's The Iliad
The Wrath of Achilles
The War
During the Truce
In the Battlefield
Achilles back in the War
The Death of Hector
Unit Ten Trojan War Saga:The Odyssey
The Wandering on the Sea
The Return and Reunion
Unit Eleven Roman Mythology
Roman Myths
Major Roman Deities
Deification of Julius Caesar
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Phaethon:quest for the impossible
Pyramus and Thisbe:love lost by mistake
Mercury and Battus:faithful to one's promise
Unit Twelve Roman Hero:The Aeneid
Virgil's The Aeneid
From Troy to Italy
The Underworld
The War
Unit Thirteen Greek Tragedy:Medea(Ⅰ)
Unit Fourteen Greek Tragedy:Medea(Ⅱ)
Unit Fifteen Myth and Art
Myth and Art(ancient)
Myth and Art(modern)
Myth and Culture Study
The Future of Myth
Literary Texts for Reading
Song from Alexander and Campaspe,John Lyly
Prometheus Unbound,P.B.Shelley
“Helen”,Hilda Doolittle
“Leda and the Swan”,W.B.Yeats
“Cassandra”,Louise Bogan
Supplementary Reading
Unit One Introduction
Propp's Structure of the Magic Tale
Unit Two Creation Myths
The Story of Creation from Genesis
Chinese Creation Myths
Aztec Creation Myth
Hindu Creation Myth
Creation Myth of Mande, Southern Mali
Creation Myth of Boshongo,a Central Bantu Tribe
Unit Three Five Ages of Man:Human Alienation from the Divine
The Five Ages of Metamorphoses
Book of Daniel
A Chinese Version of Human Creation
Maya Creation Myth of Man
An Indian Creation Myth of Man
Creation Story of Man of Hopi,Native American Tribes
Noah's Flood
Chinese Flood Myths
Unit Four Titanic and Olympian Genealogy
Mount Olympus
The Giants'Revolt
Chinese Gods
Unit Five Olympian Gods
Baucis and Philemon
Apollo and Daphne
Homosexuality of the Gods
The abduction of Ganymede
Apollo and Hyacinthus
Apollo and Cyparissus
Unit Six Olympian Goddesses
Aphrodite(from Symposium)
The Muses
Unit Seven Greek Heroes(Ⅰ)
Perseus Beheading Medusa
Heracles' Eleventh Labor
Heracles' Twelfth Labor
Unit Eight Greek Heroes(Ⅱ)
Theseus Killing the Minotaur
The Voyage of the Argo
The Seizure of the Golden Fleece
Unit Nine Trojan War Saga: The Iliad
Helen's Marriage
Birth of Paris
The Judgment of Paris
Paris' Return to Palace
The Gathering of Greek Troops
After The Iliad
The Wooden Horse
After the Fall of Troy
Unit Ten Trojan War Saga:The Odyssey
Odysseus' Life before and after The Odyssey
The Sirens
The Underworld in The Odyssey
Unit Eleven Roman Mythology
Minor Roman deities
The Rape of the Sabine Women
The Horatii
Unit Twelve Roman Hero:The Aeneid
The Relevant Historical Accounts
The Underworld in The Aeneid
Unit Thirteen-Fourteen Greek Tragedy:Medea
Echo and Narcissus
Psyche and Eros
Pygmalion and Galatea
Vertumnus and Pomona
The Flight of Icarus
The Amazons
Lapiths and Centaurs
Meleager and Atlanta
The Seven against Thebes
The Tragedy of Atreus' House
The House of Troy
The Underworld
The Olympic Games
Glossary:Names and Places
Why Study Greco-Roman Mythology?
What Is Mythology?
How to Approach Mythology?
Greek Mythology
Unit Two Creation Myths
Account from Bilbo's World
Account from Hesiod's Theogony
The Pelasgian Creation Myth
The Homeric and Orphic Creation Myths
Account from Metamorphoses by Ovid
Unit Three Five Ages of Man:Human Alienation from the Divine
The Five Ages of Mankind
Alienation of the Human and the Divine
Prometheus and mankind
Pandora's box
The Deucalion flood/deluge
Unit Four Titanic and Olympian Genealogy
Uranus and Cronus
Gaia's Children
Cronus and Zeus
War Between Old and Young Gods
The Olympian Gods and Goddesses
Nature of the major Olympians
Minor gods and goddesses and demi-gods
Unit Five Olympian Gods
Apollo versus Dionysus
Unit Six Olympian Goddesses
Unit Seven Greek Heroes(Ⅰ)
Unit Eight Greek Heroes(Ⅱ)
Unit Nine Trojan War Saga:The Iliad
Homer's The Iliad
The Wrath of Achilles
The War
During the Truce
In the Battlefield
Achilles back in the War
The Death of Hector
Unit Ten Trojan War Saga:The Odyssey
The Wandering on the Sea
The Return and Reunion
Unit Eleven Roman Mythology
Roman Myths
Major Roman Deities
Deification of Julius Caesar
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Phaethon:quest for the impossible
Pyramus and Thisbe:love lost by mistake
Mercury and Battus:faithful to one's promise
Unit Twelve Roman Hero:The Aeneid
Virgil's The Aeneid
From Troy to Italy
The Underworld
The War
Unit Thirteen Greek Tragedy:Medea(Ⅰ)
Unit Fourteen Greek Tragedy:Medea(Ⅱ)
Unit Fifteen Myth and Art
Myth and Art(ancient)
Myth and Art(modern)
Myth and Culture Study
The Future of Myth
Literary Texts for Reading
Song from Alexander and Campaspe,John Lyly
Prometheus Unbound,P.B.Shelley
“Helen”,Hilda Doolittle
“Leda and the Swan”,W.B.Yeats
“Cassandra”,Louise Bogan
Supplementary Reading
Unit One Introduction
Propp's Structure of the Magic Tale
Unit Two Creation Myths
The Story of Creation from Genesis
Chinese Creation Myths
Aztec Creation Myth
Hindu Creation Myth
Creation Myth of Mande, Southern Mali
Creation Myth of Boshongo,a Central Bantu Tribe
Unit Three Five Ages of Man:Human Alienation from the Divine
The Five Ages of Metamorphoses
Book of Daniel
A Chinese Version of Human Creation
Maya Creation Myth of Man
An Indian Creation Myth of Man
Creation Story of Man of Hopi,Native American Tribes
Noah's Flood
Chinese Flood Myths
Unit Four Titanic and Olympian Genealogy
Mount Olympus
The Giants'Revolt
Chinese Gods
Unit Five Olympian Gods
Baucis and Philemon
Apollo and Daphne
Homosexuality of the Gods
The abduction of Ganymede
Apollo and Hyacinthus
Apollo and Cyparissus
Unit Six Olympian Goddesses
Aphrodite(from Symposium)
The Muses
Unit Seven Greek Heroes(Ⅰ)
Perseus Beheading Medusa
Heracles' Eleventh Labor
Heracles' Twelfth Labor
Unit Eight Greek Heroes(Ⅱ)
Theseus Killing the Minotaur
The Voyage of the Argo
The Seizure of the Golden Fleece
Unit Nine Trojan War Saga: The Iliad
Helen's Marriage
Birth of Paris
The Judgment of Paris
Paris' Return to Palace
The Gathering of Greek Troops
After The Iliad
The Wooden Horse
After the Fall of Troy
Unit Ten Trojan War Saga:The Odyssey
Odysseus' Life before and after The Odyssey
The Sirens
The Underworld in The Odyssey
Unit Eleven Roman Mythology
Minor Roman deities
The Rape of the Sabine Women
The Horatii
Unit Twelve Roman Hero:The Aeneid
The Relevant Historical Accounts
The Underworld in The Aeneid
Unit Thirteen-Fourteen Greek Tragedy:Medea
Echo and Narcissus
Psyche and Eros
Pygmalion and Galatea
Vertumnus and Pomona
The Flight of Icarus
The Amazons
Lapiths and Centaurs
Meleager and Atlanta
The Seven against Thebes
The Tragedy of Atreus' House
The House of Troy
The Underworld
The Olympic Games
Glossary:Names and Places
A Course Book on Greco-Roman Mythology
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