Time For Kids: Frogs! 美国《时代周刊》儿童版:青蛙 ISBN 9780060782214


作   者:Editors





  Get the inside scoop on the world's most fascinatingcreatures!   
  Find out how a tadpole turns into a frog   
  See a frog catch its dinner   
  Discover the differences between frogs and toads   
  Learn more than forty fun facts about these amphibians


CREATED FOR DEVELOPING READERS With colorful visuals on eachspread and the easily read text, TFK Frogs! is perfect for childrenwho have Level 2 reading skills. Level 2 includes longer sentenceswith richer vocabulary, type set line to line to aid readability,varied photographic treatments, and brief chapters with simpleillustrated diagrams and a glossary. SPECIAL FEATURES Each Level 2title has How Big?, Take a Close Look, Spotlight, Did You Know?,Words to Know, and Fun Facts. TFK Frogs! has 29 full colorphotographs, as well as a full page, simply labeled diagram of afrog. CURRICULUM TIE-INS Clear text and photographs illustrate thelife cycle of the frog, which is an important part of elementaryschool curriculum. POPULAR MUSEUM EXHIBITION Frogs: A Chorus ofColors was a popular exhibition at New York’s American Museum ofNatural History in 2004. Due to its great success, the exhibit wasextended past its intended seven-month run. CELEBRITY GUEST Kermit,everyone’s favorite frog, and his creator, Jim Henson, make aspecial appearance in the Spotlight feature. DETAILED CLARITY Kidswill learn the subtle differences between frogs and toads, throughexplicit text and detailed diagrams. MEDIA ATTENTION NellieGonzalez-Cutler, a deputy managing editor at Time For Kids,promoted the series through a TV satellite tour in February 2005.FILLS TEACHER NEEDS A Special Teacher Guide with activities hasbeen created by TFK, and is downloadable from the website. ALEVELED READER SERIES TIME For Kids Science Scoops are three levelscreated for: LEVEL l * BEGINNING READERS Short, simple sentencesLEVEL 2 * DEVELOPING READERS Longer sentences with richervocabulary LEVEL 3 * CONFIDENT READERS Paragraphs use sentences ofvaried lengths Teacher specific leveling according to GuidedReading and Spache Reading Levels is also included. READING LEVELSSpache Reading Level: J-K Guided Reading Level: 2253 PROVEN BRANDREACHES MILLIONS OF CHILDREN -Three TIME For Kids magazine editionsare distributed to over 4 million students, 160,000 teachers andmillions of parents EACH WEEK! -World Report (Grades 4-6) has acirculation of 2.2 million, is in 88,000 classrooms and isdistributed 26 times a year. -News Scoop (Grades 2-3) has acirculation of 1.1 million, is in 44,000 classrooms, and isdistributed 26 times a year. -Big Picture (Grades K-1) has acirculation of 700,000, is in 28,000 classrooms, and is distributedin eight monthly bundles. -In addition, 250,000 issues of TFK arebound into TIME magazine’s Family Edition weekly, bringing TIME ForKids’ total circulation to 4.25 million! WEB PRESENCE-TimeForKids.com averages 7 million monthly page views and 1million unique visitors. -TimeForKids.com also serves as the newschannel for KOL, AOL’s groundbreaking service for kids.-TFKClassroom.com offers teachers a wealth of resources includingearly access to weekly teacher’s guides and magazines, quizzes,reproducibles, breaking news stories, Kid Reporter coverage andmuch more. FAST FACTS -The only weekly magazine-and now books!-forkids produced by a major news organization -Draws its info fromnews bureaus, award-winning journalists, and photographers fromaround the world FUN STATS -TIME For Kids receives TEN TIMES moreletters and emails per week from its four million readers than TIMEmagazine does from its four million adult readers! -94% of studentstake TIME For Kids home to read and discuss with their parents.-99% of TFK teachers are “extremely/very” satisfied with themagazines. FRESH, ORIGINAL DESIGN Colorful, close-up photos andeye-catching graphic elements on every spread show frogs in varioushabitats around the world. THE TIME FOR KIDS SCIENCE SCOOP SERIESSharks, Level 3, Winter 2005 Spiders, Level 3, Winter 2005 Bees,Level 1, Spring 2005 Ants, Level 2, Spring 2005 Snakes, Level 3,Spring 2005 Bears, Level 1, Fall 2005 Planets, Level 2, Fall 2005Bats, Level 3, Fall 2005 Storms, Level 1, Winter 2006 Earthquakes,Level 2, Winter 2006 Butterflies, Level 3, Winter 2006 Plants,Level 1, Spring 2006 Frogs, Level 2, Spring 2006 Volcanoes, Level3, Sprin




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Time For Kids: Frogs! 美国《时代周刊》儿童版:青蛙 ISBN 9780060782214
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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