L2 acquisition of English MC and its related structure by Chinese and Korean learners: towards an event structure-based account


作   者:高育松著







chapter 1 introduction
1.1 research orientation
1.2 middle construction: object of research
1.2.1 delimiting the research scope
1.2.2 major properties of the middle construction
1.2.3 mc and its related structures in english
1.3 research rationale
1.4 key research questions
1.5 contents of remaining chapters
chapter 2 review of the related literature: theoretical accounts of english middle construction
2.1 introduction
2.2 theoretical accounts of mc
2.2.1 the generative account
2.2.2 the cognitive account
2.2.3 semantics-syntax interface account
2.3 a critique of the theoretical account of english mc
2.4 summary
.chapter 3 conceptual framework: a revised extended event structure theory
3.1 introduction
3.2 pustejovsky\'s extended event structure (1991a, 1991b, 1996)
3.2.1 an overview
3.2.2 extended event structure
3.2.3 qualia structure
3.2.4 cross-reference of event structure to qualia structure
3.3 a revised version of pustejovsky\'s extended event structure theory
3.3.1 weaknesses of eest
3.3.2 a revision of eest
3.4 summary
chapter 4 an analysis of english mc and its related structures within the framework of the revised eest
4.1 introduction
4.2 semantic constraints upon english mc
4.2.1 event type-related constraint: headedness constraint
4.2.2 event role-related constraint: inherent property foregrounding constraint
4.2.3 event modification-related constraint: event focus agreement constraint
4.2.4 conceptually-related constraint: event autonomy constraint
4.2.5 summary: constraints upon mc and other detransitivized structures
4.3 chinese mc formation
4.3.1 chinese mc: an overview
4.3.2 constraints upon chinese mc
4.3.3 mc-related structures in korean
4.4 canonical event structure, its extension and mc formation
4.5 general summary
chapter 5 l2 acquisition of english mc and its related structures
5.1 introduction
5.2 transitivity errors committed by l2 learners of english
5.3 theoretical accounts of l2 acquisition of transitivity
5.3.1 theoretical accounts of l2 acquisition of causative alternation
5.3.2 theoretical accounts of l2 passivization of unaccusatives
5.4 a critique of current accounts of l2 acquisition of causative alternation and passivization of unaccusativity
5.5 zoom lens hypothesis and its implication for the present study
5.6 l2 acquisition of english detransitivization: a theoretical framework and research hypotheses
5.6.1 a theoretical framework for l2 acquisition of english detransitivization
5.6.2 route of l2 acquisition of english mc and its related structures and research hypotheses
5.7 summary
chapter 6 research design, instrumentation, data collection and data analysis
6.1 research design
6.2 participants
6.3 instrumentation
6.3.1 acceptability judgment task (ajt)
6.3.2 forced-choice task (fct)
6.3.3 guided translation task (gtt)
6.3.4 error correction task (ect)
6.3.5 follow-up interview task (fit)
6.4 task assignment
6.5 data collection procedures
6.6 data coding and scoring
6.6.1 coding and scoring gtt data
6.6.2 scoring of ajt data
6.6.3 scoring of fct data
6.6.4 coding and scoring of ect data
6.6.5 coding of fit data
6.7 data analysis
6.8 summary
chapter 7 results for research hypotheses testing
7.1 results for hypothesis 1
7.1.1 testing hypothesis i through gtt
7.1.2 testing hypothesis 1 through fct
7.1.3 testing hypothesis i through ajt
7.1.4 testing hypothesis i through the fit
7.2 results for hypothesis 2
7.2.1 testing hypothesis 2 through fct
7.2.2 testing hypothesis 2 through ajt
7.3 results for hypothesis 3
7.3.1 testing hypothesis 3 through ajt
7.3.2 testing hypothesis 3 through gtt
7.4 results for hypothesis 4
7.4.1 testing hypothesis 4 through ajt
7.4.2 testing hypothesis 4 through fit
7.5 results for hypothesis 5
7.6 results for hypothesis 6
7.6.1 testing hypothesis 6 through fct
7.6.2 testing hypothesis 6 through fit
7.7 results for hypothesis 7
7.8 summary
chapter 8 general discussion
8.1 major findings
8.1.1 linguistic findings
8.1.2 empirical findings
8.1.3 developmental route of l2 acquisition of english mcs and its related structures
8.2 an overall assessment of the adopted theoretical framework
8.2.1 an assessment of default event template hypothesis
8.2.2 an assessment of the event structure approach
8.2.3 an assessment of the modular view of l1 transfer
8.2.4 summary
8.3 l1-mediated default event template hypothesis
8.3.1 introduction
8.3.2 agency extension and degree of acceptance of mc and ac
8.3.3 language distance and transfer of l1 morphology
8.3.4 interaction between universal language properties and specific language constraints
8.3.5 summary
8.4 an alternative account
8.5 general summary: a unified account of l2 acquisition of detransitivization
chapter 9 conclusions, pedagogical implications, limitations, and suggestions for further research
9.1 conclusions
9.1.1 summary of the present study
9.1.2 conclusions
9.2 implications for l2 instruction
9.3 limitations and suggestions for further research
appendix descriptive statistic data for the figures



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L2 acquisition of English MC and its related structure by Chinese and Korean learners: towards an event structure-based account
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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