编著者还有:(美)Andy Curtis、(美)James R. Morgan、(美)Nancy Douglas、杨惠中、高霞等
★ 采用原版影音素材,语言真实地道;题材丰富多样,生动有趣;录
★ 话题、情景设计以美语语境为主,辅以全球多元文化背景,置英语
★ 以功能、题材、情景为编写主线,重点培养语言输出能力;
★ 精心设计的交互式练习,由浅入深,循序渐进,引导学习者逐步掌
Unit 1 All about me
Topic Introductions and relationships
Functions Informal and formal introductions
Vocabulary Relationships and life events
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Unit 2 Express yourself!
Topic Expressing feelings through words and gestures
Functions Asking how someone is
Vocabulary Feelings;gestures
Lesson A Feelings
Lesson B Feelings and emotions
Unit 3 Let's eat!
Topic Food
Functions Offering and suggesting
Vocabulary Adjectives describing foods;eating in a restaurant
Lesson A Foods we like
Lesson B Favorite foods
Unit 4 Today's frends
Topic Modern trends and fashions
Functions Agreeing and disagreeing;giving advice
Vocabulary Family statistics——multiples and percentages;style and fashion
Lesson A Modern family trends
Lesson B Family trends
Unit 5 Unsolved mysteries
Topic Unsolved mysteries
Functions Talking about possibility and impossibility
Vocabulary Crime;mysteries
Lesson A A detective is on the case
Lesson B Mysteries and strange events
Unit 6 The mind
Topic Memory and dreams
Functions Expressing degrees of certainty
Vocabulary Memory and memories;sleep and dreams
Lesson A How's your memory?
Lesson B Strange dreams
Unit 7 Let's celebrate!
Topic Parties,festivals and holidays
Functions Accepting and refusing invitations
Vocabulary Types of parties,describing festivals
Lesson A Party time!
Lesson B Festivals and holidays
Unit 8 In the meighborhood
Topic Neighborhood life
Functions Polite requests with modal verbs and mind;imperatives
Vocabulary Errands;describing neighborhoods
Lesson A Running errands
Lesson B Running errands
Topic Introductions and relationships
Functions Informal and formal introductions
Vocabulary Relationships and life events
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Unit 2 Express yourself!
Topic Expressing feelings through words and gestures
Functions Asking how someone is
Vocabulary Feelings;gestures
Lesson A Feelings
Lesson B Feelings and emotions
Unit 3 Let's eat!
Topic Food
Functions Offering and suggesting
Vocabulary Adjectives describing foods;eating in a restaurant
Lesson A Foods we like
Lesson B Favorite foods
Unit 4 Today's frends
Topic Modern trends and fashions
Functions Agreeing and disagreeing;giving advice
Vocabulary Family statistics——multiples and percentages;style and fashion
Lesson A Modern family trends
Lesson B Family trends
Unit 5 Unsolved mysteries
Topic Unsolved mysteries
Functions Talking about possibility and impossibility
Vocabulary Crime;mysteries
Lesson A A detective is on the case
Lesson B Mysteries and strange events
Unit 6 The mind
Topic Memory and dreams
Functions Expressing degrees of certainty
Vocabulary Memory and memories;sleep and dreams
Lesson A How's your memory?
Lesson B Strange dreams
Unit 7 Let's celebrate!
Topic Parties,festivals and holidays
Functions Accepting and refusing invitations
Vocabulary Types of parties,describing festivals
Lesson A Party time!
Lesson B Festivals and holidays
Unit 8 In the meighborhood
Topic Neighborhood life
Functions Polite requests with modal verbs and mind;imperatives
Vocabulary Errands;describing neighborhoods
Lesson A Running errands
Lesson B Running errands
编著者还有:(美)Andy Curtis、(美)James R. Morgan、(美)Nancy Douglas、杨惠中、高霞等
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