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Papers from the session 'The Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula Regional and transregional components' held at the XV UISPP World Congress, September 2006. Contents: 1) The Portalon at Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain): a new archaeological sequence (Ortega, A. I.; Juez, L.; Carretero, J. M.; Arsuaga, J. L.; Perez-Gonzalez, A.; Ortega, M. C.; Perez, R.; Perez, A.; Rodriguez, A. D.; Santos, E.; Garcia, R. ; Gomez, A.; Rodriguez, L.; Martinez de Pinillos, M. & Martinez, I.); 2) Torca l'Arroyu: A new holocene site in the centre of Asturias (North of Spain) (Rogelio Estrada Garcia, Jesus F. Jorda Pardo, Joan S. Mestres Torres and Jose Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros); 3) From "Inland Neolithic" to "Neolithic dwelling in the inland": the role of homogeneous and heterogeneous elements on the explanation of earlier agricultural stages in Central Spain (Enrique Cerrillo Cuenca); 4) Neolithisation et structure sociale: donnees et discussion dans le nord-est de l'Espagne pour (Clop, Xavier; Gibaja, Juan Francisco); 5) El Valle de Ambrona (Soria, Espana): un referente cronologico para la primera ocupacion neolitica del interior peninsular (Manuel A. Rojo-Guerra, Rafael Garrido-Pena e Inigo Garcia-Martinez-de-Lagran); 6) Neolithisation process in lower Tagus valley left bank: old perspectives and new data (Cesar Neves, Filipa Rodrigues, Mariana Diniz); 7) Early Neolithic at the Serpis Valley, Alicante, Spain (J. Bernabeu Auban, LL. Molina Balaguer, T. Orozco Kohler, A. Diez Castillo, C.M. Barton); 8) Sources of monumentality: standing stones in context (Fontainhas, Alentejo Central, Portugal) (Manuel Calado, Leonor Rocha); Castelo Belinho (Algarve, Portugal) and the first Southwest Iberian Villages (Mario Varela Gomes).


The Portal6n at Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain):
a new archaeological sequence .......................................................... .... 3
Ortega, A.I.; Juez, L.; Carretero, J.M.; Arsuaga, J.L.; Pirez-Gonzdlez, A.;
Ortega, M.C.; Pdrez, R.; Perez, A.; Rodriguez, A.D.; Santos, E.; Garcia, R.;
Gdmez, A.; Rodriguez, L.; Martinez de Pinillos, M. & Martinez, I.
Torca l'Arroyu: A new holocene site in the centre of Asturias (North of Spain) ................ 11
Rogelio Estrada Garcia, Jesus F. Jordd Pardo, Joan S. Mestres Torres
and Jose Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros
From "Inland Neolithic" to "Neolithic dwelling in the inland": the role
of homogeneous and heterogeneous elements on the explanation
of earlier agricultural stages in Central Spain ............................ ... ...................... 19
Enrique Cerrillo Cuenca
N6olithisation et structure sociale: donndes et discussion dans le nord-est
de l'E sp ag ne .................................................................... .......................... 29
Xavier Clop; Juan Francisco Gibaja
El Valle de Ambrona (Soria, Espafia): un referente cronol6gico para la primera
ocupaci6n neolitica del interior peninsular ................... ...... ... .......................... 35
Manuel A. Rojo-Guerra, Rafael Garrido-Pena e Afigo Garcia-Martinez-de-Lagrdn
Neolithisation process in lower Tagus valley left bank: old perspectives
and new data..... ...................................................................... ......... 43
Cesar Neves, Filipa Rodrigues, Mariana Diniz
Early Neolithic at the Serpis Valley, Alicante, Spain ......................................................... 53
J. Bernabeu Aubdn, LL. Molina Balaguer, T. Orozco Kohler, A. Diez Castillo,
C.M. Barton
Sources of monumentality: standing stones in context
(Fontainhas, Alentejo Central, Portugal)......................... .............. .. ................... 61
Manuel Calado, Leonor Rocha
Castelo Belinho (Algarve, Portugal) and the first Southwest Iberian Villages ..................71
Mdrio Varela Gomes



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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