A history of poetics : German scholarly aesthetics and poetics in international context, 1770-1960 /


作   者:by Sandra Richter ; with bibliographies by Anja Zenk ... [et al.].






Table Of Contents:
Preface vii

I. Introduction

Poetics as Field of Knowledge 7(12)

Text Types and Periods 19(6)

Methodology 25(15)

II. Aesthetics and Academic Poetics in Germany

Eclectic Poetics: Popular Philosophy (1770-1790) 40(23)

The Moralizing Standard Work: Johann Georg Sulzer Allgemeine Theorie der schonen Kunste (1771-1774) 43(6)

Popular Aesthetics as a Part of ``Erfahrungsseelenlehre'' in 1783: Johann Joachim Eschenburg, Johann August Eberhard and Johann Jacob Engel 49(14)

Transcendental Poetics and Beyond: Immanuel Kant's Critical Successors (1790-1800) 63(13)

Critical Poetics and Popular Critique: Johann Heinrich Gottlob Heusinger (1797) 65(3)

Systematical and Empirical Poetics on a Cosmological Basis: Christian August Heinrich C. Clodius (1804) 68(4)

Towards a Realistic Poetics: Joseph Hillebrand (1827) 72(4)

Historical and Genetic Poetics: Johann Justus Herwig (1774), August Wilhelm Schlegel (1801-1803/1809-1811) and Johann Gottfried Herder's Heritage 76(13)

Logostheological Poetics Beyond Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Friedrich Ast (1805), Joseph Loreye (1801/1802, 2 1820) and Johann Jakob Wagner (1839, 2 1840) 89(11)

Post-Idealist Poetics 100(29)

An Empirical Idealist Poetics: Friedrich Bouterwek Aesthetik (1806) 101(4)

Religious Poetics: Wilhelm Wackernagel's Lectures (1836/7) and Catholic Approaches 105(7)

The Turning Point after Hegel and Beyond: Friedrich Theodor Vischer (1846-1857) and the New Challenges (Johann Friedrich Herbart, Robert Zimmermann) 112(9)

Literary Poetics: Rudolf Gottschall (1858, 6 1893) 121(8)

Pre-Empirical and Empirical Poetics since 1820 129(47)

Poetics as Life Science: Moriz Carriere (1854/2 1884, 1859) 131(5)

Psychological Poetics: From Gustav Theodor Fechner (1871/1876), Rudolph Hermann Lotze (1884) and Heinrich Viehoff (1820) to Wilhelm Dilthey (1887) and Richard Muller-Freienfels (1914/2 1921) 136(28)

Processual Poetics: Wilhelm Scherer (1888) 164(9)

Evolutionary Poetics: Eugen Wolff (1899) 173(3)

Comprehensive Poetics 176(10)

On the Way to a New Discipline Called `Literaturwissenschaft': Ernst Elster (1897) 177(4)

Back to Poetics: Hubert Roetteken (1902/1924) 181(5)

Poetics and ``Geisteswissenschaft'' 186(19)

Renewed Historical Poetics: Wilhelm Dilthey (1906) 190(4)

On the Way to Epistemological Poetics: Emil Ermatinger (1921) 194(3)

Bi-polar Poetic Formalism: Oskar Walzel (1926) 197(4)

Typological Poetics and the Relevance of the Creative: Hermann Hefele (1923) 201(4)

The Turn Towards Language: Theodor A. Meyer (1901) 205(6)

Phenomenological and Ontological Poetics: Edmund Husserl and Roman Ingarden (1931) 211(8)

Anthropology, Existentialism and Hermeneutics: the Influence of Søren Kierkegaard and Martin Heidegger 219(23)

On the Way to Hermeneutical Poetics: Theophil Spoerri (1929) 222(6)

Existentialist Poetics: Johannes Pfeiffer (1936) 228(5)

Anthropological Poetics in Refined Genre Theory: Emil Staiger (1939/1946) 233(9)

The After-Life of the `Artwork of Language' (``Sprachkunstwerk'') 242(7)

The Great Amalgamation: Wolfgang Kayser (1948) 242(3)

Back to a Poetics of Style: Herbert Seidler (1959) 245(4)

Poetics under the Fascist Regime 249(28)

Problems of German Poetics: Karl Justus Obenauer (1936) 251(4)

Poetry and ``Volkheit'' - a New Literary Science: Heinz Kindermann (1937) 255(5)

Biologist Approaches: Ludwig Buttner (1939) 260(4)

Morphological Poetics: Gunther Muller (1943) 264(6)

Towards a Methodology of a `General Literary Science': Julius Petersen (1939, 21944) 270(7)

New Approaches in a Reproductive Era 277(11)

Author Poetics from America: Joachim Maass (1949, 21955) 279(3)

Holistic Poetics in a General Literary Science: Max Wehrli (1951, 21969) 282(6)

Conclusion: Tendencies, Trends and Sunken Ideas 288(151)

III. Bibliographies and Prints

Bibliography of German Poetics 302(46)

Selected Bibliography of German Aesthetics 348(21)

Selected Bibliography of Early German Literary Theory 369(7)

Selected Bibliography of Non-German Rhetoric, Poetics and Aesthetics 376(15)

Other Primary Material 391(12)

Research Literature 403(30)

Prints 433(6)
Index of Names 439(10)
Subject Index 449



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