

作   者:蔡蔚主编







unit one the writing process: prewriting, drafting and revising

presentation & practice 1

1 generating ideas 1

2 organizing ideas 12

3 drafting, revising, editing, proofreading 15

guided writing 21

writing tips 22

writing samples 23

unit two the sentence: basic sentence patterns

presentation & practice 25

1 simple sentences 25

2 compound sentences 29

3 complex sentences 31

4 compound-complex sentences 34

guided writing 37

writing tips 38

writing samples 40

unit three the sentence: coordination and subordination

presentation & practice 42

1 coordination 42

.2 subordination 49

guided writing 58

writing tips 60

writing samples 61

unit four the sentence: sentence variety

presentation & practice 64

1 infinitive 64

2 present participles 66

3 past participles 67

4 prepositional phrases 68

5 adverbs 70

6 appositives 71

7 other patterns that add variety to writing 72

guided writing 75

writing tips 77

writing samples 78

unit five the paragraph: types of paragraphs

presentation & practice 80

1 opening paragraphs 80

2 supporting paragraphs 83

3 concluding paragraphs 84

4 transitional paragraphs 86

guided writing 92

writing tips 93

writing samples 95

unit six the paragraph: parts of paragraph

presentation & practice 96

1 topic sentence 96

2 supporting sentences 104

3 concluding sentences 110

guided writing 114

writing tips 115

writing samples 117

unit seven the paragraph: effective paragraphs

presentation & practice 119

1 unity 119

2 coherence 122

3 transition 127

guided writing 132

writing tips 134

writing samples 135

unit eight the paragraph: ways of developing paragraphs

presentation & practice 137

1 illustration 137

2 comparison and contrast 140

3 cause and effect 144

4 definition 147

5 classification or division 150

guided writing 153

writing tips 155

writing samples 156

unit nine the whole composition: descriptive writing

presentation & practice 158

1 appealing to the senses 158

2 selecting details 161

3 organizing a description 164

guided writing 170

writing tips 172

writing samples 173

unit ten the whole composition: narrative writing

presentation & practice 175

1 follow a chronological order 175

2 establish a point of view 178

3 select key events 180

4 use details 182

5 use description in narration 183

guided writing 188

writing tips 189

writing samples 190

unit eleven diction: choice and use of words

presentation & practice 193

1 levels of words 193

2 the meaning of words 199

3 general and specific words 200

4 idioms, cliché, and wordiness 202

guided writing 206

writing tips 208

writing samples 209

unit twelve diction: figures of speech

presentation & practice 211

1 simile, metaphor, analogy, personification 211

2 metonymy, synecdoche, euphemism, alliteration 215

3 irony, pun, hyperbole, litotes, transferred epithet 219

guided writing 223

writing tips 225

writing samples 226

key to exercises 228



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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