

    This title provides the quintessential works of Modernism. For eight decades, "Domus" has been hailed as the world's most influential architecture and design journal. Founded in 1928 by the great Milanese architect Gio Ponti, the magazine's central agenda has always remained that of creating a privileged insight toward identifying the style of a particular age, from Art Deco, Modern Movement, Functionalism and Postwar to Pop, Postmodernism and Late Modern. Beautifully designed and comprehensively documented, page after page "Domus" presents some of the most exciting design and architecture projects from around the world. Each of the 12 volumes in TASCHEN's "Domus" reprint collection reproduces a selection of the magazine's pages as they originally appeared, and is packed with articles that bring to light the incredible history of modern design and architecture. Available as separate volumes covering the period of 1928-1999, this series is a major publishing achievement and an important must-have for all design and architecture teaching institutions, practicing architects, designers, collectors, students, and anyone who loves design. It also covers the period of 1975 - 1979: first signs of ecological awareness. This volume covers the second half of the 1970s, an era marked by the oil crisis and the related global economic crisis. For the first time, architecture and design dealt with alternative resources, ecological building methods, and recyclable materials. Nevertheless synthetics remained present in many fields, especially in interior design. Examples of projects featured are the postmodern and lightflooded buildings by Richard Meier, the modernistic buildings by Foster Associates, the Centre Georges Pompidou by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, and the buildings of the Japanese architects Arata Isozaki and Kisho Kurakawa. The industrial design of modern transport systems, office machines, and electrical appliances is also highlighted.


 Technology and its Rejection/La tecnologia e il suo rifiuto
 Close Working Relationships and the Promotion of Italian Design/Strette relazioni di lavoro e l'affermazione del progetto  italiano
domus 1975-1979
 domus 1975
 domus 1976
 domus 1977
 domus 1978
 domus 1979
 Translations and Text Continuations
Acknowledgements and Imprint



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Domus. VIII, 1975-1979 /
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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