From Etymology to Pragmatics:Metaphorical and Cultural Aspects of Semantic Structure
在各种语言中,情态词、连接词、条件词、知觉动词恐怕都是最生动、也是最难以把握其意义的词类。其意义的多歧性不仅困扰语言学家,也困扰分析哲学家。尽管如此,eve e.sweetser的论述仍然向我们证实了它们是可以被分析,而且可以是成系统的分析。.
1 Introduction
1.1 Past approaches and problems
1.2 Cognitively oriented recent work in semantics
1.3 Semantic change and polysemy patterns:metaphorical connections between semantic fields
2 Semantic structure and semantic change:English perception-verbs in an Indo-European context
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Mind-as-Body Metaphor
2.3 Sense-perception verbs in English and Indo-European
2.4 The structure of our metaphors of perception
2.5 Conclusions
3 Modality
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The root modals in English
3.3 Epistemic modality as an extension of root modahty
3.4 Speech-act verbs and speech-act modality
3.5 Conclusions
4 Conjunction,coordination,and subordination
4.1 Causal and adversative conjunctions
4.2 And,or,and but
4.3 Conclusions
5 Conditionals
5.1 Conditionals in three domains
5.2 Real and apparent ambiguities between classes of conditionals
5.3 If as a topic marker
5.4 The even-if reading of conditionals
5.5 Conclusions
Appendix to section 5.1.3
6 Retrospect and prospect
Index of names
Subject index
1 Introduction
1.1 Past approaches and problems
1.2 Cognitively oriented recent work in semantics
1.3 Semantic change and polysemy patterns:metaphorical connections between semantic fields
2 Semantic structure and semantic change:English perception-verbs in an Indo-European context
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Mind-as-Body Metaphor
2.3 Sense-perception verbs in English and Indo-European
2.4 The structure of our metaphors of perception
2.5 Conclusions
3 Modality
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The root modals in English
3.3 Epistemic modality as an extension of root modahty
3.4 Speech-act verbs and speech-act modality
3.5 Conclusions
4 Conjunction,coordination,and subordination
4.1 Causal and adversative conjunctions
4.2 And,or,and but
4.3 Conclusions
5 Conditionals
5.1 Conditionals in three domains
5.2 Real and apparent ambiguities between classes of conditionals
5.3 If as a topic marker
5.4 The even-if reading of conditionals
5.5 Conclusions
Appendix to section 5.1.3
6 Retrospect and prospect
Index of names
Subject index
From Etymology to Pragmatics:Metaphorical and Cultural Aspects of Semantic Structure
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