Interpretation for business activities


作   者:黎振援,王黎明主编





  《商务活动口译》以学生毕业后即将承担的工作任务为主线,围绕这条主线引导学生首先寻找出自己目前实际水平与未来工作要求之间的差距,然后鼓励学生在老师的指导下根据自己对相关活动的知识缺口与技能缺口作相关补充,继而进行实战演练,通过课后自测练习加强巩固,最终达到培训目的。   本教材的适用对象是高职高专院校应用英语专业及相关专业的学生。


  Introduction of Project Performance
  Demonstration on Project Performance
  Project 1 Interpretation for Business Reception
   Module 1 Meeting and Seeing-off at the Airport
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 1
   口译活动的基本原则 Basic Principles in Interpretation
   Module Ⅱ Reception Banquet
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 2
   菜名翻译技巧 Techniques for Interpreting Chinese Dishes
   Module Ⅲ Entertainment & Recreational Activities
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 3
   景点解说词的翻译方法Suggested Ways to Introduce Scenic Spots
  Project 2 Interpretation for Commercial Exhibition
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 4
   临场应变技巧Skills on Flexibility of Interpretation
  Project 3 Interpretation for the Establishment of Business Relationship
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 5
   口译的笔记(Ⅰ) Note-taking in Interpreting (Ⅰ)
  Project 4 Interpretation of Price Haggling
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 6
   口译的笔记(Ⅱ) Note-taking in Interpretation (Ⅱ)
  Project 5 Interpretation of Payment Terms
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 7
   传统口译技巧 Classical Interpretation Techniques
  Project 6 Interpretation of Delivery Terms
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 8
   口译中动词时态的选用(Ⅰ) Selection of Tenses in Interpretation (Ⅰ)
  Project 7 Interpretation of Packing
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 9
   口译中动词时态的选用(Ⅱ) Selection of Tenses in Interpretation (Ⅱ)
  Project 8 Interpretation of Cargo Transport Insurance
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 10
   口译中动词虚拟语气的选用(Ⅰ) Subjtmctive Mood in Interpretation (Ⅰ)
  Project 9 Interpretation of Complaints and Claims
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 11
   口译中动词虚拟语气的选用(Ⅱ) Subjunctive Mood in Interpretation (Ⅱ)
  Project 10 Interpretation for Economic Cooperation
   Module Ⅰ Joint Venture
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Fonr Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 12
   多义词的口译 Interpretation of Polysemes
   Module Ⅱ Agency
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 13
   一词多译(Ⅰ) Word Choice in Interpretation (Ⅰ)
   Module Ⅲ Technology Transfer
   Task One Project Recognition
   Task Two Preparation of Related Expressions
   Task Three Tentative Interpretation of Related Expressions
   Task Four Preparation of Indispensable Knowledge
   Task Five Field Trials
   Task Six Self-test and Consolidation
   Interpretation Skill 14
   一词多译(Ⅱ) Word Choice in Interpretation (Ⅱ)
  Reference Key to Tasks



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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