Today I'm Alice: Nine Personalities, One Tortured Mind 今天我是爱丽丝
作 者:Alice Jamieson 著
When Alice was a teenager, strange things started happening to her. Hours of her life simply disappeared. She'd hear voices shouting at her, telling her she was useless. And the nightmares that had haunted her since early childhood, scenes of men abusing her, became more detailed ...more real. Staring at herself in the mirror she'd catch her face changing, as if someone else was looking out through her eyes. In "Today I'm Alice", she describes her extraordinary journey from a teenage girl battling anorexia and OCD, drowning the voices with alcohol, to a young woman slipping further and further into mental illness. It was only after years lost in institutions that she was correctly diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. When her alternative personalities were revealed in therapy she discovered how each one had their own memories of abuse and a full picture of her childhood finally emerged. As she learned to live with her many 'alters', she set out to confront the man who had caused her unbearable pain. Moving and ultimately inspiring, this is a gripping account of a rare condition, and the remarkable story of a courageous woman.
1 Fragments of Memory
2 Running and Starving
3 Four Faces
4 The Voices
5 Tricks of Time
6 First Love
7 Liverpool
8 Rape lO8
9 Where CanI Go?
10 Splitting
11 The Children
12 Opening the Closet
13 Human Touch
14 Shirley
15 Bedlam
16 Regression
17 Body Memories
18 Complex Multiples
19 Charlie
20 The Other Side
1 Fragments of Memory
2 Running and Starving
3 Four Faces
4 The Voices
5 Tricks of Time
6 First Love
7 Liverpool
8 Rape lO8
9 Where CanI Go?
10 Splitting
11 The Children
12 Opening the Closet
13 Human Touch
14 Shirley
15 Bedlam
16 Regression
17 Body Memories
18 Complex Multiples
19 Charlie
20 The Other Side
Today I'm Alice: Nine Personalities, One Tortured Mind 今天我是爱丽丝
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