如何成为一个现代化国家How to Become a Modernized Country--China Modernization Report Outlook 2001~2016


作   者:何传启





This book included seven papers on modernization researches and the overviews of 15 annual reports of China modernization Report(CMR) from 2001 to 2016.CMRs with different topics year by year ,focus on the systematics studies of the principles of world modernization, as well as the features and roads of China's modernization with a model of scientific,innovative,strategic and constructive approach.It covered 131 countries and 97% of world population,with the time span of 400 years(from 1700 to 2100),invovled modernization theories, level-relative modernization(world,international,nation,regional and urban modernization),filed-related modernization(economic,social,cultural and ecological modernization) and sector-related modernization(agricultural,Industrial and service modernization),and so on.(中译文:本书包括新现代化研究的7篇文章和《中国现代化报告》的15篇综述。前者关注理论研究,重点讨论世界现代化和国家发达的原理和方法。后者关注实证研究,重点分析中国走向现代化国家的路径和战略选择,是15部《中国现代化报告》的内容摘要。本书可供关心新现代化研究和中国现代化的专家学者和相关人士参考。)
Part one Civilization and Modernization: Facts and Theories

1. What’s Modernization in the 21st Century: A Chinese Version
2. An Epitome of World Modernization: A Chinese Case Study
3. Relationship Between Civilization and Modernization: A Theoretic Explain
4. Ten Theories of Modernization Studies: A Brief Interpretation
5. Three Paths Toward National Modernization: A Quantitative Analysis
6. Why Are Some Countries Developed and Others Not: Three Hypotheses
7. Who Are the Developed Countries: Based on the WMI

Part two China Modernization Reports:Overviews and Contents

8. CMR2001: Modernization and Evaluation
9. CMR2002: Knowledge Economy and Modernization
10. CMR2003: Modernization Theories and Prospect
11. CMR2004: Regional Modernization
12. CMR2005: Economic Modernization
13. CMR2006: Social Modernization
14. CMR2007: Ecological Modernization
15. CMR2008: International Modernization
16. CMR2009: Cultural Modernization
17. CMR2010: World Modernization Outline: 1700-2100
18. CMR2011: An Introduction to Modernization Science
19. CMR2012: Agricultural Modernization
20. CMR2013: Urban Modernization
21. CMR2014/15: Industrial Modernization
22. CMR2016: Service Modernization


Part one Civilization and Modernization: Facts and Theories

1. What’s Modernization in the 21st Century: A Chinese Version
2. An Epitome of World Modernization: A Chinese Case Study
3. Relationship Between Civilization and Modernization: A Theoretic Explain
4. Ten Theories of Modernization Studies: A Brief Interpretation
5. Three Paths Toward National Modernization: A Quantitative Analysis
6. Why Are Some Countries Developed and Others Not: Three Hypotheses
7. Who Are the Developed Countries: Based on the WMI

Part two China Modernization Reports:Overviews and Contents

8. CMR2001: Modernization and Evaluation
9. CMR2002: Knowledge Economy and Modernization
10. CMR2003: Modernization Theories and Prospect
11. CMR2004: Regional Modernization
12. CMR2005: Economic Modernization
13. CMR2006: Social Modernization
14. CMR2007: Ecological Modernization
15. CMR2008: International Modernization
16. CMR2009: Cultural Modernization
17. CMR2010: World Modernization Outline: 1700-2100
18. CMR2011: An Introduction to Modernization Science
19. CMR2012: Agricultural Modernization
20. CMR2013: Urban Modernization
21. CMR2014/15: Industrial Modernization
22. CMR2016: Service Modernization



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如何成为一个现代化国家How to Become a Modernized Country--China Modernization Report Outlook 2001~2016
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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