目 录
Chapter 1Basic Knowledge of Business English Letter Writing商务英语书信写作基础知识 1
Ⅰ. The Aim of Learning International BusinessEnglish 1
一、学习国际商务英语的目的 1
Ⅱ. The Keys of Learning Good Business English 1
二、学好商务英语的关键 2
Ⅲ. The Thirteen Trade Terms in InternationalTrade 2
三、国际贸易中的十三种贸易术语 2
Ⅳ. Structure of Business English Letters 3
四、商务英语书信的结构 3
Ⅴ. The Ways of Using the Writing Parts and TheirStandardized Designs 4
五、书信各部分的书写方法及标准设计 5
Chapter 2Business Writing and Envelope Addressing商务书信和书写信封 15
Ⅰ. The Seven Principles of Writing EnglishBusiness Letters 15
一、书写英语商务书信的七个原则 15
Ⅱ. The Styles of Business English Letters 17
二、商务英语书信的格式 17
Ⅲ. Ways of English Envelope addressing and TheirStandardized Designs 31
三、信封书写的方法及信封的标准设计 31
Ⅳ. The styles of EnglishEnvelope Addressing 32
四、信封书写的种类 32
Chapter 3Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系 36
Ⅰ. The Origin of Establishing Business Relations 36
一、建立业务关系的理由 36
Ⅱ. The Channels of Establishing BusinessRelations 36
二、建立业务关系的渠道 37
Ⅲ. Learning Some Situations before Communicatingwith the Customers 37
三、与客户沟通前熟悉情况 37
Ⅳ. Letter Examples 38
四、信件实例 38
Chapter 4Inquiry, Offer and Counter-offer询盘、报盘及还盘 52
Ⅰ. Inquiry 52
一、询盘 52
Ⅱ. Offer 56
二、报盘 56
Ⅲ. Non-firm Offer 60
三、虚盘 60
Ⅳ. Counter-offer 62
四、还盘 62
Ⅴ. Declining the Counter-offer 66
五、拒绝还盘 66
Chapter 5Placing Orders订货 70
Ⅰ. The General Procedures of TransactionNegotiatings 70
一、交易洽商的一般程序 70
Ⅱ. The Writing and the Requirements of theOrdering Letter 70
二、订货信的书写与要求 71
Ⅲ. Examples 71
三、实例 72
Chapter 6Letter of Credit信用证 83
Ⅰ. The Function of Letter of Credit 83
一、信用证的功能 83
Ⅱ. The Procedures of Payment Effecting by L/C 85
二、信用证的支付流程 85
Ⅲ. Some Main Contents of L/C 85
三、信用证的几个主要内容 86
Ⅳ. The Classification and the Kinds of L/Cs 86
四、信用证的分类和种类 87
Ⅴ. The L/C Checking 89
五、信用证的审核 89
Ⅵ. Granting Amendment to L/C 90
六、同意修改信用证 91
Ⅶ. Requesting Extension of L/C 92
七、请求展延信用证 92
Ⅷ. L/C Checking and L/C Amending 93
八、审证与改证 93
Chapter 7Shipment 装运 103
Ⅰ. International Goods Transportation and GoodsShipment 103
一、国际货物运输和装运 103
Ⅱ. Kinds of Transportation in International Trade 104
二、国际贸易运输的方式 104
Ⅲ. Urging the Delivery of the Goods 105
三、催交货物 105
Ⅳ. Shipping Advice 106
四、装船通知 106
Ⅴ. Booking Necessary Shipping Space in Advance 108
五、预订必需的舱位 108
Ⅵ. Shipment Packing and Shipping Marking 111
六、运输包装及运输唛头 111
Ⅶ. Non-delivery of the Metal Box Containing ToolKit and Accessories 113
七、装有全套工具及配套附件的金属箱提货不着 114
Chapter 8Payment Effecting付款 118
Ⅰ. The Ways of Payments 118
一、支付方法 118
Ⅱ. Urging Shipment 120
二、催促发货 120
Ⅲ. Asking for CashPayment 121
三、请求以现金付款 122
Ⅳ. Accepting the Installment Payments 123
四、同意以分期付款方式支付 123
Ⅴ. Negotiating Payment Documents 124
五、议付单证 125
Ⅵ. Asking for Deferring Payment 126
六、请求延期付款 126
Ⅶ. Some Deformations of FOB and CIF Terms 128
七、FOB 及CIF 的术语变形 129
Chapter 9Insurance保险 134
Ⅰ. Cargo Insurance for Ocean Marine Transportation 135
一、海洋运输货物保险 135
Ⅱ. General Additional Insurance 135
二、一般附加险 136
Ⅲ. Special Additional Insurance 136
三、特殊附加险 137
Ⅳ. Inquiring about Insurance Information 137
四、咨询保险信息 137
Ⅴ. Answering to the Inquiry about InsuranceInformation 138
五、对保险信息的咨询进行回复 139
Ⅵ. Offering Insurance Coverage 140
六、提供保险服务 140
Ⅶ. Claiming on Poor Quality 142
七、提出质量索赔 142
Ⅷ. Settling the Claim 143
八、理赔 144
Chapter 10International Tendering国际招标 148
Ⅰ. The Processes of Tendering 148
一、招标的流程 149
Ⅱ. The Ways of Tendering 149
二、招标方式 150
Ⅲ. Calling for Tenders 151
三、招标 151
Ⅳ. Sending theApplication for Bidding 153
四、投标申请书 153
Ⅴ. Accepting the Tender 154
五、通知中标 155
Ⅵ. Letter of Guarantee for Bid Bond 156
六、银行保函 156
Ⅶ. Qualification Document 157
七、资格文件 158
Chapter 11Invitation 邀请函 161
Ⅰ. Informing the Visiting Intention 163
一、通知访问意向 163
Ⅱ. Sending the Invitation Letter 164
二、寄送邀请函 164
Ⅲ. Sending the Delegation Composition List 164
三、寄送代表团成员名单 165
Ⅳ. Itineraries and Programs 行程表及项目 166
Ⅴ. Invitation Card 167
五、请柬 167
Chapter 12Resume and Job-application Form简历与求职表 172
Ⅰ. Resumes andJob-application Letters 173
一、简历与求职信 174
Ⅱ. A Resume Written in Items 177
二、分项书写的简历 178
Ⅲ. Hunting for a Provisional Job 179
三、寻找临时工作 180
Ⅳ. Hunting for a New Job 180
四、寻找新工作 181
Chapter 13E-mail, Fax, E-commerce and EDI 电子邮件、传真、电子商务及电子数据交换 186
Ⅰ. E-mail 186
一、电子邮件 186
Ⅱ. Fax 194
二、传真 194
Ⅲ. E-commerce and EDI 196
三、电子商务与电子数据交换 197
Chapter 14Specimens of Documents in International Trade外贸单证范例 201
Ⅰ. The Kinds of Foreign Trade Documents 201
一、外贸单证的分类 201
Ⅱ. The Document Making 202
二、制单 202
Ⅲ. Bill of Lading提单 203
Ⅳ. Insurance Policy (Certificate)保险单(凭证) 204
Ⅴ. Draft (Bill of Exchange) 汇票 206
Ⅵ. Certificate of Origin产地证明书 207
Ⅶ. Shipper Note托运单 208
Ⅷ. Invoice发票 212
Ⅸ. Packing List装箱单 213
Ⅹ. Commercial Invoice商业发票 214
Chapter 15Contract 合同 216
Ⅰ. The Concept of Contract 216
一、合同的概念 216
Ⅱ. The Contents of Contract 216
二、合同的内容 217
Ⅲ. The Requirements of Working out Contracts andthe Styles and Characteristics of Contract Language 217
三、拟订合同的要求以及合同语言的风格及特点 218
Ⅳ. The Main Kinds of Contracts主要的合同类型 221
Ⅴ. Kinds of Standard Contracts 222
五、标准合同的种类 223
Ⅵ. Preparing and Filling out Sales Contracts inEnglish 227
六、编制英文销售合同 227
Ⅶ. Contract for Processing with Supplied Materialsand Assembling with Supplied Parts 232
七、来料加工及来件装配合同 233
Ⅷ. Compensation Trade Contract 235
八、补偿贸易合同 238
Ⅸ. Exclusive Agency Agreement 240
九、独家代理协议 243
Ⅹ. Joint Venture Contract 246
十、合资企业合同 246
Chapter 16400 International Business English Sentences国际商务英语400句 265
一、学习目的 265
二、学习方法 265
附录1 历届外贸英语口语试题题型 305
附录2 历届外贸英语试题题型 307
附录3 历届外销员从业资格 311
外经贸英语试题题型 311
Keys to the Exercises 练习答案 315
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