Introductory course book of English and American literature.Volume one,English literature
作 者:张伯香,张文主编
《英美文学简明教程》(上册 英国文学 )(第2版)广泛比较了国内外现有同类教材,吸收了近几年国内外英国文学研究的最新成果,按照选取适合学生阅读又具代表性的常见作品为原则,并结合编者自己多年的教学和研究体会,以英国文学发展的历史为顺序,编选了各个历史时期主要作家的代表作品。在体裁上,注意了诗歌、小说、戏剧与散文的适当比例。每章的内容包括历史文化背景、作者简介、作品选读、注释和思考题等;与其他同类书相比,《英美文学简明教程》(上册 英国文学 )(第2版)扩大了入选作者,调整了选读作品,增加了学习思考题,从而使教材内容更加充实,语言叙述更加简明,选读作品的难度也相对降低,这将有利于学生的理解与掌握。本书为普通高等院校英语专业教材,也可供独立学院、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高等教育及社会上英语自学者学习使用。
Chapter 1 The Old and Medieval Period
1.1 An Introduction
1.2 Geoffrey Chaucer
1.3 Folk BalladsChapter 2 The Renaissance Period
2.1 An Introduction
2.2 Edmund Spenser
2.3 Christopher Marlowe
2.4 Walter Raleigh
2.5 William Shakespeare
2.6 Francis Bacon
2.7 John Donne
2.8 George Herbert
2.9 Andrew Marvell
2.10 Ben Jonson
2.11 Robert Herrick
2.12 John MiltonChapter 3 The Neoclassical Period
3.1 An Introduction
3.2 John Dryden
3.3 John Bunyan
3.4 Jonathan Swift
3.5 Alexander Pope
3.6 Daniel Defoe
3.7 Henry Fielding
3.8 Samuel Johnson
3.9 Thomas Gray
3.10 Robert Burns
3.11 William Blake
3.12 Richard Brinsley SheridanChapter 4 The Romantic Period
4.1 An Introduction
4.2 William Wordsworth
4.3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
4.4 George Gordon Byron
4.5 Percy Bysshe Shelley
4.6 John Keats
4.7 Jane AustenChapter 5 The Victorian Period
5.1 An Introduction
5.2 Charles Dickens
5.3 Alfred Tennyson
5.4 Robert Browning
5.5 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
5.6 Charlotte Bront?
5.7 Emily Bront?
5.8 Matthew Arnold
5.9 Gerard Manley Hopkins
5.1 0Thomas HardyChapter 6 The Modern Period
6.1 An Introduction
6.2 George Bernard Shaw
6.3 Alfred Edward Housman
6.4 John Galsworthy
6.5 William Butler Yeats
6.6 T. S. Eliot
6.7 James Joyce
6.8 D. H. Lawrence
6.9 William Golding
6.10 Samuel Beckett
6.11 Dylan Thomas
6.12 Ted Hughes
6.13 Seamus HeaneyAppendix ⅠSample Test Paper
Key (参考答案)
Appendix ⅡAcknowledgment 显示全部信息
1.1 An Introduction
1.2 Geoffrey Chaucer
1.3 Folk BalladsChapter 2 The Renaissance Period
2.1 An Introduction
2.2 Edmund Spenser
2.3 Christopher Marlowe
2.4 Walter Raleigh
2.5 William Shakespeare
2.6 Francis Bacon
2.7 John Donne
2.8 George Herbert
2.9 Andrew Marvell
2.10 Ben Jonson
2.11 Robert Herrick
2.12 John MiltonChapter 3 The Neoclassical Period
3.1 An Introduction
3.2 John Dryden
3.3 John Bunyan
3.4 Jonathan Swift
3.5 Alexander Pope
3.6 Daniel Defoe
3.7 Henry Fielding
3.8 Samuel Johnson
3.9 Thomas Gray
3.10 Robert Burns
3.11 William Blake
3.12 Richard Brinsley SheridanChapter 4 The Romantic Period
4.1 An Introduction
4.2 William Wordsworth
4.3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
4.4 George Gordon Byron
4.5 Percy Bysshe Shelley
4.6 John Keats
4.7 Jane AustenChapter 5 The Victorian Period
5.1 An Introduction
5.2 Charles Dickens
5.3 Alfred Tennyson
5.4 Robert Browning
5.5 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
5.6 Charlotte Bront?
5.7 Emily Bront?
5.8 Matthew Arnold
5.9 Gerard Manley Hopkins
5.1 0Thomas HardyChapter 6 The Modern Period
6.1 An Introduction
6.2 George Bernard Shaw
6.3 Alfred Edward Housman
6.4 John Galsworthy
6.5 William Butler Yeats
6.6 T. S. Eliot
6.7 James Joyce
6.8 D. H. Lawrence
6.9 William Golding
6.10 Samuel Beckett
6.11 Dylan Thomas
6.12 Ted Hughes
6.13 Seamus HeaneyAppendix ⅠSample Test Paper
Key (参考答案)
Appendix ⅡAcknowledgment 显示全部信息
Introductory course book of English and American literature.Volume one,English literature
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