Study of translation strategies in three chinese versions of gone with the wind from a skopos perspective
作 者:杜晓燕著
Chapter One Overview of Translation Studies
1.1 What Is Translation and Translation Studies
1.2 A Brief History of the Translation Studies
1.3 An Overview of Translation Theories
Chapter Two A Brief Introduction of Skopos Theory
2.1 The Definition of Skopos Theory
2.2 The History of Skopos Theory
2.3 Basic Concepts of Skopos Theory
2.3.1 Theory of Action
2.3.2 Skopos, Aim, Purpose, Intention and Function
2.3.3 Intertextual and Intratextual Coherence
2.3.4 Culture
2.3.5 Adequacy and Equivalence
2.4 The Basic Rules of Skopos Theory
2.5 Merits, Discussions and Limitations of Skopos Theory
2.5.1 Merits
2.5.2 Discussions
2.5.3 Limitations
2.6 Skopos Theory and Literary Translation
2.6.1 Actional Aspects of Literary Communication
2.6.2 Literary Communication Across Cultural Barriers
2.6.3 Skopos and Assignment in Literary Translation
Chapter Three A Brief Introduction of Gone,with the Wind and
Its Three Chinese Versions as well as the Skepes
of the Author and the Translators
3.1 An Introduction of Gone with the Wind
3.1.1 The Author
3.1.2 The Author's Writing Intention
3.1.3 The Novel
3.2 An Introduction of the Three Chinese Versions of
Gone with the Wind
3.2.1 Fu Donghua and ,His Translation Skopos
3.2.2 Chen Liangting and His'Translation Skopos
3.2.3 Li Meihua and Her TranSlation Skopos
Chapter Four A Comparative Study of the Translating Strate-gies of the Three Versions from the Perspective
of Skopos Theory
4.1 General Description of Different Translating Strate-
gies Adopted by the Three Versions to Realize the
Principles of Skopos
4.1.1 Fu Donghua's Translation Strategies
4.1.2 Chen Liangting's Translation Strategies
4.1.3 Li Meihua's Translation Strategies
4.2 Strategies Adopted to Facilitate Intended Readers'
Comprehension of Gone with the Wind
4.2.1 Translation of Universe of Discourse on the Lexical Level
4.2.2 The Domestication or Foreignization of Certain
Sentence Structures on the Syntax Level
4.2.3 Translation of Metaphors and Simi!es on the Rhetorical Level
4.2.4 Addition and Deletion of Information
4.3 Strategies Adopted to Eacilitate Readers' Aesthetic Acceptance
4.4 Strategies Adopted to Realize the Principle of Loyalty
4.4.1 Translators' Fulfillment of Responsibility for the Source Text Sender
4.4.2 Translators' Fulfillment of Responsibility for the Target Readers
Chapter Five Conclusion
Chapter One Overview of Translation Studies
1.1 What Is Translation and Translation Studies
1.2 A Brief History of the Translation Studies
1.3 An Overview of Translation Theories
Chapter Two A Brief Introduction of Skopos Theory
2.1 The Definition of Skopos Theory
2.2 The History of Skopos Theory
2.3 Basic Concepts of Skopos Theory
2.3.1 Theory of Action
2.3.2 Skopos, Aim, Purpose, Intention and Function
2.3.3 Intertextual and Intratextual Coherence
2.3.4 Culture
2.3.5 Adequacy and Equivalence
2.4 The Basic Rules of Skopos Theory
2.5 Merits, Discussions and Limitations of Skopos Theory
2.5.1 Merits
2.5.2 Discussions
2.5.3 Limitations
2.6 Skopos Theory and Literary Translation
2.6.1 Actional Aspects of Literary Communication
2.6.2 Literary Communication Across Cultural Barriers
2.6.3 Skopos and Assignment in Literary Translation
Chapter Three A Brief Introduction of Gone,with the Wind and
Its Three Chinese Versions as well as the Skepes
of the Author and the Translators
3.1 An Introduction of Gone with the Wind
3.1.1 The Author
3.1.2 The Author's Writing Intention
3.1.3 The Novel
3.2 An Introduction of the Three Chinese Versions of
Gone with the Wind
3.2.1 Fu Donghua and ,His Translation Skopos
3.2.2 Chen Liangting and His'Translation Skopos
3.2.3 Li Meihua and Her TranSlation Skopos
Chapter Four A Comparative Study of the Translating Strate-gies of the Three Versions from the Perspective
of Skopos Theory
4.1 General Description of Different Translating Strate-
gies Adopted by the Three Versions to Realize the
Principles of Skopos
4.1.1 Fu Donghua's Translation Strategies
4.1.2 Chen Liangting's Translation Strategies
4.1.3 Li Meihua's Translation Strategies
4.2 Strategies Adopted to Facilitate Intended Readers'
Comprehension of Gone with the Wind
4.2.1 Translation of Universe of Discourse on the Lexical Level
4.2.2 The Domestication or Foreignization of Certain
Sentence Structures on the Syntax Level
4.2.3 Translation of Metaphors and Simi!es on the Rhetorical Level
4.2.4 Addition and Deletion of Information
4.3 Strategies Adopted to Eacilitate Readers' Aesthetic Acceptance
4.4 Strategies Adopted to Realize the Principle of Loyalty
4.4.1 Translators' Fulfillment of Responsibility for the Source Text Sender
4.4.2 Translators' Fulfillment of Responsibility for the Target Readers
Chapter Five Conclusion
Study of translation strategies in three chinese versions of gone with the wind from a skopos perspective
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