Unit 1
Text A-1 Alone in the Arctic Cold
Text A-2 Memories of Afghanistan
Text B-1 The Conquest of Mt.Jolmo Lungma
Text B-2 Buzz-bombs and Doodlebugs
Unit 2
Text A-1 Atomic Cars
Text A-2 Improving Industrial Efficiency Through Robotics
Text B-1 Maglev: A New Generation in Railroad Technology
Text B-2 Letters: Obsolete Technology
Unit 3.
Text A-1 The Job Hunt: How to Start a Succesful Career
Text A-2 A Tale of a Succesful Student Job Seeker
Text B-1 What Makes a Good Job?
Text B-2 The Kind of Work Daddy Does
Unit 4
Text A-1 Is the World Flat?
Text A-2 The World Isn't Flat - It's Networked
Text B-1 TheJeaning of America and the World
Text B-2 Americans and Food
Unit 5
Text A-1 Fast-Food Nation: Meat and Potatoes
Text A-2 Doggie Bags
Text B-1 Ad Nation
Text B-2 It's All at the Mall
Unit 6
Text A-1 Ka rosh i
Text A-2 The Ctilture of"Lead Time"
Text B-1 Pace of Life
Text B-2 The Impact of Time
Unit 7
Text A-1 Looking Back at 9/11
Text A-2 My Memories of September 11, 2001
Text B-1 The Worst Scare of My Life
Text B-2 Take Care, America
Unit 8
Text A-1 Grand Canyon Crowding
Text A-2 Ecotourism
Text B-1 Working Your Way Around the World
Text B-2 Jones Beach
Key to Comprehension Exercises
Text A-1 Alone in the Arctic Cold
Text A-2 Memories of Afghanistan
Text B-1 The Conquest of Mt.Jolmo Lungma
Text B-2 Buzz-bombs and Doodlebugs
Unit 2
Text A-1 Atomic Cars
Text A-2 Improving Industrial Efficiency Through Robotics
Text B-1 Maglev: A New Generation in Railroad Technology
Text B-2 Letters: Obsolete Technology
Unit 3.
Text A-1 The Job Hunt: How to Start a Succesful Career
Text A-2 A Tale of a Succesful Student Job Seeker
Text B-1 What Makes a Good Job?
Text B-2 The Kind of Work Daddy Does
Unit 4
Text A-1 Is the World Flat?
Text A-2 The World Isn't Flat - It's Networked
Text B-1 TheJeaning of America and the World
Text B-2 Americans and Food
Unit 5
Text A-1 Fast-Food Nation: Meat and Potatoes
Text A-2 Doggie Bags
Text B-1 Ad Nation
Text B-2 It's All at the Mall
Unit 6
Text A-1 Ka rosh i
Text A-2 The Ctilture of"Lead Time"
Text B-1 Pace of Life
Text B-2 The Impact of Time
Unit 7
Text A-1 Looking Back at 9/11
Text A-2 My Memories of September 11, 2001
Text B-1 The Worst Scare of My Life
Text B-2 Take Care, America
Unit 8
Text A-1 Grand Canyon Crowding
Text A-2 Ecotourism
Text B-1 Working Your Way Around the World
Text B-2 Jones Beach
Key to Comprehension Exercises
New college English (second edition) fast reading.4
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