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An unjustly imprisoned convict seeks a strange and startling revenge ... a teenager becomes both the puppet and the puppet master of evil ... four rambunctious young boys plunge through the facade of a small town and come face-to-face with life, death, and intimations of their own mortality ... a disgraced woman is determined to triumph over dea...   more 籺h. These are your guides to the ultimate in fascination as Stephen King shows the horror that lurks within us all. Amazon.com Review Different Seasons (1982) is a collection of four novellas, markedly different in tone and subject, each on the theme of a journey. The first is a rich, satisfying, nonhorrific tale about an innocent man who carefully nurtures hope and devises a wily scheme to escape from prison. The second concerns a boy who discards his innocence by enticing an old man to travel with him into a reawakening of long-buried evil. In the third story, a writer looks back on the trek he took with three friends on the brink of adolescence to find another boy's corpse. The trip becomes a character-rich rite of passage from youth to maturity. These first three novellas have been made into well-received movies: "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" into Frank Darabont's 1994 The Shawshank Redemption (available as a screenplay, a DVD film, and an audiocassette), "Apt Pupil" into Bryan Singer's 1998 film Apt Pupil (also released in 1998 on audiocassette), and "The Body" into Rob Reiner's Stand by Me (1986). The final novella, "Breathing Lessons," is a horror yarn told by a doctor, about a patient whose indomitable spirit keeps her baby alive under extraordinary circumstances. It's the tightest, most polished tale in the collection. --Fiona Webster   ?less


Hope springs eternal : Rita Hayworth and Shawshank redemption
Summer of corruption : Apt pupil
Fall from innocence : The body
A winter's tale : The breathing method.



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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