This text provides the physical therapist with the information they need to know about specific orthopedic surgeries and the rehabilitation techniques. Each chapter presents the indications and considerations for surgery; a detailed look at the surgical procedure, including the surgeon's perspective regarding rehabilitation concerns; and therapy guidelines to use in designing the rehabilitation program. In addition to including descriptions of each surgery, this book provides rehabilitation protocols for each surgery along with ways to trouble shoot within various patient populations (i.e. geriatric, athletic, pediatric, etc.). Unlike the more general orthopedic books, this book provides specific clinical information about individual orthopedic surgeries along with a chapter on soft tissue healing.
Each chapter is written by an MD and PT or OT providing both surgical and rehabilitation information. Includes the latest, evidence-based therapy guidelines to help therapists design the most effective rehab programs for their patients. Every chapter includes case study vignettes with critical thinking questions to encourage students to use clinical reasoning. Provides detailed tables that break down therapy guidelines with rehab phases to give a quick resource to rehabilitation and therapy plans. Includes the indications and considerations of specific surgical procedures to demonstrate why surgery should or should not be considered. Describes surgeries in detail to give therapists a clear understanding of the surgical procedures used for various injuries and disorders so they can fashion the appropriate rehabilitation program. Includes coverage of commonly accepted therapy guidelines to allow therapists to design a home therapy program as well as what's needed immediately post surgery. Suggested Home Maintenance boxes, included in every chapter, provide guidance for the patient once they return home. Emphasizes the unique needs of the individual patient with suggested home maintenance guidelines and the entire treatment plan broken out by phase for every chapter. Over 300 photos and line drawings provide invaluable teaching tools for instructors and references to the practitioners. Content provided by well-known contributors from around the country.
Four new chapters: Pathogenesis of Soft Tissue and Bone Repair, Total Shoulder Replacement, Surgery and Rehabilitation for Primary Flexor Tendon Repair in the Digit, and Cervical Spine Fusion. Includes new information within the appendices on transitioning the running and jumping athlete (e.g. basketball player) back to court and the mini invasive anterior approach to total hip replacement. New authors and editors bring fresh perspective to the topics covered in the text. Each chapter is thoroughly revised with the most current information available on orthopedic surgeries and therapy. Evaluations and guidelines are designed more specifically to the surgical diagnoses for the postsurgical patient. Companion CD-ROM includes the suggested home maintenance boxes in a printable and editable form as well as anatomical and surgical animations on important procedures and anatomical areas.
Table Of Contents:
Pathogenesis of soft tissue and bone repair 3(16)
Boris A. Zelle
Kurt R. Weiss
Freddie H. Fu
Soft tissue healing considerations after surgery 19(12)
Robert I. Cantu
Jason A. Steffe
Acromioplasty 31(16)
Mark R. Phillips
Steven R. Tippett
Anterior capsular reconstruction 47(18)
Frank W. Jobe
Diane R. Schwab
Clive E. Brewster
Rotator cuff repair and rehabilitation 65(28)
Mark Ghilarducci
Lisa Maxey
Superior labral anterior posterior repair (SLAP repair) 93(20)
Timothy F. Tyler
Craig Zeman
Total shoulder arthroplasty 113(26)
Chris A. Sebelski
Carlos A. Guanche
Tennis elbow: Extensor brevis release and lateral epicondylectomy 139(12)
James H. Calandruccio
Douglas N. Calhoun
Kelly Akin Kaye
Kristen Griffith Lowrance
Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament with ulnar nerve transposition 151(18)
Kevin E. Wilk
Michael M. Reinold
Mark T. Bastan
Wendy J. Hurd
James R. Andrews
Surgery and rehabilitation for primary flexor tendon repair in the digit 169(20)
Linda J. Klein
Curtis A. Crimmins
Carpal tunnel syndrome 189(20)
David Girard
Benjamin Maser
Christina M. Clark
Part 3 SPINE
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion 209(28)
Erica V. Pablo
Ben B. Pradhan
Derrick G. Sueki
Rick B. Delamarter
Jason T. Huffman
Posterior lumbar microscopic discectomy and rehabilitation 237(34)
Haideh V. Plock
Ben B. Pradhan
Rick B. Delamarter
David Pakozdi
Lumbar spine fusion 271(22)
Haideh V. Plock
Jessie Scott
Paul Slosar
Authur White
Total hip arthroplasty 293(16)
Edward Pratt
Patricia A. Gray
Open reduction and internal fixation of the hip 309(16)
Edward Pratt
Patricia A. Gray
Mayra Saborio Amiran
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 325(26)
Jim Magnusson
Luga Podesta
Terry Gillette
Arthroscopic lateral retinaculum release 351(16)
Daniel A. Farwell
Andrew A. Brooks
Meniscectomy and meniscal repair 367(14)
Terry Gillette
Andrew A. Brooks
Patella Open reduction and internal fixation 381(18)
Daniel A Farwell
Craig Zeman
Total knee arthroplasty 399(2)
Nora P. Cacanindin
Julie Wong
Michael D. Ries
Lateral ligament repair 401(32)
Robert Donatelli
Will Hall
Brian E. Prell
Richard D. Ferkel
Open reduction and internal fixation of the ankle 433(14)
Robert Donatelli
Will Hall
Brian E. Prell
Richard D. Ferkel
Ankle arthroscopy 447(14)
Deborah Mandis Cozen
Richard D. Ferkel
Lisa Maxey
Achilles tendon repair 461(28)
James E. Zachazewski
Jane Gruber
Eric Giza
Bert R. Mandelbaum
Appendix A
Transitioning the throwing athlete back to the field 489(24)
Luga Podesta
Appendix B
Transitioning the jumping athlete back to the court 513(12)
Christine M. Prelaz
Appendix C
New approaches in total hip replacement: The anterior approach for mini-invasive total hip arthroplasty 525(6)
Joel M. Matta
Index 531
Pathogenesis of soft tissue and bone repair 3(16)
Boris A. Zelle
Kurt R. Weiss
Freddie H. Fu
Soft tissue healing considerations after surgery 19(12)
Robert I. Cantu
Jason A. Steffe
Acromioplasty 31(16)
Mark R. Phillips
Steven R. Tippett
Anterior capsular reconstruction 47(18)
Frank W. Jobe
Diane R. Schwab
Clive E. Brewster
Rotator cuff repair and rehabilitation 65(28)
Mark Ghilarducci
Lisa Maxey
Superior labral anterior posterior repair (SLAP repair) 93(20)
Timothy F. Tyler
Craig Zeman
Total shoulder arthroplasty 113(26)
Chris A. Sebelski
Carlos A. Guanche
Tennis elbow: Extensor brevis release and lateral epicondylectomy 139(12)
James H. Calandruccio
Douglas N. Calhoun
Kelly Akin Kaye
Kristen Griffith Lowrance
Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament with ulnar nerve transposition 151(18)
Kevin E. Wilk
Michael M. Reinold
Mark T. Bastan
Wendy J. Hurd
James R. Andrews
Surgery and rehabilitation for primary flexor tendon repair in the digit 169(20)
Linda J. Klein
Curtis A. Crimmins
Carpal tunnel syndrome 189(20)
David Girard
Benjamin Maser
Christina M. Clark
Part 3 SPINE
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion 209(28)
Erica V. Pablo
Ben B. Pradhan
Derrick G. Sueki
Rick B. Delamarter
Jason T. Huffman
Posterior lumbar microscopic discectomy and rehabilitation 237(34)
Haideh V. Plock
Ben B. Pradhan
Rick B. Delamarter
David Pakozdi
Lumbar spine fusion 271(22)
Haideh V. Plock
Jessie Scott
Paul Slosar
Authur White
Total hip arthroplasty 293(16)
Edward Pratt
Patricia A. Gray
Open reduction and internal fixation of the hip 309(16)
Edward Pratt
Patricia A. Gray
Mayra Saborio Amiran
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 325(26)
Jim Magnusson
Luga Podesta
Terry Gillette
Arthroscopic lateral retinaculum release 351(16)
Daniel A. Farwell
Andrew A. Brooks
Meniscectomy and meniscal repair 367(14)
Terry Gillette
Andrew A. Brooks
Patella Open reduction and internal fixation 381(18)
Daniel A Farwell
Craig Zeman
Total knee arthroplasty 399(2)
Nora P. Cacanindin
Julie Wong
Michael D. Ries
Lateral ligament repair 401(32)
Robert Donatelli
Will Hall
Brian E. Prell
Richard D. Ferkel
Open reduction and internal fixation of the ankle 433(14)
Robert Donatelli
Will Hall
Brian E. Prell
Richard D. Ferkel
Ankle arthroscopy 447(14)
Deborah Mandis Cozen
Richard D. Ferkel
Lisa Maxey
Achilles tendon repair 461(28)
James E. Zachazewski
Jane Gruber
Eric Giza
Bert R. Mandelbaum
Appendix A
Transitioning the throwing athlete back to the field 489(24)
Luga Podesta
Appendix B
Transitioning the jumping athlete back to the court 513(12)
Christine M. Prelaz
Appendix C
New approaches in total hip replacement: The anterior approach for mini-invasive total hip arthroplasty 525(6)
Joel M. Matta
Index 531
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