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  Gray's Clinical Neuroanatomy focuses on how knowing functional neuroanatomy is essential for a solid neurologic background for patient care in neurology. Elliot Mancall, David Brock, Susan Standring and Alan Crossman present the authoritative guidance of Gray's Anatomy along with 100 clinical cases to highlight the relevance of anatomical knowledge in this body area and illustrate the principles of localization.       Master complex, detailed, and difficult areas of anatomy with confidence. View illustrations from Gray's Anatomy and radiographs that depict this body area in thorough anatomical detail. Apply the principles of localization thanks to 100 brief case studies that highlight key clinical conditions. Tap into the anatomical authority of Gray's Anatomy for high quality information from a name you trust. Presents the guidance and expertise of a high profile team of authors and top clinical and academic contributors.  


Front cover 1
Gray's Clinical Neuroanatomy 2
Copyright page 5
Dedication 6
Contributors 8
Preface 10
Acknowledgments 12
Table of contents 14
Chapter 1: Overview of the Organization of the Nervous System 18
Central Nervous System 18
Peripheral Nervous System 23
References 25
Chapter 2: Overview of the Microstructure of the Nervous System 26
Neurones 26
Central Glia 32
Peripheral Nerves 37
Ganglia 40
Sensory Endings (Fig. 2.24) 41
Neuromuscular Junctions 45
CNS\u2013PNS Transition Zone 45
References 46
Chapter 3: Development of the Nervous System 48
Neurulation 48
Neural Crest 49
Ectodermal Placodes 51
Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis Cerebri) 53
Neuroglia 54
Mechanisms of Neural Development 55
Peripheral Nervous System 58
Central Nervous System 61
Development of the Eye 78
Development of the Ear 81
References 83
Chapter 4: Cranial Meninges 84
Dura Mater 84
Arachnoid Mater 92
Pia Mater 94
References 96
Chapter 5: Ventricular System and Cerebrospinal Fluid 98
Topography and Relations of the Ventricular System 98
Choroid Plexus and Cerebrospinal Fluid 101
References 106
Chapter 6: Vascular Supply of the Brain and Spinal Cord 108
Arterial Supply of the Brain 108
Venous Drainage of the Brain 116
References 123
Chapter 7: Spinal Column 126
Spinal Cord and Its Coverings 126
Clinical Examination 126
Clinical Procedures 126
Vertebral Column 127
References 131
Chapter 8: Spinal Cord and Nerve Roots 132
Topographical Anatomy of the Spinal Cord 132
Spinal Cord (Medulla) 132
Dorsal and Ventral Roots 132
Meninges 133
Spinal Nerves 137
Dermatomes 140
Internal Organization 141
Spinal Cord Injury and Vertebral Column Injury 159
Lesions of the Spinal Roots, Nerves and Ganglia 159
References 162
Chapter 9: Skull 166
Inferior (Basal) Surface 166
Cranial Fossae 168
References 170
Chapter 10: Brain Stem 172
Overview of Cranial Nerves and Cranial Nerve Nuclei 172
Medulla Oblongata 172
Pons 182
Midbrain 189
Brain Stem Reticular Formation 193
Brain Stem Lesions 197
References 198
Chapter 11: Cranial Nerves 200
Olfactory Nerve (I) 200
Optic Nerve (II) 200
Oculomotor Nerve (III) 200
Trochlear Nerve (IV) 202
Trigeminal Nerve (V) 202
Abducens Nerve (VI) 209
Facial Nerve (VII) 209
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII) 213
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX) 215
Vagus Nerve (X) 218
Accessory Nerve (XI) 221
Hypoglossal Nerve (XII) 221
References 222
Chapter 12: Special Senses 224
Olfaction 224
Vision 224
Taste 238
Hearing 238
Balance 239
References 240
Chapter 13: Cerebellum 244
External Features and Relations 244
Internal Structure 245
Cerebellar Functions 257
Cerebellar Dysfunction 258
References 259
Chapter 14: Basal Ganglia 262
Striatum 262
Globus Pallidus 268
Substantia Nigra 269
Subthalamic Nucleus 271
Pathophysiology of Basal Ganglia Disorders 271
References 275
Chapter 15: Diencephalon 276
Thalamus 276
Hypothalamus 282
Subthalamus 290
Epithalamus 291
References 293
Chapter 16: Cerebral Hemispheres 294
Gyri, Sulci, and Lobes 294
Cerebral Cortex 297
White Matter of Cerebral Hemisphere 319
References 327
Chapter 17: Cervical Plexus 330
Lesser Occipital Nerve 330
Great Auricular Nerve 330
Transverse Cutaneous (Cervical) Nerve of the Neck 330
Supraclavicular Nerves 330
Deep Branches\u2014Medial Series 330
Deep Branches\u2014Lateral Series 332
References 332
Chapter 18: Brachial Plexus 334
Overview of the Brachial Plexus 334
Overview of the Principal Nerves 334
Muscle Innvervation and Function 336
Determination of A Lesion\u2019s Location 336
Brachial Plexus and Nerves of the Shoulder 337
Nerves of the Upper Arm and Elbow 344
Nerves of the Forearm 348
Nerves of the Wrist and Hand 352
Autonomic Innervation 356
Special Functions of the Hand 357
References 360
Chapter 19: Chest and Abdominal Wall 362
Thoracic Ventral Spinal Rami 362
Thoracic Dorsal Spinal Rami 364
Lesions of the Intercostal Nerves 364
Chapter 20: Lumbar Plexus and Sacral Plexus 366
Overview of the Plexuses 366
Overview of the Principal Nerves of the Lower Limb (Figs 20.1, 20.2) 366
Lumbar Plexus 367
Sacral Plexus 374
Innervation of the Foot 379
Innervation of the Pelvis 380
Innervation of the Perineum 380
Lumbar Sympathetic System 381
Lumbar Parasympathetic System 381
Chapter 21: Autonomic Nervous System 382
Sympathetic Nervous System 382
Parasympathetic Nervous System 386
Enteric Nervous System 388
Visceral Afferent Pathways 388
References 389
Chapter 22: Neuromuscular Junction 392
Skeletal Muscle 392
Conduction of the Nervous Impulse 392
References 395
Chapter 23: Muscle 396
Classification of Muscle 396
Skeletal Muscle 396
References 407
Index 408



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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