

作   者:王舒葳著





本书完全适用于全国各项口语能力测验! ·全国首创“表例式英语会话速查表”不仅可救急,还可方便对照记忆! ·老外说的英语,学校老师竟然没有教!《英语会话王》教你和老外打交道! ·《英语会话王》完全收录各种场合,状况之会话技巧,让你轻松应答如流! ·《英语会话王》之“会话急救包”,帮你在出国前三天,临时抱佛脚。 ·《英语会话王》之“同义词句”和“进阶用语”,帮你就口又时髦,又漂亮的英语! ·不了解西方文化,如何进行英语会话? ·“文化小常识”帮助你拉近和老外谈话间的距离! ·上网聊天,写E-mail必备参考工具书! 老外最常打招呼的用语不是How are you?你知道吗? 在谈话时,哪些问题不能问,你知道吗? 老外说的英语,学校老师竟然没有教!你知道吗? 中国人用“吃饭没?”当做谈话的开始,那老外呢?你知道吗? 很多人认为学好英语会话是件容易的事,的确,如果能把你独自丢在国外半年,你也可以轻松开口说英语,因为你会有个自然的学习环境,为了求生存,逼迫你去听,去开口说。 “但是在非英语国家,要说口漂亮的英语,真的很难!” 不是学过英文的人都能进行漂亮的英语会话,鸡同鸭讲,答非所问是一般最常见的问题,虽然乱说一通,老外也能猜出你在说什么,就像是老外说汉语,虽然好笑,但我们也可以了解他们的意思,重点是,老外说汉语,我们能清楚了解吗?他们有哪些文化禁忌,是千万触碰不得的?这些你都知道吗? 所以在你还没看过《英语会话王》之前,你还有勇气开口说英语吗?你确定你说的是地道的英语吗?这不是危言耸听,只要你继续翻阅《英语会话王》,你就能了解,为什么我们敢这么说。 《英语会话王》共经10位以上的英语系国家老师共同编审,保证是最地道、最流行的英语会话,而全国首创的“表列式英语会话速查表”,不仅可以救急,还可以方便对照记忆! 《英语会话王》完全收录各种场合,各种状况之会话技巧,让你可以轻松的应答如流,说口漂亮的英语,《英语会话王》也是上网聊天,写E-mail,必备的参考工具书! 《英语会话王》特别针对非英语国家的朋友设计了“文化小常识”,帮助脸拉近和老外谈话间的距离,不了解西方文化,如何说好英语会话呢? 如果你想参加口语考试,《英语会话王》完全适用于全车各种初/中级之听力测验,口语能力测验! 相信看到这里,你应该对《英语会话王》有初步的认识,现在就让我们带着《英语会话王》,绕着地球跑!


communication strategies

conversation basics.

section 1 meeting someone for the first time

section 2 ending a conversation

section 3 starting a conversation with someone you know

section 4 showing understanding

section 5 making sure you understand

section 6 double checking

section 7 asking for clarification

section 8 checking if someone understands what you are saying

section 9 keeping a conversation going

communication techniques

section 1 changing subject

section 2 asking and answering questions

section 3 making requests

section 4 getting someone's attention

section 5 interrupting

section 6 including others in a conversation

section 7 offering help

section 8 asking permission

.section 9 making suggestions

stating opinions

section 1 giving opinions

section 2 offering views and comments

section 3 agreeing (1)

section 4 agreeing (2)

section 5 disagreeing (1)

section 6 disagreeing (2)

section 7 disagreeing (3)

section 8 stating intentions or plans

section 9 giving reasons

section 10 describing things

describing moods and feelings

section 1 offering compliments—informal

section 2 offering compliments—formal

section 3 expressing joy or satisfaction

section 4 showing amazement

section 5 expressing irritation

section 6 expressing disappointment

section 7 comforting someone

section 8 complaining

section 9 apologizing and forgiving

section 10 expressing gratitude

daily life expressions

getting to know people

section 1 introductions—informal

section 2 introductions—formal(1)

section 3 introductions—formal(2)

section 4 asking about someone else

section 5 inviting

section 6 arranging an appointment

section 7 small talk—asking someone's nationality

section 8 small talk—showing concern

section 9 small talk—talking about the weather

making small talk..

section 1 talking about yourself

section 2 talking about work

section 3 talking about hobbies

section 4 talking about the weekend

section 5 talking about exercise

section 6 talking about tv programs

section 7 talking about favorite things

at work

section 1 before the job interview

section 2 the job interview

section 3 talking about your job

section 4 asking for help from colleagues

section 5 offering help to colleagues

section 6 making appointments

section 7 asking about someone's job

on the phone

section 1 informal phone call: at home

section 2 formal phone call: at the office

section 3 taking messages

section 4 keeping people on hold

section 5 communication problems on the phone

section 6 dialing the wrong number!

section 7 dealing with customer complaints

talking about taiwan

section 1 places to visit

section 2 people

section 3 customs

section 4 cost of living

section 5 geography

section 6 economy

section 7 night markets

section 8 entertainment

going abroad

section 1 booking a flight

section 2 checking in

section 3 on the plane(1)—serving the meal

section 4 on the plane(2)—not feeling well

section 5 going through immigration

section 6 at the intormation desk

section 7 checking in

section 8 asking for information

section 9 booking train tickets

section 10 dealing with emergency

section 11 checking out


section 1 going out for dinner

section 2 choosing a restaurant

section 3 selecting a table

section 4 ordering food and drinks

section 5 asking about the menu

section 6 paying the check

section 7 tipping

section 8 at a fast food restaurant

going shopping

section 1 asking for directions(1)

section 2 asking for directions(2)

section 3 getting lost

section 4 at the information desk

section 5 checking on availability

section 6 asking about products

section 7 trying things on

section 8 at the check out

section 9 haggling

section 10 complaining...



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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