unit 1 .
how to greet people
how to make introductions
unit 2
how to start a conversation
how to ask for information
unit 3
how to ask directions
how to give directions
unit 4
how to make a date
how to ask for permission
unit 5
how to talk about likes and dislikes
how to show agreement and disagreement
unit 6
how to ask for help
how to offer help
unit 7
how to make suggestions
.how to give advice
unit 8
how to complain
how to persuade
unit 9
oral practice
unit 10
how to apologize ..
how to forgive
unit 11
how to give instructions
how to talk about similarities and differences
unit 12
how to talk about past events
how to ask for a description
unit 13
how to describe things
how to describe places
unit 14
how to talk about the future
how to talk about possibilities
unit 15
how to describe people
how to make clarifications
unit 16
how to ask personal questions
how to talk about personal interests
unit 17
how to express your opinions
how to make farewells
unit 18
oral practice ...
how to greet people
how to make introductions
unit 2
how to start a conversation
how to ask for information
unit 3
how to ask directions
how to give directions
unit 4
how to make a date
how to ask for permission
unit 5
how to talk about likes and dislikes
how to show agreement and disagreement
unit 6
how to ask for help
how to offer help
unit 7
how to make suggestions
.how to give advice
unit 8
how to complain
how to persuade
unit 9
oral practice
unit 10
how to apologize ..
how to forgive
unit 11
how to give instructions
how to talk about similarities and differences
unit 12
how to talk about past events
how to ask for a description
unit 13
how to describe things
how to describe places
unit 14
how to talk about the future
how to talk about possibilities
unit 15
how to describe people
how to make clarifications
unit 16
how to ask personal questions
how to talk about personal interests
unit 17
how to express your opinions
how to make farewells
unit 18
oral practice ...
Learn to talk
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