中国精准脱贫100例:100 cases of precise poverty alleviation in China
Business Investment and Production Development
- Gratifying Changes in the Initial Place of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation
- Integrating the Targeted Poverty Alleviation into the Whole Process of Poverty Alleviation Through Creating New Businesses
- Combining Long-term and Short-term Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policies for a Steady Increase of Income
- Implementing the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Through Order Plus Technology
- Adopting Land Trusteeship to Solve the Problem of Unprofitable Farming
- Poverty-Alleviation Workshop in Front of the Door: A Happy Family for People's Employment and Enrichment
- Building an Industrial Chain of Characteristic Agricultural Products to Help Alleviate Poverty
- Overall Planning and Promoting Changes in Agricultural Production Mode
- Gathering Strength from Cooperatives to Companies for Poverty Alleviation
- Innovating Breeding Modes to Promote
Poverty Alleviation and Prosperity
- Farmer Field School: A New Model for Poverty Alleviation
- Entrepreneurship Counseling and Promoting the Level of Specialized Poverty Alleviation
- "Industrial Village Heads" Driving Poverty Alleviation Through Creating New Businesses
- Making Big Industries Out of Small Brooms
Ecological Protection and Relocation
Implementation of Education and Social Security
中国精准脱贫100例:100 cases of precise poverty alleviation in China
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