Cellular and molecular immunology = 细胞与分子免疫学 / 5th ed.


作   者:Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman ; illustrations by David L. Baker, Alexandra Baker.





  Providing a concise and straightforward approach to the subject, this title focuses on the experimental observations that underlie the science of immunology at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism level and explores the conclusions that can be drawn from those observations.Halftone and color illustrations throughout.   The 5th Edition of this comprehensive title continues the tradition of delivering an accessible, engaging, and current introduction to this essential subject. The authors describe the principles of basic and applied immunology in a concise, straightforward manner, while incorporating the most up-to-date information. Over 400 illustrations help readers quickly and easily grasp key concepts. The entire text has been revised and includes new information about the organization of lymphoid organs and the mechanisms of innate immunity.


Sect. I Introduction to Immunology 1
Ch. 1 General Properties of Immune Responses 3
Ch. 2 Cells and Tissues of the Immune System 16
Sect. II Recognition of Antigens 41
Ch. 3 Antibodies and Antigens 43
Ch. 4 The Major Histocompatibility Complex 65
Ch. 5 Antigen Processing and Presentation to T Lymphocytes 81
Ch. 6 Antigen Receptors and Accessory Molecules of T Lymphocytes 105
Sect. III Maturation, Activation, and Regulation of Lymphocytes 127
Ch. 7 Lymphocyte Maturation and Expression of Antigen Receptor Genes 129
Ch. 8 Activation of T Lymphocytes 163
Ch. 9 B Cell Activation and Antibody Production 189
Ch. 10 Immunologic Tolerance 216
Sect. IV Effector Mechanisms of Immune Responses 241
Ch. 11 Cytokines 243
Ch. 12 Innate Immunity 275
Ch. 13 Effector Mechanisms of Cell-Mediated Immunity 298
Ch. 14 Effector Mechanisms of Humoral Immunity 318
Ch. 15 Immunity to Microbes 345
Sect. V The Immune System in Disease 367
Ch. 16 Transplantation Immunology 369
Ch. 17 Immunity to Tumors 391
Ch. 18 Diseases Caused by Immune Responses: Hypersensitivity and Autoimmunity 411
Ch. 19 Immediate Hypersensitivity 432
Ch. 20 Congenital and Acquired Immunodeficiencies 453
Appendix I Glossary 477
Appendix II Principal Features of CD Molecules 506
Appendix III Laboratory Techniques Commonly Used in Immunology 522
Index 535



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Cellular and molecular immunology = 细胞与分子免疫学 / 5th ed.
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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