Publisher Summary 1
Sternberg (psychology, Yale University) emphasizes the theme of unity in psychological sciences in this fourth edition of a text/CD-ROM package formerly titled Psychology: In Search of the Human Mind . This edition has been edited for readability and interest, and includes new boxed features on how psychologists from different disciplines would treat the same condition. Also new are expanded quizzes, critical thinking questions, and chapter summaries. The CD-ROM contains animations, activities, and videos. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Publisher Summary 2
Accomplished, respected, and dedicated to his field, Robert Sternberg shows students that the discipline of psychology is much greater than just the sum of its specialized parts. As an active researcher, teacher, and current President of APA (American Psychological Association), Sternberg is uniquely qualified to mix recent research with student-friendly applications. The mission of his text is to teach introductory psychology students to understand and think about the field as psychologists do--to learn that, in the search to understand the human mind, psychology is both a product and process. To demonstrate this balance, the text embraces biological, cognitive, developmental, social-psychological, and clinical approaches equally. It emphasizes the interactions among these different approaches through Sternberg's emphasis on lab applications and through his "Unifying Psychology" features, which are found throughout the text. Sternberg demonstrates his commitment to students' learning by integrating not only the latest research, but also through new pedagogy that represents the best of learning theory--including chunking, primacy, and recency. The result is a text that is ideal for students who want to learn core concepts as a means for preparing for a potential major or career in psychology.
Table Of Contents:
What is Psychology? 1(29)
Psychology as a Natural Science and a Social Science 2(1)
Key Themes in the Evolution of Psychological Ideas 3(2)
The Early History of Psychology 5(3)
600--300 B.C.: Ancient Greece and Rome 5(2)
1300--1600: The Renaissance and the Birth of Modern Science 7(1)
1600--1850: The Early Modern Period 7(1)
Early Psychological Approaches to Behavior 8(1)
Structuralism: Taking Inventory of the Mind 8(1)
In the Lab of Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Understanding the Public Image of Psychology 9(3)
Functionalism: Why We Do What We Do 11(1)
Associationism: Early Ideas about Learning 11(1)
Psychology in the 20th Century 12(9)
From Associationism to Behaviorism 14(1)
Behaviorism: A Search for Rigor and Reduction 14(1)
Gestalt Psychology: The Whole Is Different from the Sum of Its Parts 15(1)
Cognitivism: How We Think as a Key to How We Behave 16(1)
Biological Psychology: The Mind and the Body Reconciled? 17(1)
Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding the Adaptive Value of Certain Behaviors 18(1)
Psychodynamic Psychology: Conscious Behavior as the Tip of the Iceberg 18(1)
Humanistic Psychology: Free Will and the Importance of Human Potential 19(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Psychology and Social Action 20(1)
Psychology as a Field of Study 21(4)
Unifying Psychology Ethical Behavior 25(1)
Summary 25(2)
Key Terms 27(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 27(1)
Knowledge Check 28(1)
Think About It 28(1)
Web Resources 29(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 29(1)
Research Methods 30(32)
Characteristics of Scientific Findings 32(4)
Scientific Findings Are Verifiable 32(1)
Scientific Findings Are Public 33(1)
Scientific Findings Are Cumulative 33(1)
What Scientific Research Is Not 33(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Are Scientific Findings All Obvious? 34(2)
In the Lab of William J. Ray Studying Behavior and Experience 36(1)
How Scientists Solve Problems 37(3)
Identifying the Problem 37(1)
Defining the Problem 38(1)
Formulating Hypotheses 39(1)
Constructing a Problem-Solving Strategy 39(1)
Monitoring and Evaluating Problem Solving 40(1)
The Goals of Scientific Research 40(3)
Description 40(1)
Explanation 41(1)
Prediction 42(1)
Control 42(1)
Research Methods in Psychology 43(6)
Naturalistic Observation 43(1)
Case Studies 43(2)
Tests, Questionnaires, and Surveys 45(1)
Experiments 45(2)
Evaluating and Interpreting Research Data 47(2)
Causal Inference in Psychological Research 49(3)
Controlled and Quasi-Experimental Designs 49(2)
Correlational Designs 51(1)
Critical Thinking in Psychological Research 52(2)
The Nature of Critical Thinking 52(1)
Fallacies That Prevent Critical Thinking 53(1)
Research Ethics 54(4)
Deception, Informed Consent, and Debriefing 54(1)
Pain 55(1)
Confidentiality 55(1)
Research with Nonhuman Animals 55(1)
The Role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) 56(1)
Unifying Psychology Using Animals in Research 57(1)
Summary 58(1)
Key Terms 59(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 59(1)
Knowledge Check 60(1)
Think About It 60(1)
Web Resources 61(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 61(1)
Biological Bases of Behavior 62(52)
The Organization of the Nervous System 64(4)
The Central Nervous System (CNS) 64(3)
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) 67(1)
Nervous System Cells and Functions 68(7)
Neurons 68(4)
Glial Cells 72(1)
The Action Potential 72(1)
Neural Transmission 73(2)
In the Lab of William T. Greenough Synaptic Bases for Learning and Memory 75(3)
Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators 76(2)
The Structures and Functions of the Brain 78(14)
The Hindbrain 79(1)
The Midbrain 79(1)
The Forebrain 80(2)
The Hemispheres of the Brain 82(5)
The Four Lobes of the Brain 87(1)
The Association Areas 88(1)
The Case of Phineas Gage 89(3)
Studying the Living Brain 92(5)
The Electroencephalogram (EEG) 92(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Seeing inside the Brain 93(1)
X Rays and Angiograms 93(1)
Brain Scans 94(3)
The Endocrine System 97(3)
Hormones 97(1)
Endocrine Glands 97(3)
Evolution, Genetics, and Heritability 100(6)
Evolutionary Theory 100(2)
Genetics 102(2)
Heritability 104(2)
Nature and Nurture 106(2)
Unifying Psychology Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 107(1)
Summary 108(2)
Key Terms 110(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 111(1)
Knowledge Check 111(1)
Think About It 112(1)
Web Resources 112(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 113(1)
Sensation and Perception 114(60)
Psychophysics 117(4)
Thresholds 118(1)
Signal-Detection Analysis 118(1)
Discriminating among Stimuli 119(2)
Biological Properties Common to All Senses 121(2)
Receiving and Conveying Sensory Information 121(1)
Sensory Adaptation 122(1)
Vision 123(24)
The Functional Organization of the Eye 123(3)
How We See: Rods and Cones 126(2)
Seeing by Light and Darkness 128(2)
How We See Color 130(4)
Visual Perception 134(4)
Depth Perception 138(3)
Form Perception 141(5)
Motion Perception 146(1)
Deficits in Perception 147(1)
Hearing 147(7)
Sound Waves 147(2)
The Functional Organization of the Ear 149(1)
How We Hear 150(4)
Taste 154(2)
Physical and Psychological Properties of Taste 154(1)
Anatomy of the Tongue 154(1)
From the Tongue to the Brain 155(1)
Smell 156(3)
Physical and Psychological Properties in the Sense of Smell 156(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Do Ideas Evolve as Organisms Do? 157(1)
From the Nose to the Brain 158(1)
The Skin Senses 159(3)
Physical and Psychological Properties of the Skin Senses 159(2)
Pressure, Temperature, and Pain 161(1)
The Body Senses 162(2)
Kinesthesis 162(1)
The Vestibular Sense 163(1)
In the Lab of James G. May Virtual Reality and Cybersickness 164(3)
Unifying Psychology Perceiving Symmetry 166(1)
Summary 167(2)
Key Terms 169(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 170(1)
Knowledge Check 171(1)
Think About It 172(1)
Web Resources 172(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 173(1)
Consciousness 174(38)
Paying Attention 176(2)
Selective Attention 176(2)
In the Lab of Ellen Langer Mindlessness of Supposedly Thoughtful Action 178(3)
Filter Theories 180(1)
Attentional Resource Theories 180(1)
Levels of Consciousness 181(3)
The Preconscious Level 182(1)
The Subconscious Level 182(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Near-Death Experience 183(1)
Altered States of Consciousness 183(1)
Sleep 184(7)
Why Do We Sleep? 184(1)
Circadian Rhythms 185(2)
Sleep Deprivation 187(1)
Stages of Sleep 187(1)
Sleep Disorders 188(3)
Dreams 191(2)
Hypnosis and Meditation 193(4)
Theories of Hypnosis 194(1)
Hypnosis and Memory 195(1)
Meditation 195(2)
Psychoactive Drugs 197(10)
Narcotics 198(1)
Central Nervous System Depressants 199(3)
Central Nervous System Stimulants 202(2)
Hallucinogens 204(2)
Unifying Psychology The Effects of Sleep Deprivation 206(1)
Summary 207(2)
Key Terms 209(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 209(1)
Knowledge Check 209(1)
Think About It 210(1)
Web Resources 211(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 211(1)
Learning 212(34)
Classical Conditioning 214(5)
The Components and Timing of Classical Conditioning 216(1)
Contingency: Why Conditioning Works 217(2)
In the Lab of Bruce W. Tuckman How Can We Help Students Get Better Grades? 219(8)
Rates of Conditioning 220(1)
The Phases of Classical Conditioning 221(1)
The Levels and Features of Classical Conditioning 222(5)
Operant Conditioning 227(11)
Law of Effect 227(1)
Experimental Analysis of Behavior 228(2)
What Makes a Stimulus a Reinforcer? 230(6)
Psychology in Everyday Life Learned Helplessness 236
Schedules of Reinforcement 234(2)
Learned Helplessness 236(1)
Operant Versus Classical Conditioning 236(2)
Other Kinds of Learning 238(3)
Social Learning 238(1)
Systems Views of Learning 239(1)
Unifying Psychology Treatment for Addicted Women 240(1)
Summary 241(2)
Key Terms 243(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 243(1)
Knowledge Check 244(1)
Think About It 244(1)
Web Resources 245(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 245(1)
Memory 246(36)
How to Study Memory 248(2)
Recall and Recognition 248(1)
Explicit Versus Implicit Memory Tasks 249(1)
The Multiple-Store Model of Memory 250(16)
Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval 251(1)
Sensory Memory 252(1)
Short-Term Memory 252(4)
Long-Term Memory 256(5)
The Constructive Nature of Memory 261(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Flashbulb Memories 262(4)
In the Lab of Henry L. Roediger III and Kathleen B. Mcdermott Remembering Events That Never Happened 266(3)
Alternative Models of Memory 269(2)
Levels-of-Processing Model 269(1)
Baddeley's Model 269(1)
Parallel-Processing Model 270(1)
Extremes of Memory 271(3)
Memory Deficiencies: Amnesia 271(1)
Outstanding Memories: Mnemonists 271(3)
The Biological Underpinnings of Memory 274(3)
Neurochemistry 275(1)
Neurophysiology 275(1)
Unifying Psychology Psychogenic Amnesia 276(1)
Summary 277(2)
Key Terms 279(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 280(1)
Knowledge Check 280(1)
Think About It 281(1)
Web Resources 281(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 281(1)
Language and Thought 282(42)
The Nature of Language 284(1)
Language and the Brain 285(2)
Hemispheric Differences in Processing 286(1)
Sex Differences 286(1)
Aspects of Language 287(1)
In the Lab of Morton Gernsbacher Watching the Brain Process Language 288(6)
Semantics 289(2)
Syntax 291(1)
Pragmatics 291(1)
The Relation of Language to Thought 292(2)
Language Acquisition 294(5)
Stages of Language Acquisition 294(2)
Explanations of Language Acquisition 296(3)
Do Animals Use Language? 299(2)
The Nature of Thought 301(1)
Strategies and Obstacles in Problem Solving 302(7)
Solving Well-Structured Problems: Heuristics and Algorithms 303(1)
Solving III-Structured Problems: Insight 303(2)
Hindrances to Problem Solving 305(4)
Making Judgments and Decisions 309(3)
Decision Theory 309(1)
Satisficing 309(1)
Heuristics and Biases 309(3)
Reasoning 312(2)
Deductive Reasoning 312(1)
Inductive Reasoning 313(1)
Creativity 314(4)
Characteristics of Creative Thinking 314(1)
Internal and External Factors 315(1)
Evolutionary Influences 316(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Increasing Creativity 316(1)
Unifying Psychology Learning a Second Language 317(1)
Summary 318(2)
Key Terms 320(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 321(1)
Knowledge Check 321(1)
Think About It 322(1)
Web Resources 322(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 323(1)
Intelligence 324(34)
Definitions of Intelligence 326(6)
Francis Galton: Measuring Psychophysical Performance 327(1)
Alfred Binet: Measuring Judgment 327(1)
Mental Age and the Intelligence Quotient 328(1)
Intelligence Tests 328(1)
Aptitude and Achievement Tests 329(2)
Score Distributions 331(1)
Assessment Issues 332(2)
Validity 332(1)
Reliability 333(1)
Standardization and Norms 333(1)
Theories of the Nature of Intelligence 334(3)
Psychometric Models: Intelligence as a Measurement-Based Map of the Mind 334(1)
Computational Models: Intelligence as Information Processing 335(1)
Biological Models: Intelligence as a Physiological Phenomenon 336(1)
In the Lab of Richard Haier Watching Intelligence and Consciousness 337(7)
Evolutionary Theory 338(1)
Cultural and Contextual Models: Intelligence as a Cultural Construct 339(1)
Systems Models of Intelligence 340(4)
Group Differences 344(1)
Sex Differences 344(1)
Socially Defined Racial/Ethnic Group Differences 344(1)
Environmental Differences 345(1)
Extremes of Intelligence 345(4)
Intellectual Giftedness 346(1)
Mental Retardation 347(2)
The Heritability of Intelligence 349(4)
Twin Studies 349(2)
Psychology in Everyday Life Improving Intelligence 351(1)
Adoption Studies 352(1)
Unifying Psychology Autistic Savant Syndrome 352(1)
Summary 353(2)
Key Terms 355(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 355(1)
Knowledge Check 355(1)
Think About It 356(1)
Web Resources 357(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 357(1)
Physical and Cognitive Development 358(34)
Basic Questions in the Study of Physical and Cognitive Development 361(4)
Maturation and Learning 361(1)
Continuity Versus Discontinuity 362(1)
Domain Generality and Domain Specificity 363(1)
Methodological Issues 364(1)
Physical and Neural Development 365(5)
Prenatal Development 365(1)
The Newborn's Capabilities 366(3)
Adolescence and Adulthood 369(1)
Cognitive Development 370(6)
Jean Piaget 371(4)
Neo-Piagetian Theorists 375(1)
Lev Vygotsky 375(1)
In the Lab of Susan Gelman Studying Early Cognitive Development 376(8)
Cognitive Theories 378(6)
Development through Adulthood 384(3)
Psychology in Everyday Life Use It or Lose It 385(1)
Unifying Psychology Conjoined Twins 386(1)
Summary 387(2)
Key Terms 389(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 389(1)
Knowledge Check 389(1)
Think About It 390(1)
Web Resources 391(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 391(1)
Social Development 392(41)
Emotional Development 395(3)
Stages of Emotional Development 396(1)
Theories of Emotional Development 396(2)
Personality Development 398(4)
Erik Erikson: Personality and Identity Development 398(2)
James Marcia: The Achievement of Personal Identity 400(1)
A Developing Sense of Self: Self-Concept 400(2)
In the Lab of Carol S. Dweck Can Praising Children's Intelligence Be Harmful? 402(5)
Temperament 403(2)
Psychosexual Development and Theories of Gender Typing 405(2)
Interpersonal Development 407(9)
Attachment 407(4)
Effects of Child Care on Children's Development 411(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Parenting Styles 412(2)
Peer Interactions: Friendship and Play 414(1)
Marriage and the Family 415(1)
The World of Work 416(1)
Moral Development 416(5)
Kohlberg's Model 417(3)
Gilligan's Alternative Model 420(1)
Death and Dying 421(5)
Unifying Psychology Facial Disfigurement and Social Development 425(1)
Summary 426(2)
Key Terms 428(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 428(1)
Knowledge Check 429(1)
Think About It 429(1)
Web Resources 430(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 431(2)
Motivation and Emotion 433(35)
Early Theories of Motivation 434(1)
Instinct Theory 434(1)
Drive Theory 434(1)
Contemporary Theories of Motivation 435(7)
Physiological Approaches 435(2)
Clinical Approaches 437(3)
Cognitive Approaches 440(2)
In the Lab of Edward L. Deci The Ups and Downs of Intrinsic Motivation 442(3)
Biological Bases of Motivation 445(7)
Hunger 445(3)
Sex 448(4)
Emotions and Their Characteristics 452(3)
Happiness 452(1)
Fear and Anxiety 453(1)
Anger 453(1)
Sadness and Grief 454(1)
Disgust 454(1)
Are Some Emotions Basic? 454(1)
The Evolutionary Value of Emotions 454(1)
Measuring Emotions 455(3)
Psychology in Everyday Life Detecting Lies 456(1)
The Physical Appearance of Emotions 456(1)
The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis 456(2)
Seeing through a False Front 458(1)
Approaches to Understanding Emotions 458(5)
Early Psychophysiological Approaches 458(2)
Modern Psychophysiological Approaches 460(1)
Cognitive Approaches 460(1)
Cultural Approaches 461(1)
Unifying Psychology Fear and Shyness 462(1)
Summary 463(1)
Key Terms 464(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 465(1)
Knowledge Check 465(1)
Think About It 466(1)
Web Resources 466(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 467(1)
Social Psychology: Personal Perspectives 468(32)
The Nature of Social Psychology 470(1)
Attitudes 471(9)
Attitude Formation 472(1)
Attitude Change 473(3)
Cognitive Consistency 476(1)
Cognitive Dissonance Theory 477(1)
Self-Perception Theory 478(2)
Attributions 480(3)
Explaining and Interpreting Behavior 480(1)
Attribution Heuristics and Biases 480(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life The Culture of Honor 481(2)
Impressions 483(4)
Forming Impressions 483(3)
Social Comparison 486(1)
In the Lab of Bernd Strauss How Important Are Spectators to Athletes' Performance? 487(1)
Attraction, Liking, and Loving 488(7)
Forces That Influence Attraction 488(2)
Theories of Liking and Interpersonal Attraction 490(1)
Love 491(3)
Unifying Psychology Following Fads 494(1)
Summary 495(1)
Key Terms 496(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 496(1)
Knowledge Check 496(1)
Think About It 497(1)
Web Resources 498(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 499(1)
Social Psychology: Interpersonal and Group Perspectives 500(34)
Groups 502(5)
Social Facilitation and Inhibition 502(1)
Social Loafing 503(1)
Group Polarization and Conflict Resolution 504(1)
Groupthink 505(2)
In the Lab of Claude M. Steele Theory As It Emerges through the Back Door 507(1)
Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience 508(7)
Conformity 508(3)
Compliance 511(1)
Obedience 512(3)
Prosocial Behavior 515(4)
Bystander Intervention 515(2)
Altruism 517(1)
Peacemaking 518(1)
Antisocial Behavior 519(10)
Prejudice 519(3)
Psychology in Everyday Life Reducing Prejudice 522(1)
Aggression 523(3)
Evil and Hatred 526(2)
Unifying Psychology The Social Contagion of Bulimia 528(1)
Summary 529(1)
Key Terms 530(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 531(1)
Knowledge Check 531(1)
Think About It 532(1)
Web Resources 532(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 533(1)
Personality 534(34)
Psychodynamic Approaches 537(9)
Common Components 537(1)
Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis 537(4)
The Neo-Freudians 541(3)
Object-Relations Theories 544(1)
Evaluating the Psychodynamic Approach 545(1)
The Humanistic Approach 546(2)
Abraham Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory 546(1)
Carl Rogers: Self Theory 546(1)
Evaluating the Humanistic Approach 547(1)
The Cognitive-Behavioral Approach 548(2)
Antecedents 548(1)
Julian Rotter: Social-Learning Theory 548(1)
Albert Bandura: Social-Cognitive Theory 549(1)
Evaluating Cognitive-Behavioral Theories 549(1)
The Trait-Based Approach 550(3)
Hans Eysenck: Three Dimensions of Personality 550(1)
The Big Five Personality Traits 551(1)
Evaluating Trait Theories 551(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Psychoticisms in Everyday Life 552(1)
The Biological Approach 553(2)
Personality, Temperament, and Heritability 553(1)
Biological Correlates of Disposition and Temperament 554(1)
Evaluating the Biological Approach 554(1)
Interactionist Perspectives 555(2)
Measuring Personality 557(2)
Projective Tests 557(1)
Objective Personality Tests 558(1)
In the Lab of Laura King Writing as Self-Disclosure and Self-Construction 559(5)
Self-Help Tests 562(1)
Unifying Psychology The Psychology of Nonconformists 563(1)
Summary 564(1)
Key Terms 565(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 566(1)
Knowledge Check 566(1)
Think About It 567(1)
Web Resources 567(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 567(1)
Psychological Disorders 568(38)
What Behavior Is Abnormal? 570(3)
Historical Views 570(1)
Modern Theoretical Perspectives 571(2)
Classifying and Diagnosing Psychological Disorders 573(3)
The Five Axes of DSM-IV 574(1)
A Multiaxial Diagnosis 575(1)
Evaluating DSM-IV 575(1)
Prevalence, Incidence, Comorbidity, and Concordance 576(1)
Anxiety Disorders 576(6)
Types of Anxiety Disorders 576(3)
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders 579(1)
Explanations of Anxiety Disorders 580(2)
Mood Disorders 582(6)
Major Depression 582(2)
Bipolar Disorder 584(1)
Explanations of Mood Disorders 584(2)
Suicide 586(2)
Psychology in Everyday Life Myths about Suicide 588(1)
Schizophrenic Disorders 588(5)
Types of Schizophrenia 590(1)
Stressors That Contribute to Schizophrenia 591(1)
Explanations of Schizophrenia 591(2)
In the Lab of Elaine Walker Searching for the Precursors of Schizophrenia 593(2)
Dissociative Disorders 595(1)
Dissociative Amnesia 595(1)
Dissociative Fugue 595(1)
Dissociative Identity Disorder 595(1)
Disorders Usually Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence 596(2)
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 596(1)
Conduct Disorders 597(1)
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) 597(1)
Personality Disorders 598(1)
Legal Issues 599(3)
Unifying Psychology Snipers: The Criminal Mind 601(1)
Summary 602(1)
Key Terms 603(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 603(1)
Knowledge Check 604(1)
Think About It 605(1)
Web Resources 605(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 605(1)
Therapy 606(34)
History of Therapy 608(1)
Diagnosing and Assessing Abnormal Behavior 609(2)
Clinical Interviews 609(1)
Psychological Tests 610(1)
Neuropsychological Tests 610(1)
Biological Measurements 610(1)
Approaches to Therapy 611(12)
Assumptions about Psychological Disorders 611(1)
Who Uses Therapy? 612(1)
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Therapy 612(1)
Psychodynamic Methods 613(1)
Humanistic Therapies 614(1)
Behavior Therapy 615(3)
Cognitive Therapies 618(2)
Biological Therapies 620(3)
In the Lab of David H. Barlow Effectively Treating Panic Disorder 623(2)
Alternatives to Individual Therapy 625(4)
Group Therapy 625(1)
Couples and Family Therapy 626(1)
Community Psychology 627(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Self-Help 628(1)
Effectiveness of Therapy 629(3)
The Impact of Managed Care 629(1)
Issues in Therapy Research 630(1)
Long-Term Versus Short-Term Treatment 631(1)
Elements of Effective Therapy 631(1)
Ethical Issues in Therapy 632(3)
Unifying Psychology Treatments for Obesity 634(1)
Summary 635(1)
Key Terms 636(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 637(1)
Knowledge Check 637(1)
Think About It 638(1)
Web Resources 638(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 639(1)
Health, Stress, and Coping 640
Psychology and Health 642(2)
The Mind--Body Connection 642(1)
Historical Trends in Prevention and Treatment 643(1)
Emotional Longevity 643(1)
Stress and Coping 644(8)
Stress and Stressors 644(2)
Physical Responses to Stress 646(1)
Perceiving Stress 647(2)
Psychology in Everyday Life Coping Strategies and the Issue of Control 649(1)
Internal Variables: Type-A Versus Type-B Behavior Patterns 649(2)
Stress and the Immune System 651(1)
The Psychology of Health Care 652(3)
Recognizing and Interpreting Symptoms 652(1)
Managed Care 652(1)
Hospital Care 653(2)
In the Lab of Sheldon Cohen Enduring Stress and Fighting Infection 655(8)
The Psychological Processes of Healing 656(1)
Pain Management 656(3)
Living with Serious Health Problems 659(3)
Unifying Psychology The Many Faces of Pain Research 662(1)
Summary 663(1)
Key Terms 664(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 664(1)
Knowledge Check 665(1)
Think About It 665(1)
Web Resources 666(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 666
Statistical Appendix 1(10)
Think About it Sample Responses 11(13)
Glossary 24(37)
References 61(65)
Credits 126(4)
Name Index 130(16)
Subject Index 146
What is Psychology? 1(29)
Psychology as a Natural Science and a Social Science 2(1)
Key Themes in the Evolution of Psychological Ideas 3(2)
The Early History of Psychology 5(3)
600--300 B.C.: Ancient Greece and Rome 5(2)
1300--1600: The Renaissance and the Birth of Modern Science 7(1)
1600--1850: The Early Modern Period 7(1)
Early Psychological Approaches to Behavior 8(1)
Structuralism: Taking Inventory of the Mind 8(1)
In the Lab of Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Understanding the Public Image of Psychology 9(3)
Functionalism: Why We Do What We Do 11(1)
Associationism: Early Ideas about Learning 11(1)
Psychology in the 20th Century 12(9)
From Associationism to Behaviorism 14(1)
Behaviorism: A Search for Rigor and Reduction 14(1)
Gestalt Psychology: The Whole Is Different from the Sum of Its Parts 15(1)
Cognitivism: How We Think as a Key to How We Behave 16(1)
Biological Psychology: The Mind and the Body Reconciled? 17(1)
Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding the Adaptive Value of Certain Behaviors 18(1)
Psychodynamic Psychology: Conscious Behavior as the Tip of the Iceberg 18(1)
Humanistic Psychology: Free Will and the Importance of Human Potential 19(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Psychology and Social Action 20(1)
Psychology as a Field of Study 21(4)
Unifying Psychology Ethical Behavior 25(1)
Summary 25(2)
Key Terms 27(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 27(1)
Knowledge Check 28(1)
Think About It 28(1)
Web Resources 29(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 29(1)
Research Methods 30(32)
Characteristics of Scientific Findings 32(4)
Scientific Findings Are Verifiable 32(1)
Scientific Findings Are Public 33(1)
Scientific Findings Are Cumulative 33(1)
What Scientific Research Is Not 33(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Are Scientific Findings All Obvious? 34(2)
In the Lab of William J. Ray Studying Behavior and Experience 36(1)
How Scientists Solve Problems 37(3)
Identifying the Problem 37(1)
Defining the Problem 38(1)
Formulating Hypotheses 39(1)
Constructing a Problem-Solving Strategy 39(1)
Monitoring and Evaluating Problem Solving 40(1)
The Goals of Scientific Research 40(3)
Description 40(1)
Explanation 41(1)
Prediction 42(1)
Control 42(1)
Research Methods in Psychology 43(6)
Naturalistic Observation 43(1)
Case Studies 43(2)
Tests, Questionnaires, and Surveys 45(1)
Experiments 45(2)
Evaluating and Interpreting Research Data 47(2)
Causal Inference in Psychological Research 49(3)
Controlled and Quasi-Experimental Designs 49(2)
Correlational Designs 51(1)
Critical Thinking in Psychological Research 52(2)
The Nature of Critical Thinking 52(1)
Fallacies That Prevent Critical Thinking 53(1)
Research Ethics 54(4)
Deception, Informed Consent, and Debriefing 54(1)
Pain 55(1)
Confidentiality 55(1)
Research with Nonhuman Animals 55(1)
The Role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) 56(1)
Unifying Psychology Using Animals in Research 57(1)
Summary 58(1)
Key Terms 59(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 59(1)
Knowledge Check 60(1)
Think About It 60(1)
Web Resources 61(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 61(1)
Biological Bases of Behavior 62(52)
The Organization of the Nervous System 64(4)
The Central Nervous System (CNS) 64(3)
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) 67(1)
Nervous System Cells and Functions 68(7)
Neurons 68(4)
Glial Cells 72(1)
The Action Potential 72(1)
Neural Transmission 73(2)
In the Lab of William T. Greenough Synaptic Bases for Learning and Memory 75(3)
Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators 76(2)
The Structures and Functions of the Brain 78(14)
The Hindbrain 79(1)
The Midbrain 79(1)
The Forebrain 80(2)
The Hemispheres of the Brain 82(5)
The Four Lobes of the Brain 87(1)
The Association Areas 88(1)
The Case of Phineas Gage 89(3)
Studying the Living Brain 92(5)
The Electroencephalogram (EEG) 92(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Seeing inside the Brain 93(1)
X Rays and Angiograms 93(1)
Brain Scans 94(3)
The Endocrine System 97(3)
Hormones 97(1)
Endocrine Glands 97(3)
Evolution, Genetics, and Heritability 100(6)
Evolutionary Theory 100(2)
Genetics 102(2)
Heritability 104(2)
Nature and Nurture 106(2)
Unifying Psychology Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 107(1)
Summary 108(2)
Key Terms 110(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 111(1)
Knowledge Check 111(1)
Think About It 112(1)
Web Resources 112(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 113(1)
Sensation and Perception 114(60)
Psychophysics 117(4)
Thresholds 118(1)
Signal-Detection Analysis 118(1)
Discriminating among Stimuli 119(2)
Biological Properties Common to All Senses 121(2)
Receiving and Conveying Sensory Information 121(1)
Sensory Adaptation 122(1)
Vision 123(24)
The Functional Organization of the Eye 123(3)
How We See: Rods and Cones 126(2)
Seeing by Light and Darkness 128(2)
How We See Color 130(4)
Visual Perception 134(4)
Depth Perception 138(3)
Form Perception 141(5)
Motion Perception 146(1)
Deficits in Perception 147(1)
Hearing 147(7)
Sound Waves 147(2)
The Functional Organization of the Ear 149(1)
How We Hear 150(4)
Taste 154(2)
Physical and Psychological Properties of Taste 154(1)
Anatomy of the Tongue 154(1)
From the Tongue to the Brain 155(1)
Smell 156(3)
Physical and Psychological Properties in the Sense of Smell 156(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Do Ideas Evolve as Organisms Do? 157(1)
From the Nose to the Brain 158(1)
The Skin Senses 159(3)
Physical and Psychological Properties of the Skin Senses 159(2)
Pressure, Temperature, and Pain 161(1)
The Body Senses 162(2)
Kinesthesis 162(1)
The Vestibular Sense 163(1)
In the Lab of James G. May Virtual Reality and Cybersickness 164(3)
Unifying Psychology Perceiving Symmetry 166(1)
Summary 167(2)
Key Terms 169(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 170(1)
Knowledge Check 171(1)
Think About It 172(1)
Web Resources 172(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 173(1)
Consciousness 174(38)
Paying Attention 176(2)
Selective Attention 176(2)
In the Lab of Ellen Langer Mindlessness of Supposedly Thoughtful Action 178(3)
Filter Theories 180(1)
Attentional Resource Theories 180(1)
Levels of Consciousness 181(3)
The Preconscious Level 182(1)
The Subconscious Level 182(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Near-Death Experience 183(1)
Altered States of Consciousness 183(1)
Sleep 184(7)
Why Do We Sleep? 184(1)
Circadian Rhythms 185(2)
Sleep Deprivation 187(1)
Stages of Sleep 187(1)
Sleep Disorders 188(3)
Dreams 191(2)
Hypnosis and Meditation 193(4)
Theories of Hypnosis 194(1)
Hypnosis and Memory 195(1)
Meditation 195(2)
Psychoactive Drugs 197(10)
Narcotics 198(1)
Central Nervous System Depressants 199(3)
Central Nervous System Stimulants 202(2)
Hallucinogens 204(2)
Unifying Psychology The Effects of Sleep Deprivation 206(1)
Summary 207(2)
Key Terms 209(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 209(1)
Knowledge Check 209(1)
Think About It 210(1)
Web Resources 211(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 211(1)
Learning 212(34)
Classical Conditioning 214(5)
The Components and Timing of Classical Conditioning 216(1)
Contingency: Why Conditioning Works 217(2)
In the Lab of Bruce W. Tuckman How Can We Help Students Get Better Grades? 219(8)
Rates of Conditioning 220(1)
The Phases of Classical Conditioning 221(1)
The Levels and Features of Classical Conditioning 222(5)
Operant Conditioning 227(11)
Law of Effect 227(1)
Experimental Analysis of Behavior 228(2)
What Makes a Stimulus a Reinforcer? 230(6)
Psychology in Everyday Life Learned Helplessness 236
Schedules of Reinforcement 234(2)
Learned Helplessness 236(1)
Operant Versus Classical Conditioning 236(2)
Other Kinds of Learning 238(3)
Social Learning 238(1)
Systems Views of Learning 239(1)
Unifying Psychology Treatment for Addicted Women 240(1)
Summary 241(2)
Key Terms 243(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 243(1)
Knowledge Check 244(1)
Think About It 244(1)
Web Resources 245(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 245(1)
Memory 246(36)
How to Study Memory 248(2)
Recall and Recognition 248(1)
Explicit Versus Implicit Memory Tasks 249(1)
The Multiple-Store Model of Memory 250(16)
Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval 251(1)
Sensory Memory 252(1)
Short-Term Memory 252(4)
Long-Term Memory 256(5)
The Constructive Nature of Memory 261(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Flashbulb Memories 262(4)
In the Lab of Henry L. Roediger III and Kathleen B. Mcdermott Remembering Events That Never Happened 266(3)
Alternative Models of Memory 269(2)
Levels-of-Processing Model 269(1)
Baddeley's Model 269(1)
Parallel-Processing Model 270(1)
Extremes of Memory 271(3)
Memory Deficiencies: Amnesia 271(1)
Outstanding Memories: Mnemonists 271(3)
The Biological Underpinnings of Memory 274(3)
Neurochemistry 275(1)
Neurophysiology 275(1)
Unifying Psychology Psychogenic Amnesia 276(1)
Summary 277(2)
Key Terms 279(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 280(1)
Knowledge Check 280(1)
Think About It 281(1)
Web Resources 281(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 281(1)
Language and Thought 282(42)
The Nature of Language 284(1)
Language and the Brain 285(2)
Hemispheric Differences in Processing 286(1)
Sex Differences 286(1)
Aspects of Language 287(1)
In the Lab of Morton Gernsbacher Watching the Brain Process Language 288(6)
Semantics 289(2)
Syntax 291(1)
Pragmatics 291(1)
The Relation of Language to Thought 292(2)
Language Acquisition 294(5)
Stages of Language Acquisition 294(2)
Explanations of Language Acquisition 296(3)
Do Animals Use Language? 299(2)
The Nature of Thought 301(1)
Strategies and Obstacles in Problem Solving 302(7)
Solving Well-Structured Problems: Heuristics and Algorithms 303(1)
Solving III-Structured Problems: Insight 303(2)
Hindrances to Problem Solving 305(4)
Making Judgments and Decisions 309(3)
Decision Theory 309(1)
Satisficing 309(1)
Heuristics and Biases 309(3)
Reasoning 312(2)
Deductive Reasoning 312(1)
Inductive Reasoning 313(1)
Creativity 314(4)
Characteristics of Creative Thinking 314(1)
Internal and External Factors 315(1)
Evolutionary Influences 316(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Increasing Creativity 316(1)
Unifying Psychology Learning a Second Language 317(1)
Summary 318(2)
Key Terms 320(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 321(1)
Knowledge Check 321(1)
Think About It 322(1)
Web Resources 322(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 323(1)
Intelligence 324(34)
Definitions of Intelligence 326(6)
Francis Galton: Measuring Psychophysical Performance 327(1)
Alfred Binet: Measuring Judgment 327(1)
Mental Age and the Intelligence Quotient 328(1)
Intelligence Tests 328(1)
Aptitude and Achievement Tests 329(2)
Score Distributions 331(1)
Assessment Issues 332(2)
Validity 332(1)
Reliability 333(1)
Standardization and Norms 333(1)
Theories of the Nature of Intelligence 334(3)
Psychometric Models: Intelligence as a Measurement-Based Map of the Mind 334(1)
Computational Models: Intelligence as Information Processing 335(1)
Biological Models: Intelligence as a Physiological Phenomenon 336(1)
In the Lab of Richard Haier Watching Intelligence and Consciousness 337(7)
Evolutionary Theory 338(1)
Cultural and Contextual Models: Intelligence as a Cultural Construct 339(1)
Systems Models of Intelligence 340(4)
Group Differences 344(1)
Sex Differences 344(1)
Socially Defined Racial/Ethnic Group Differences 344(1)
Environmental Differences 345(1)
Extremes of Intelligence 345(4)
Intellectual Giftedness 346(1)
Mental Retardation 347(2)
The Heritability of Intelligence 349(4)
Twin Studies 349(2)
Psychology in Everyday Life Improving Intelligence 351(1)
Adoption Studies 352(1)
Unifying Psychology Autistic Savant Syndrome 352(1)
Summary 353(2)
Key Terms 355(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 355(1)
Knowledge Check 355(1)
Think About It 356(1)
Web Resources 357(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 357(1)
Physical and Cognitive Development 358(34)
Basic Questions in the Study of Physical and Cognitive Development 361(4)
Maturation and Learning 361(1)
Continuity Versus Discontinuity 362(1)
Domain Generality and Domain Specificity 363(1)
Methodological Issues 364(1)
Physical and Neural Development 365(5)
Prenatal Development 365(1)
The Newborn's Capabilities 366(3)
Adolescence and Adulthood 369(1)
Cognitive Development 370(6)
Jean Piaget 371(4)
Neo-Piagetian Theorists 375(1)
Lev Vygotsky 375(1)
In the Lab of Susan Gelman Studying Early Cognitive Development 376(8)
Cognitive Theories 378(6)
Development through Adulthood 384(3)
Psychology in Everyday Life Use It or Lose It 385(1)
Unifying Psychology Conjoined Twins 386(1)
Summary 387(2)
Key Terms 389(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 389(1)
Knowledge Check 389(1)
Think About It 390(1)
Web Resources 391(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 391(1)
Social Development 392(41)
Emotional Development 395(3)
Stages of Emotional Development 396(1)
Theories of Emotional Development 396(2)
Personality Development 398(4)
Erik Erikson: Personality and Identity Development 398(2)
James Marcia: The Achievement of Personal Identity 400(1)
A Developing Sense of Self: Self-Concept 400(2)
In the Lab of Carol S. Dweck Can Praising Children's Intelligence Be Harmful? 402(5)
Temperament 403(2)
Psychosexual Development and Theories of Gender Typing 405(2)
Interpersonal Development 407(9)
Attachment 407(4)
Effects of Child Care on Children's Development 411(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Parenting Styles 412(2)
Peer Interactions: Friendship and Play 414(1)
Marriage and the Family 415(1)
The World of Work 416(1)
Moral Development 416(5)
Kohlberg's Model 417(3)
Gilligan's Alternative Model 420(1)
Death and Dying 421(5)
Unifying Psychology Facial Disfigurement and Social Development 425(1)
Summary 426(2)
Key Terms 428(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 428(1)
Knowledge Check 429(1)
Think About It 429(1)
Web Resources 430(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 431(2)
Motivation and Emotion 433(35)
Early Theories of Motivation 434(1)
Instinct Theory 434(1)
Drive Theory 434(1)
Contemporary Theories of Motivation 435(7)
Physiological Approaches 435(2)
Clinical Approaches 437(3)
Cognitive Approaches 440(2)
In the Lab of Edward L. Deci The Ups and Downs of Intrinsic Motivation 442(3)
Biological Bases of Motivation 445(7)
Hunger 445(3)
Sex 448(4)
Emotions and Their Characteristics 452(3)
Happiness 452(1)
Fear and Anxiety 453(1)
Anger 453(1)
Sadness and Grief 454(1)
Disgust 454(1)
Are Some Emotions Basic? 454(1)
The Evolutionary Value of Emotions 454(1)
Measuring Emotions 455(3)
Psychology in Everyday Life Detecting Lies 456(1)
The Physical Appearance of Emotions 456(1)
The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis 456(2)
Seeing through a False Front 458(1)
Approaches to Understanding Emotions 458(5)
Early Psychophysiological Approaches 458(2)
Modern Psychophysiological Approaches 460(1)
Cognitive Approaches 460(1)
Cultural Approaches 461(1)
Unifying Psychology Fear and Shyness 462(1)
Summary 463(1)
Key Terms 464(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 465(1)
Knowledge Check 465(1)
Think About It 466(1)
Web Resources 466(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 467(1)
Social Psychology: Personal Perspectives 468(32)
The Nature of Social Psychology 470(1)
Attitudes 471(9)
Attitude Formation 472(1)
Attitude Change 473(3)
Cognitive Consistency 476(1)
Cognitive Dissonance Theory 477(1)
Self-Perception Theory 478(2)
Attributions 480(3)
Explaining and Interpreting Behavior 480(1)
Attribution Heuristics and Biases 480(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life The Culture of Honor 481(2)
Impressions 483(4)
Forming Impressions 483(3)
Social Comparison 486(1)
In the Lab of Bernd Strauss How Important Are Spectators to Athletes' Performance? 487(1)
Attraction, Liking, and Loving 488(7)
Forces That Influence Attraction 488(2)
Theories of Liking and Interpersonal Attraction 490(1)
Love 491(3)
Unifying Psychology Following Fads 494(1)
Summary 495(1)
Key Terms 496(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 496(1)
Knowledge Check 496(1)
Think About It 497(1)
Web Resources 498(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 499(1)
Social Psychology: Interpersonal and Group Perspectives 500(34)
Groups 502(5)
Social Facilitation and Inhibition 502(1)
Social Loafing 503(1)
Group Polarization and Conflict Resolution 504(1)
Groupthink 505(2)
In the Lab of Claude M. Steele Theory As It Emerges through the Back Door 507(1)
Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience 508(7)
Conformity 508(3)
Compliance 511(1)
Obedience 512(3)
Prosocial Behavior 515(4)
Bystander Intervention 515(2)
Altruism 517(1)
Peacemaking 518(1)
Antisocial Behavior 519(10)
Prejudice 519(3)
Psychology in Everyday Life Reducing Prejudice 522(1)
Aggression 523(3)
Evil and Hatred 526(2)
Unifying Psychology The Social Contagion of Bulimia 528(1)
Summary 529(1)
Key Terms 530(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 531(1)
Knowledge Check 531(1)
Think About It 532(1)
Web Resources 532(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 533(1)
Personality 534(34)
Psychodynamic Approaches 537(9)
Common Components 537(1)
Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis 537(4)
The Neo-Freudians 541(3)
Object-Relations Theories 544(1)
Evaluating the Psychodynamic Approach 545(1)
The Humanistic Approach 546(2)
Abraham Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory 546(1)
Carl Rogers: Self Theory 546(1)
Evaluating the Humanistic Approach 547(1)
The Cognitive-Behavioral Approach 548(2)
Antecedents 548(1)
Julian Rotter: Social-Learning Theory 548(1)
Albert Bandura: Social-Cognitive Theory 549(1)
Evaluating Cognitive-Behavioral Theories 549(1)
The Trait-Based Approach 550(3)
Hans Eysenck: Three Dimensions of Personality 550(1)
The Big Five Personality Traits 551(1)
Evaluating Trait Theories 551(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Psychoticisms in Everyday Life 552(1)
The Biological Approach 553(2)
Personality, Temperament, and Heritability 553(1)
Biological Correlates of Disposition and Temperament 554(1)
Evaluating the Biological Approach 554(1)
Interactionist Perspectives 555(2)
Measuring Personality 557(2)
Projective Tests 557(1)
Objective Personality Tests 558(1)
In the Lab of Laura King Writing as Self-Disclosure and Self-Construction 559(5)
Self-Help Tests 562(1)
Unifying Psychology The Psychology of Nonconformists 563(1)
Summary 564(1)
Key Terms 565(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 566(1)
Knowledge Check 566(1)
Think About It 567(1)
Web Resources 567(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 567(1)
Psychological Disorders 568(38)
What Behavior Is Abnormal? 570(3)
Historical Views 570(1)
Modern Theoretical Perspectives 571(2)
Classifying and Diagnosing Psychological Disorders 573(3)
The Five Axes of DSM-IV 574(1)
A Multiaxial Diagnosis 575(1)
Evaluating DSM-IV 575(1)
Prevalence, Incidence, Comorbidity, and Concordance 576(1)
Anxiety Disorders 576(6)
Types of Anxiety Disorders 576(3)
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders 579(1)
Explanations of Anxiety Disorders 580(2)
Mood Disorders 582(6)
Major Depression 582(2)
Bipolar Disorder 584(1)
Explanations of Mood Disorders 584(2)
Suicide 586(2)
Psychology in Everyday Life Myths about Suicide 588(1)
Schizophrenic Disorders 588(5)
Types of Schizophrenia 590(1)
Stressors That Contribute to Schizophrenia 591(1)
Explanations of Schizophrenia 591(2)
In the Lab of Elaine Walker Searching for the Precursors of Schizophrenia 593(2)
Dissociative Disorders 595(1)
Dissociative Amnesia 595(1)
Dissociative Fugue 595(1)
Dissociative Identity Disorder 595(1)
Disorders Usually Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence 596(2)
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 596(1)
Conduct Disorders 597(1)
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) 597(1)
Personality Disorders 598(1)
Legal Issues 599(3)
Unifying Psychology Snipers: The Criminal Mind 601(1)
Summary 602(1)
Key Terms 603(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 603(1)
Knowledge Check 604(1)
Think About It 605(1)
Web Resources 605(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 605(1)
Therapy 606(34)
History of Therapy 608(1)
Diagnosing and Assessing Abnormal Behavior 609(2)
Clinical Interviews 609(1)
Psychological Tests 610(1)
Neuropsychological Tests 610(1)
Biological Measurements 610(1)
Approaches to Therapy 611(12)
Assumptions about Psychological Disorders 611(1)
Who Uses Therapy? 612(1)
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Therapy 612(1)
Psychodynamic Methods 613(1)
Humanistic Therapies 614(1)
Behavior Therapy 615(3)
Cognitive Therapies 618(2)
Biological Therapies 620(3)
In the Lab of David H. Barlow Effectively Treating Panic Disorder 623(2)
Alternatives to Individual Therapy 625(4)
Group Therapy 625(1)
Couples and Family Therapy 626(1)
Community Psychology 627(1)
Psychology in Everyday Life Self-Help 628(1)
Effectiveness of Therapy 629(3)
The Impact of Managed Care 629(1)
Issues in Therapy Research 630(1)
Long-Term Versus Short-Term Treatment 631(1)
Elements of Effective Therapy 631(1)
Ethical Issues in Therapy 632(3)
Unifying Psychology Treatments for Obesity 634(1)
Summary 635(1)
Key Terms 636(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 637(1)
Knowledge Check 637(1)
Think About It 638(1)
Web Resources 638(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 639(1)
Health, Stress, and Coping 640
Psychology and Health 642(2)
The Mind--Body Connection 642(1)
Historical Trends in Prevention and Treatment 643(1)
Emotional Longevity 643(1)
Stress and Coping 644(8)
Stress and Stressors 644(2)
Physical Responses to Stress 646(1)
Perceiving Stress 647(2)
Psychology in Everyday Life Coping Strategies and the Issue of Control 649(1)
Internal Variables: Type-A Versus Type-B Behavior Patterns 649(2)
Stress and the Immune System 651(1)
The Psychology of Health Care 652(3)
Recognizing and Interpreting Symptoms 652(1)
Managed Care 652(1)
Hospital Care 653(2)
In the Lab of Sheldon Cohen Enduring Stress and Fighting Infection 655(8)
The Psychological Processes of Healing 656(1)
Pain Management 656(3)
Living with Serious Health Problems 659(3)
Unifying Psychology The Many Faces of Pain Research 662(1)
Summary 663(1)
Key Terms 664(1)
Answers to Concept Checks 664(1)
Knowledge Check 665(1)
Think About It 665(1)
Web Resources 666(1)
CD-ROM: Unifying Psychology 666
Statistical Appendix 1(10)
Think About it Sample Responses 11(13)
Glossary 24(37)
References 61(65)
Credits 126(4)
Name Index 130(16)
Subject Index 146
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