Study on Chinese and English phonological awareness, phonological recoding skills and English word reading by Chinese EFL children


作   者:刘莹著







Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research motivation
1.2 Definition of phonological awareness rPA)
1.3 Phonological awareness and L2 word reading
1.4 English word reading in the Chinese context
1.5 Key research questions
Chapter 2 Phonological Skills and English Word Reading
2.1 Research background
2.1.1 English word reading and English reading
2.1.2 Models for development of English word reading skills
2.1.3 Phonological skills and English word reading
2.2 Issues in PA and English word reading
2.3 Issues in English word reading
2.4 MethodolcIgical matters
2.4.1 Classic PA tasks
2.4.2 Cognitive dimension
2.4.3 Linguistic dimension
2.4.4 Orthographic dimension
2.5 Theoretical accounts for the connection
2.5.1 Cognitive view
2.5.2 Emergentist view
2.5.3 RePresentational view
2.5.4 Multiconnections account for English word reading
Chapter 3 Reconsidering the Issues in EFL Context
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Linguistic differences theory
3.1.2 Linguistic differences and reading skills
3.1.3 Linguistic differences and PA
3.2 Chinese mainland EFL learning context
3.3 Research rationale
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Syllable structure of Chinese
3.3.3 Chinese writing system
3.3.4 Structure of Chinese pinyin
3.3.5 Problems with pinyin system
3.3.6 Role of pinyin in learning to read
3.4 Methodological considerations in Chinese EFL context
3.4.1 English word reading tests
3.4.2 CPA tasks
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Experimental Studies
4.0 Research questions
4.1 Participants
4.2 Chinese and English PA tests
4.2.1 Method for PA tests
4.2.2 PA task selection
4.2.3 CPA tests
4.2.4 EPA tests
4.3 English vocabulary, Chinese word reading and English word reading tests
4.3.1 English vocabulary test
4.3.2 Chinese word reading test
4.3.3 English word reading test
4.4 Pinyin reading test
4.4.1 Design
4.4.2 Materials
4.5 English nonword reading test
4.5.1 Materials
4.5.2 Task considerations
4.6 Data collection
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Chinese and English phonological awareness
5.1.1 Descriptive statistics
5.1.2 Units and tasks
5.1.3 Correlations and regression
5.1.4 Composition of PA skills
5.1.5 Discussion
5.2 Phonological awareness and word reading
5.2.1 Validating sample groups
5.2.2 Correlations
5.2.3 Regression analyses
5.3 English nonword reading
5.3.1 CV versus VC analogy
5.3.2 Analogy and PA
5.3.3 Complex onset in VC analogy
5.4 Chinese and English deletion tasks
5.4.1 Chinese phoneme deletion
5.4.2 English phoneme deletion
5.4.3 English syllable deletion
5.4.4 Summary
5.5 Chinese pinyin reading
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 General Discussion and Conclusion
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Research questions revisited
6.2 English word readIng
6.2.1 Findings on correlations
6.2.2 English vocabulary, PA and word reading
6.2.3 CPA and EPA
6.2.4 Phonological skills in EFL word reading
6.3 English nonword reading.
6.3.1 English nonword reading strategies
6.3.2 EnglishPA and nonword reading
6.4 Chinese pinyin
6.5 Contributions of major findings and implications of the study
6.5.1 Contributions of the study
6.5.2 Implications for teaching
6.6 Some limitations on the present study and suggestions for future research
6.7 Summary
Appendix I Reliability coefficients for tests used in the study
Appendix2 English vocabUlary test materials
Appendix 3 Chinese character reading test materials
Appendix 4 English word reading test materials
Appendix 5 Instructions in EPA group session tests
Appendix 6 Raw scores for reading different types of English



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Study on Chinese and English phonological awareness, phonological recoding skills and English word reading by Chinese EFL children
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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