Dialogicity in the text:theory and practice


作   者:李曙光著





出版日期: 2012年5月1日


Chapter 1 Bakhtin's Translinguistics
1.1 Bakhtin's understanding of language
1.1.1 Language, sign, consciousness and ideology
1.1.2 The object of language-study
1.2 Bakhtin's translinguistics
1.2.1 Discourse, text and utterance
1.2.2 Utterance, context and speech genres
1.3 Translinguistics and textual analysis
1.3.1 Discourse, text and utterance in contemporary linguistics
1.3.2 Discourse, text and utterance in our discussion
1.3.3 Bakhtin's translinguistics and textual analysis
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 The Compatibility between Translinguistics and Hallidayan SFL
2.1 Non-Aristotelian philosophical tradition
2.2 Translinguistics and SFL: context, function, register and genre
2.2.1 Context of situation: Bakhtin, Malinowski and Halliday
2.2.2 Linguistic functions: Btihler, Bakhtin and Halliday
2.2.3 Register and genre : Bakhtin, HaUiday and Martin
2.3 Instantiation and realization: SFL bridging translinguistics and linguistics
2.4 A double-oriented functional model of textual analysis
2.4.1 A theory-driven top-down dialogic look at text
2.4.2 A data-driven bottom-up linguistic look at text
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Modeling Dialogieity on Hallidayan SFL
3.1 Bakhtin's idea of textual dialogicity
3.1.1 Dialogue, dialogicity and dialogism
3.1.2 The mode of dialogicity
3.1.3 Problems with Bakhtin's mode of textual dialogicity
3.2 Recontextualizing Bakhtinian dialogicity in the context of Hallidayan SFL and the postmodern theories
3.2.1 From subject and utterance to voice: participant of textual dialogue
3.2.2 The dialogic relationship between voices
3.2.3 Dialogic markers in the text
3.2.4 Functions of dialogic relationships in the text
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Dialogic Markers in Print News of English
4.1 Voice, difference, and source in news text
4.2 Dialogic markers of speech reporting in news text
4.2.1 Speech reporting: a fundamental feature of human language
4.2.2 News text: report about others' words
4.2.3 Bakhtin's understanding of speech reporting
4.2.4 Dialogic markers in speech reporting
4.3 Modality as dialogic markers in news text
4.3.1 Modality and dialogicity
4.3.2 Modality resources as dialogic markers
4.4 Conjunction resources as dialogic markers in news text
4.5 Negatives as dialogic markers in news text
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Dialogie Interactions in Print News of English
5.1 The dialogic relations in print news
5.2 Genres and social functions of print news
5.3 A dialogic analysis of hard news text ( 1 )
5.3.1 The distribution of different voices in hard news text ( 1 )
5.3.2 The interactions among the foreign voices in hard news text ( 1 )
5.3.3 Framing: the reporter's voice taking foreign voices under its control
5.4 A dialogic analysis of hard news text (2)
5.4.1 The distribution of different voices in hard news text (2)
5.4.2 Evaluation as sides-taking
5.4.3 Sides-taking through ventriloquation
5.5 Summary



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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