Legendary life of the first generation of Chinese woman architect Zhang Yuquan


作   者:金磊主编;费麟,费琪编著;《建筑创作》杂志社承编





清朝末年时,政治腐败,国难当头,于是中国知识界掀起了一股留学热 潮,主张“中学为体,西学为用”,许多有识之士自己或将子女送到国外求 学,到国外寻求真理,至1904年中国出国人数已达3000余人。地处四川南部 的荣县,仅到日本留学的就达30余人,这其中就有我国老一辈革命家吴玉章 。以吴玉章为首的这批荣县志士,成为荣县最早一批既受过传统儒家思想教 育,又受过现代科技文化教育的知识分子,这些人在以后中国历史舞台上的 各个领域发挥了先行者的作用。 根据张玉泉的回忆,她的祖籍是四川省荣县,而其原籍是湖北麻城孝感 乡。张家之所以在荣县生根,这其中还有一段美好姻缘在其中。明末爆发农 民起义,崇祯十三年时张献忠率部突围进兵四川。在战乱中许多四川人被杀 ,后清政府组织广东、江西、湖北等地老百姓迁居入川,张家祖先也随着滚 滚人流来到了位于川南的荣县。张玉泉的祖父张宗礼和外祖父黄老先生是同 乡,自幼有同窗手足之情,关系甚于亲兄弟。张、黄各自成家之后,二人结 伴于光绪年间赶赴乡试(考举人)。临行时两家的夫人同时都怀有身孕,二人 便指腹为婚,相互约定:待下辈出生后,若是同性则结拜金兰,若是异性则 结为夫妻。二人一路结伴而行,形影不离;休息时相互切磋,准备应试。哪 知天有不测风云,张宗礼中途不幸患重病,不能继续赴考,便将自己精心准 备的应考笔记交给好友,祝愿黄老先生能中举,以光宗耀祖。张宗礼不久即 病重辞世。而黄老先生在乡试中不负重望,考上了举人。 此时,张宗礼的妻子傅宣云已生一个男孩,取名张建贤,即张玉泉的父 亲。黄老先生的妻子同时生了一位千金,取名黄润芬,即张玉泉的母亲。黄 老先生在家是长子,他的四弟黄觉、五弟黄英不久也相继中举,黄家自此便 逐渐发达起来。黄英具有维新思想,后来出国留学学习工程建设,回国后曾 设计过钢结构的“黄河第一桥”,黄家在荣县一举成名。而张家自张宗礼去 世后家境便日渐衰落,从此过着清贫的生活。 P15-16


第一章 亲情友谊忆『中大』
1 荣城诗乡 人杰地灵
2 双亲西归 兄助出川
3 中大恩师 同窗手足
4 学子风云 勤学俭读
第二章 国难家愁创『大地』
5 金陵邂逅 喜结良缘
6 『国防工程』 教育为先
7 兵阻山川 滞留沪滨
8 诗人导演 上映『孔子』
9 『金谷』『蒲园』『大地』回春
10 晴天霹雳 魂断沪江
第三章 含辛茹苦翰墨缘
11 浮生岁月 含辛茹苦
12 诗画挚友 翰墨之缘
13 兄妹欢聚 上海解放
第四章 辞旧迎新建设忙
14 告别『大地』 受命『华东』
15 辞旧迎新 献身建设
第五章 凝思『傲霜』夕阳红
16 关心『学会』 退而不休
17 蜗居自遣 安度晚年
18 雪泥鸿爪 情系『傲霜』
19 不畏崎岖 潇洒云游
20 港澳回归 怀念彝民
21 四代同堂 颐享天年
第六章 怀念致敬慰女英
22 怀念致敬慰女英
附录 张玉泉、费康1933年北京建筑考察摄影作品一览
Ⅰ 1912-1934 Hometown and University Education
1 Zhang Yuquan was born in 1912 at Rongcheng County in Sichuan Province,which is well known in Chinese history for its ancient poets and men of letters.
2 Her parents died in early years and she left Sichuan for study in university under the support of her elder brothers.
3 The outstanding professors and brotherly classmates in the Department of Architecture of Central University in Nanjing helped her professional success in later years.
4 She was active both in classroom and sporting events.She studied hard not only theoretically but practically and lived a simple and frugal life at school.
Ⅱ 1934-1942 Success by Starting Professional Architectural Career with Her Husband
5 Married with her university classmate Fei Kang soon after graduation,she looked forward to a bright future.
6 The war against Japanese aggression began in 1937 and the couple devoted themselves to teaching national defense engineering,believing that education should be a priority for China to win the war.
7 The war detained them in Shanghai.Unable to return home in the interior,they had to make a living in this metropolis.
8 The couple were the archaeology consultants in the film"Confucius",which was directed by Fei Mu,a poetic director who was her husdand's elder brother.
9 Their first success as architects was the designing of"Pu Yuan"in 1941,a housing estate of 12 Spanish-style buildings,which is now under the protection of the municipal government as Shanghai's historical building since 1999.
10 A sudden and violent thunderbolt took place in her life.Her beloved husband died in three days after infection by diphtheria due to a mistaken operation on trachea.She was then at the age of 30.
Ⅲ 1942-1949 Running Private Architecture Office Independently after Losing Husband
11 She,a widow,continued her career as an architect,heading independently the Good Earth Architecture Office in Shanghai.She had to work hard and live a difficult and occupied life to bring up her 7-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter.
12 She made friends with poets,writers and artists to learn more about ancient Chinese literature and traditional painting.
13 Her joyful reunion with brothers from the interior and she recovered from poor health condition arising from heavy work when Shanghai was liberated in 1949.
Ⅳ 1949-1976 Playing Active Role in New China's Industrial Construction
14 Closing h private business,the Good Earth Architecture Office,she joined the state-owned East China Architect
15 Working whole-heartedly for the reconstruction of new China,she took part in designing industrial buildings and housing projects.
Ⅴ 1976-2004 Peaceful life as Poet and Artist after Retirement
16 As a council member of The Architectural Society of China,she took active part in this organization even after her retirement in 1976.
17 She lived a simple life with satisfaction to spend remaining years.
18 Writing poems and painting Chinese traditional pictures,she entitled the collection of her lifetime poems and paintings in a book Proud Flower Braving Relentless Frost.
19 Overcoming difficulties of old age,she traveled many scenic spots and cities home and abroad.
20 She cherished memory of Fei Yimin,elder brother of her husband who was a famous journalist in HongKong,when HongKong returned to the motherland in 1997.
21 As the first generation of Chinese woman architect,she enjoyed the happy life in her late years.In 2001,she celebrated her 90th birthday with her four-generation family.
Ⅵ Memorial After 2004
22 She passed away at age of 93 in 2004,but her memory lives forever in many people's heart.
Architecture Photo Collection by Zhang Yuquan and Fei Kang in 1933
Chronological Life of Zhang Yuquan
List of Zhang Yuquan's Works
Index of Reference



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Legendary life of the first generation of Chinese woman architect Zhang Yuquan
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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