1.The Argument of the Rape of Lucrece
2. Let Me Wither
3. Of Studies
4. Of Marriage and Single Life
5. Of Wisdom for a Man's Self
6. A Fair and Happy Milkmaid
7. A Modest Proposal
8. The Spider and the Bee
9. Adventures of a Shilling
10. Letter to His Son
11. Letter to Lord Chesterfield
1.The Argument of the Rape of Lucrece
2. Let Me Wither
3. Of Studies
4. Of Marriage and Single Life
5. Of Wisdom for a Man's Self
6. A Fair and Happy Milkmaid
7. A Modest Proposal
8. The Spider and the Bee
9. Adventures of a Shilling
10. Letter to His Son
11. Letter to Lord Chesterfield
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