Ancestors and eternity:essays on Chinese archaeology and art
作 者:(英)杰西卡·罗森(Jessica Rawson)著;邓菲,黄洋,吴晓筠等译
“Ornament and Territory: The Case of the Bronzes from Hanzhong,” forthcoming in Cao Wei ed., Hanzhong chutu Shangdai qingtongqi, 4 vols., Chengdu: Sichuan chubanshe, Ba Shu chubanshe, 2006—2011.
“Statesmen or Barbarians, the Western Zhou as Seen Through Their Bronzes,”British Academy Albert Reckitt Archaeological Lecture, 19th October 1989,Proceedings of the British Academy, LXXV, 1989, pp.71-95.
“A Bronze-casting Revolution in the Western Zhou and Its Impact on Provincial
Industries,” in R. Maddin ed., The Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986, Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988, pp.228-238.
“Ritual Vessel Changes in the Warring States, Qin and Han Periods,” in Regional Culture, Religion and Arts before the Seventh Century, Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology, History Section, Taipei: Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica, 2002, pp.1-57
“Reviving Ancient Ornament and the Presence of the Past: Examples from Shang and Zhou Bronze Vessels,” in Wu Hung ed., Reinventing the Past: Archaism and Antiquarianism in Chinese Art and Visual Culture, Chicago: Art Media Resources, 2010, pp.47-76.
“Novelties in Antiquarian Revivals: The Case of the Chinese Ritual Bronzes,” The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly, vol.22, no.1, Autumn, 2004, pp.1-34.
“The Ancestry of Chinese Bronzes,” in Steven Lubar and W. David Kingery eds., History from Things: Essays on Material Culture, Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993, pp.51-73.
墓 葬
“Chinese Burial Patterns: Sources of Information on Thought and Belief,” in Chris Scarre and Colin Renfrew eds., Cognition and Culture: the Archaeology of Symbolic Storage, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 1998, pp.107-133.
“The Power of Images: The Model Universe of the First Emperor and Its Legacy,” Historical Research, vol.75, no.188, May 2002, pp.123-154.
“The Eternal Palaces of the Western Han: A New View of the Universe,” Artibus Asiae, vol. LIX, 1/2, 1999, pp.5-58.
“Cosmological Systems as Sources of Art, Ornament and Design,” Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, vol.72, 2000, pp.133-189.
“The Origins of Chinese Mountain Painting: Evidence from Archaeology,” Proceedings of the British Academy, vol.117, 2002, pp.1-48.
13.红玛瑙珠、动物塑像和带有异域风格的器物——公元前1000—前650 年前后周及其封国与亚洲内陆的交流迹象
“Carnelian Beads, Animal Figures and Exotic Vessels: Traces of Contact between the Chinese States and Inner Asia, c.1000—650BC,” Arch?eologie in China, vol.1, Bridging Eurasia, 2010, pp.1-42.
“The Chinese Hill Censer, boshanlu: A Note on Origins, Influences and Meanings,”Ars Asiatiques, Volume en homage á Madame Michéle Pirazzoli t’Serstevens, vol.61, 2006, pp.75-86.
“A Portrait of the Wanli Emperor: Art Ritual and Agency,” in Robin Osborn and
Jeremy Tanner eds., Arts’ Agency, Oxford: Blackwells, 2007, pp.95-113.
“Ornament as System: Chinese Bird-and-Flower Designs,” The Burlington Magazine, June 2006, pp.380-389.
“China: The Three Emperors, 1662—1795: An Exhibition from the Palace Museum, Beijing,” Orientations, vol. 36, no.8, 2005, pp.46-55.
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“Ornament and Territory: The Case of the Bronzes from Hanzhong,” forthcoming in Cao Wei ed., Hanzhong chutu Shangdai qingtongqi, 4 vols., Chengdu: Sichuan chubanshe, Ba Shu chubanshe, 2006—2011.
“Statesmen or Barbarians, the Western Zhou as Seen Through Their Bronzes,”British Academy Albert Reckitt Archaeological Lecture, 19th October 1989,Proceedings of the British Academy, LXXV, 1989, pp.71-95.
“A Bronze-casting Revolution in the Western Zhou and Its Impact on Provincial
Industries,” in R. Maddin ed., The Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986, Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988, pp.228-238.
“Ritual Vessel Changes in the Warring States, Qin and Han Periods,” in Regional Culture, Religion and Arts before the Seventh Century, Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology, History Section, Taipei: Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica, 2002, pp.1-57
“Reviving Ancient Ornament and the Presence of the Past: Examples from Shang and Zhou Bronze Vessels,” in Wu Hung ed., Reinventing the Past: Archaism and Antiquarianism in Chinese Art and Visual Culture, Chicago: Art Media Resources, 2010, pp.47-76.
“Novelties in Antiquarian Revivals: The Case of the Chinese Ritual Bronzes,” The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly, vol.22, no.1, Autumn, 2004, pp.1-34.
“The Ancestry of Chinese Bronzes,” in Steven Lubar and W. David Kingery eds., History from Things: Essays on Material Culture, Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993, pp.51-73.
墓 葬
“Chinese Burial Patterns: Sources of Information on Thought and Belief,” in Chris Scarre and Colin Renfrew eds., Cognition and Culture: the Archaeology of Symbolic Storage, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 1998, pp.107-133.
“The Power of Images: The Model Universe of the First Emperor and Its Legacy,” Historical Research, vol.75, no.188, May 2002, pp.123-154.
“The Eternal Palaces of the Western Han: A New View of the Universe,” Artibus Asiae, vol. LIX, 1/2, 1999, pp.5-58.
“Cosmological Systems as Sources of Art, Ornament and Design,” Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, vol.72, 2000, pp.133-189.
“The Origins of Chinese Mountain Painting: Evidence from Archaeology,” Proceedings of the British Academy, vol.117, 2002, pp.1-48.
13.红玛瑙珠、动物塑像和带有异域风格的器物——公元前1000—前650 年前后周及其封国与亚洲内陆的交流迹象
“Carnelian Beads, Animal Figures and Exotic Vessels: Traces of Contact between the Chinese States and Inner Asia, c.1000—650BC,” Arch?eologie in China, vol.1, Bridging Eurasia, 2010, pp.1-42.
“The Chinese Hill Censer, boshanlu: A Note on Origins, Influences and Meanings,”Ars Asiatiques, Volume en homage á Madame Michéle Pirazzoli t’Serstevens, vol.61, 2006, pp.75-86.
“A Portrait of the Wanli Emperor: Art Ritual and Agency,” in Robin Osborn and
Jeremy Tanner eds., Arts’ Agency, Oxford: Blackwells, 2007, pp.95-113.
“Ornament as System: Chinese Bird-and-Flower Designs,” The Burlington Magazine, June 2006, pp.380-389.
“China: The Three Emperors, 1662—1795: An Exhibition from the Palace Museum, Beijing,” Orientations, vol. 36, no.8, 2005, pp.46-55.
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Ancestors and eternity:essays on Chinese archaeology and art
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