Modern English lexicology


作   者:杨艳华,张树凡编著





   本书以简练的语言、实用的例子系统地介绍了英语词汇学方面的知   识,重点介绍了英语词汇的来源、词的结构、词的构成方法、词的理据、   词的语义分类、词与词之间的语义关系、词义的变化、词义与语境、英语   习语、美国英语等。    本书适合从事英语教学的教师、英语专业学生、非英语专业高级阶段   学生等阅读和参考。   


  Chapter 1 InWoducfion
   1.1 Definition of lexicology
   1.2 Definition of a word
   1.3 Classification of English words
   1.4 Aims and significance of the English lexicology course
  Chapter 2 Sources of English vocabulary
   2.1 Native words in modem English
   2.2 Borrowed words in modem English
   2.2.1 Words from Latin
   2.2.2 Words from Greek
   2.2.3 Words from French
   2.2.4 Words from Scandinavian
   2.2.5 Words from Italian
   2.2.6 Words from German
   2.2.7 Words from Arabic
   2.2.8 Words from Chinese
   2.3 Neologisms in modern English
     2.3.1 Sources of neologisms
     2.3.2 Formations of neologisms
  Chapter 3 Morphological structures of English words
   3.1 Morpheme
   3.2 Classification of morphemes
   3.2.1 Free morphemes and bound morphemes
   3.2.2 Roots and affixes
   3.2.3 Roots and stems
   3.2.4 Morphs.morphemes,allomorphs
   Appendix:some common roots
  Chapter 4 Word-formation
   4.1 Derivation
   Appendix:some common prefixes
   Appendix:some common suffixes
   4.2 Compounding
   4.2.1 Noun compounds
   4.2.2 Adjective compounds
   4.2.3 Verb compounds
   4.2.4 Pronoun compounds
   4.2.5 Adverb compounds
   4.2.6 Preposition compounds
   4.2.7 Conjunction compounds
   4.3 Conversion
     4.3.1 Conversion from noun to verb
   4.3.2 Conversion from verb to noun
   4.3.3 Conversion from adjective to noun
   4.4 Blending
   Appendix:some common blends
   4.5 Clipping
   Appendix:some common clippings
   4.6 Acronymy
   Appendix:some common acronyms and initialisms
   4.7 Back—formation
   4.8 By analogy
  Chapter 5 Motivation
   5.1 Phonetic motivation
   5.1.1 Primary onomatopoeia
   5.1.2 Secondary onomatopoeia
   5.2 Semantic motivation
   5.3 Morphological motivation
   5.4 Motivation and cultural background
  Chapter 6 Types of word meaning
   6.1 Grammatical meaning and lexical meaning
   6.2 Conceptual meaning and connotative meaning
   6.3 Social meaning
   6.4 Mfective meaning
   6.5 Collocative meaning
   6.6 Thematic meaning
   6.7 Local meaning
  Chapter 7 Semantic relationship between words
   7.1 Polysemy
   7.2 Homonymy
     7.2.1 Perfect homonyms
     7.2.2 Homophones
     7.2.3 Homographs
     7.2.4 Creation of homonyms
     Appendix:some common homonyms
   7.3 Synonymy
     7.3.1 Differences between synonyms
    7.3.2 Sources of synonyms
     7.3.3 Synonymous patterns
     Appendix:some common euphemisms
   7.4 Antonymy
   7.4.1 Classification of antonyms
   7.4.2 Different antonyms in different contexts
   7.4.3 The use of antonyms
   7.5 Hyponymy
   7.6 Semantic field
  Chapter 8 Changes in word meaning
   8.1 Causes of changes in word meaning
   8.2 Tendencies that lead to the changes in word meaning
   8.2.1 Generalization
   8.2.2 Specialization
   8.2.3 Elevation
   8.2.4 Degradation
   8.2.5 Change of meaning resulting from figurative use of eords
   8.2.6 The use of the abstract for the concrete or vice versa
   8.2.7 Common words from proper names
  Chapter 9 Meaning and context
   9.1 Types of context
   9.I.1 Linguistic context
   9.1.2 Extra—linguistic context
   9.2 Context and ambiguity
   9.3 Ambiguity and fuzziness
  Chapter 10 English idioms
   10.1 Definition of idioms
   10.2 Characteristics of English idioms
   10.2.1 Semantic unity
   10.2.2 Structural stability
   10.3 Sources of English idioms
   10.4 Classification of English idioms
   10.4.1 Idioms nominal in nature
   10.4.2 Idioms adjectival in nature
   10.4.3 Idioms verbal in nature
   10.4.4 Idioms adverbial in nature
   10.4.5 Sentence idioms
   10.5 Stylistic features of idioms
   Appendix:some common Dmverbs
  Chapter 11 American English
   11.1 Brief history of American English
   11.2 Characteristics of American English
   11.2.1 Creativjty
   11.2.2 Archaism
   11.2.3 Heterogeneity
   11.2.4 Uniformity
   11.2.5 Popularity of slang
   11.3 Differences between British and American English
   11.3.1 Differences in pronunciation
   11.3.2 Differences in spelling
   11.3.3 Differences in vocabulary
   11.3.4 Differences in grammar
  Key to exercises
  Glossary of some linguistic terms
  Reference books



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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