Harmony of Human and Nature 天人合一
1. Zhuangzhou Dreamed a Butterfly 庄周梦蝶
2. A Fond Dream of Nanke 南柯一梦
3. The Penumbras and the Shadow 罔两问影
4. Lips Gone,Teeth Cold 唇亡齿寒
5. Perfectly Impartial 大公无私
6. Every Word Counts 一言九鼎
7. Cast a Brick to Attract Jade 抛砖引玉
8. A Sigh of River 望洋兴叹
Narture of Doctrine and Law 道法自然
9. Make Dresses according to Measurements 量体裁衣
10. Duke Lu Raised a Seabird 鲁侯养鸟
11. Grappling between a Snipe and a Clam 鹬蚌相争
12. Ready Images of Bamboo in Bosom 胸有成竹
13. Old Horse Knows the Way 老马识途
14. Impossible to Carve in Rotten Wood 朽木难雕
Immense Image without Shape 大象无形
15. Never Trust Appearance 不可貌相
16. Two Concubines 逆旅二妾
17. The Frog in the Shallow Well 井底之蛙
18. Yu Gong Removed the Mountains 愚公移山
19. Showing off One's Skill before Lu Ban 班门弄斧
20. Mr.Dong Guo 东郭先生
21. Please Come into the Vat 请君入瓮
22. Crossing a River in the Same Boat 同舟共济
Devise Strategies 运筹帷幄
23. Everything Was Ready except the East Wind 万事俱备只欠东风
24. To Lower the Banners and Silence the Drums 偃旗息鼓
25. Rousing the Spirits with the First Drum Roll 一鼓作气
26. Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition for Peace 退避三舍
27. Like a Raging Fire 如火如荼
28. Songs of Chu on All Sides 四面楚歌
29. To Wait at One's Ease for an Exhausted Opponent 以逸待劳
30. Every Bush and Tree Looked like an Enemy Soldier 草木皆兵
Supreme Eloquence 大辩若讷
31. The Blind Man and the Sun 盲人问日
32. An Argument about the Sun 二童辩日
33. The Argument above the Hao River 濠梁之辩
34. Fix the Empty Sheepfold 亡羊补牢
35. A Loss May Turn Out to Be a Gain 塞翁失马
36. Zhuangzhou Borrowed Grain 庄周贷粟
37. Paper Prices Skyrocketed in Luoyang 洛阳纸贵
38. Issue Orders Repeatedly 三令五申
39. A Wily Hare with Three Burrows 狡兔三窟
Glib Tongues 巧言善道
40. Calling a Stag a Horse 指鹿为马
41. A Repeated Slander Makes Others Believe 三人成虎
42. Fox Basked in Tiger's Reflected Glory 狐假虎威
43. Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk 朝三暮四
44. Robbers Have Their Ways 盗亦有道
45. The Gentleman on the Beam 梁上君子
46. Crowded like a Marketplace 门庭若市
Mediocre Persons' Imaginary Troubles 庸人自扰
47. The Man of Zheng Bought Shoes 郑人买履
48. A Walk Learner in Handan 邯郸学步
49. Playing the Lute to a Cow 对牛弹琴
50. Mr.Nan Guo 滥竽充数
51. A Mantis Blocked a Chariot 螳臂挡车
52. Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell 掩耳盗铃
53. The Lost Axe 疑人偷斧
54. Lord Ye Loved the Dragon 叶公好龙
55. Ask a Fox for Its Skin 与狐谋皮
56. The Worries of the Man of Qi 杞人忧天
Awkwardness of Stupidity 愚伯之窘
57. Aping a Beauty 东施效颦
58. Covering One's Eyes with a Leaf 一叶障目
59. Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet to It 画蛇添足
60. Waiting by a Stump for a Careless Hare 守株待兔
61. No More Tricks 黔驴技穷
62. His Spear Against His Shield 自相矛盾
63. Plucking Up a Crop to Help It Grow 揠苗助长
64. Going South by Driving the Chariot North 南辕北辙
65. Marking the Boat for a Dropped Sword 刻舟求剑
66. Hearsay in the Street 道听途说
67. Fish for the Moon in the Well 水中捞月
68. Putting Pupils in Dragons'Eyes 画龙点睛
69. Skill of Killing Dragons 屠龙之术
70. Looking for a Steed with Its Picture 按图索骥
Harmony of Human and Nature 天人合一
1. Zhuangzhou Dreamed a Butterfly 庄周梦蝶
2. A Fond Dream of Nanke 南柯一梦
3. The Penumbras and the Shadow 罔两问影
4. Lips Gone,Teeth Cold 唇亡齿寒
5. Perfectly Impartial 大公无私
6. Every Word Counts 一言九鼎
7. Cast a Brick to Attract Jade 抛砖引玉
8. A Sigh of River 望洋兴叹
Narture of Doctrine and Law 道法自然
9. Make Dresses according to Measurements 量体裁衣
10. Duke Lu Raised a Seabird 鲁侯养鸟
11. Grappling between a Snipe and a Clam 鹬蚌相争
12. Ready Images of Bamboo in Bosom 胸有成竹
13. Old Horse Knows the Way 老马识途
14. Impossible to Carve in Rotten Wood 朽木难雕
Immense Image without Shape 大象无形
15. Never Trust Appearance 不可貌相
16. Two Concubines 逆旅二妾
17. The Frog in the Shallow Well 井底之蛙
18. Yu Gong Removed the Mountains 愚公移山
19. Showing off One's Skill before Lu Ban 班门弄斧
20. Mr.Dong Guo 东郭先生
21. Please Come into the Vat 请君入瓮
22. Crossing a River in the Same Boat 同舟共济
Devise Strategies 运筹帷幄
23. Everything Was Ready except the East Wind 万事俱备只欠东风
24. To Lower the Banners and Silence the Drums 偃旗息鼓
25. Rousing the Spirits with the First Drum Roll 一鼓作气
26. Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition for Peace 退避三舍
27. Like a Raging Fire 如火如荼
28. Songs of Chu on All Sides 四面楚歌
29. To Wait at One's Ease for an Exhausted Opponent 以逸待劳
30. Every Bush and Tree Looked like an Enemy Soldier 草木皆兵
Supreme Eloquence 大辩若讷
31. The Blind Man and the Sun 盲人问日
32. An Argument about the Sun 二童辩日
33. The Argument above the Hao River 濠梁之辩
34. Fix the Empty Sheepfold 亡羊补牢
35. A Loss May Turn Out to Be a Gain 塞翁失马
36. Zhuangzhou Borrowed Grain 庄周贷粟
37. Paper Prices Skyrocketed in Luoyang 洛阳纸贵
38. Issue Orders Repeatedly 三令五申
39. A Wily Hare with Three Burrows 狡兔三窟
Glib Tongues 巧言善道
40. Calling a Stag a Horse 指鹿为马
41. A Repeated Slander Makes Others Believe 三人成虎
42. Fox Basked in Tiger's Reflected Glory 狐假虎威
43. Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk 朝三暮四
44. Robbers Have Their Ways 盗亦有道
45. The Gentleman on the Beam 梁上君子
46. Crowded like a Marketplace 门庭若市
Mediocre Persons' Imaginary Troubles 庸人自扰
47. The Man of Zheng Bought Shoes 郑人买履
48. A Walk Learner in Handan 邯郸学步
49. Playing the Lute to a Cow 对牛弹琴
50. Mr.Nan Guo 滥竽充数
51. A Mantis Blocked a Chariot 螳臂挡车
52. Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell 掩耳盗铃
53. The Lost Axe 疑人偷斧
54. Lord Ye Loved the Dragon 叶公好龙
55. Ask a Fox for Its Skin 与狐谋皮
56. The Worries of the Man of Qi 杞人忧天
Awkwardness of Stupidity 愚伯之窘
57. Aping a Beauty 东施效颦
58. Covering One's Eyes with a Leaf 一叶障目
59. Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet to It 画蛇添足
60. Waiting by a Stump for a Careless Hare 守株待兔
61. No More Tricks 黔驴技穷
62. His Spear Against His Shield 自相矛盾
63. Plucking Up a Crop to Help It Grow 揠苗助长
64. Going South by Driving the Chariot North 南辕北辙
65. Marking the Boat for a Dropped Sword 刻舟求剑
66. Hearsay in the Street 道听途说
67. Fish for the Moon in the Well 水中捞月
68. Putting Pupils in Dragons'Eyes 画龙点睛
69. Skill of Killing Dragons 屠龙之术
70. Looking for a Steed with Its Picture 按图索骥
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