Unit One Passage A Pablo Picasso Grammar Simple,Compound and Complex Sentences Passage B Steven Spielberg Fast Reading Louganis' HeadacheUnit Two Passage A Howto Keep Fit?--Swimming! Grammar Infinitive Passage B How to Keep Clean in Space? Fast Reading How to TraveI for Less?Unit Three Passage A Time Across Cultures Grammar Infinitive and Gerund Puncluation Passage B Time Management Fast Reading A MemorableOlympic Event--The Perfect TenUnit Four Passage A TV Broadcasting Rights of Olympics Grammar Present Perfect Terise Passage B Fast Food for Fast Olympic Athletes Fast Reading The Art of Eating Out-Chinese DietUnit Five Passage A Animal Einsteins Grammar PreSent Perfect and Past Simple Passage B Why Are Dogs Important for Our Life? Fast Reading English Idioms and BaseballUnit Six Passage A Pray for My Mother Grammar Attributive Clauses Passage B The Iron Lady Sobbed--Margaret Thatcher Fast Reading 9 Prevention Tips forSchool Sports InjuriesUnit Seven Passage A Life's Struggles Grammar Past Peffect Tense Passage B The Rarest Medal in the Olympics Was a Bolt Fast Reading Parable of Two FrogsUnit Eight Passage A Body Language Grammar AdverbiaI Clauses(reason,result,purpose,concession) Passage B Body Language Says It All Fast Reading Great Golfer's Body LanguageUnit Nine Passage A Betty Robinson—The FirstWoman toWin an Olympic Gold MedaIin Track and Field Grammar Passive Voice Passage B Cotton and Coca-Cola--Things That Changed the World Fast Reading Full Court PressUnit Ten Passage A Grammar Not So Stupid Direct and lndirect Speech Passage B Importance Fast Reading You Can't Change the FutureUnit Eleven Passage A Love is Just a Thread Grammar Object Clauses Passage B Seed and Love Fast Reading AGlass of MilkUnit Twelve Passage A I Know You Would Come Grammar Past Progressive Tense,Past Future Tense Passage B Angel on Thanksgiving Day Fast Reading The Spirit Will Live on
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