part i about marketing
chapter 1 production and development of marketing
1.1 production of marketing
1.2 development of marketing
1.3 connotation and nature of marketing
1.4 research approaches of marketing
1.5 summary
chapter 2 marketing philosophy
2.1 production concept
2.2 product concept
2.3 selling concept
2.4 marketing concept
2.5 social marketing concept
2.6 mega-marketing concept
2.7 summary
part ii market elements
chapter 3 analysis of marketplace and marketing environment
3.1 implications and classification of marketplace
.3.2 implications and features of marketing environment
3.3 analysis of macro-marketing environment
3.4 analysis of micro-marketing environment
3.5 summary
chapter 4 analysis of market behavior
4.1 analysis of competitors
4.2 analysis of consumer market purchasing behavior
4.3 purchasing behavior analysis of organizational market
4.4 summary
chapter 5 market segmentation,targeting and positioning
5.1 market segmentation
5.2 market targeting
5.3 market positioning
5.4 summary
part iii marketing elements
chapter 6 marketing strategies
6.1 generalities
6.2 business determination adapt to the marketing strategy
6.3 varieties of the marketing strategy
6.4 summary
chapter 7 marketing competitive strategies
7.1 five basic competitive forces
7.2 basic competitive strategies
7.3 competitor ranking and marketing competitive strategy
7.4 summary
chapter 8 marketing engineering
8.1 origin and developmem of the marketing engineering
8.2 connotation and elements of the marketing engineering
8.3 marketing engineering methods
8.4 summary
chapter 9 marketing investigation and market forecast
9.1 marketing information systems
9.2 marketing research
9.3 marketing forecasting
9.4 summary
part iv marketing mix
chapter 10 product strategies
10.1 generalities
10.2 product policies
10.3 product positioning
10.4 product strategies
10.5 brands.
10.6 summary
chapter 11 price strategies
11.1 factors affecting pricing
11.2 elementary pricing methods
11.3 basic pricing strategy
11.4 summary
chapter 12 place strategies
12.1 basic types and features of place
12.2 choice tactics of place
12.3 wholesalers and retailers
12.4 summary
chapter 13 promotional strategies
13.1 generalities
13.2 sales promotion
13.3 public relations
13.4 advertising
13.5 summary
part v relative marketing issues
chapter 14 marketing management
14.1 marketing planning
14.2 marketing organization
14.3 marketing control
14.4 marketing audit
14.5 summary
chapter 15 other marketing orientations
15.1 service marketing
15.2 experiential marketing
15.3 international marketing
15.4 social marketing
15.5 summary
part i about marketing
chapter 1 production and development of marketing
1.1 production of marketing
1.2 development of marketing
1.3 connotation and nature of marketing
1.4 research approaches of marketing
1.5 summary
chapter 2 marketing philosophy
2.1 production concept
2.2 product concept
2.3 selling concept
2.4 marketing concept
2.5 social marketing concept
2.6 mega-marketing concept
2.7 summary
part ii market elements
chapter 3 analysis of marketplace and marketing environment
3.1 implications and classification of marketplace
.3.2 implications and features of marketing environment
3.3 analysis of macro-marketing environment
3.4 analysis of micro-marketing environment
3.5 summary
chapter 4 analysis of market behavior
4.1 analysis of competitors
4.2 analysis of consumer market purchasing behavior
4.3 purchasing behavior analysis of organizational market
4.4 summary
chapter 5 market segmentation,targeting and positioning
5.1 market segmentation
5.2 market targeting
5.3 market positioning
5.4 summary
part iii marketing elements
chapter 6 marketing strategies
6.1 generalities
6.2 business determination adapt to the marketing strategy
6.3 varieties of the marketing strategy
6.4 summary
chapter 7 marketing competitive strategies
7.1 five basic competitive forces
7.2 basic competitive strategies
7.3 competitor ranking and marketing competitive strategy
7.4 summary
chapter 8 marketing engineering
8.1 origin and developmem of the marketing engineering
8.2 connotation and elements of the marketing engineering
8.3 marketing engineering methods
8.4 summary
chapter 9 marketing investigation and market forecast
9.1 marketing information systems
9.2 marketing research
9.3 marketing forecasting
9.4 summary
part iv marketing mix
chapter 10 product strategies
10.1 generalities
10.2 product policies
10.3 product positioning
10.4 product strategies
10.5 brands.
10.6 summary
chapter 11 price strategies
11.1 factors affecting pricing
11.2 elementary pricing methods
11.3 basic pricing strategy
11.4 summary
chapter 12 place strategies
12.1 basic types and features of place
12.2 choice tactics of place
12.3 wholesalers and retailers
12.4 summary
chapter 13 promotional strategies
13.1 generalities
13.2 sales promotion
13.3 public relations
13.4 advertising
13.5 summary
part v relative marketing issues
chapter 14 marketing management
14.1 marketing planning
14.2 marketing organization
14.3 marketing control
14.4 marketing audit
14.5 summary
chapter 15 other marketing orientations
15.1 service marketing
15.2 experiential marketing
15.3 international marketing
15.4 social marketing
15.5 summary
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