

作   者:李志宏,梁东主编





   市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学、行为科学和现代管理理论基础之   上的应用科学,是工商管理类各专业的核心课程,其研究对象是以满足消   费者需求为中心的企业市场营销活动的过程及其规律性。李志宏,梁东主   编的这本《市场营销学(双语教材)》共十五章,主要内容包括现代市场营   销理论的形成和发展、市场营销管理哲学的演变、经典的4P组合等基本理   论以及市场营销环境对企业市场营销活动的影响、市场购买行为和市场营   销战略与策略等基本知识,同时还包括营销工程、市场细分、目标市场选   择、市场定位以及市场营销调查与预测等基本技能及其实际运用。    《市场营销学(双语教材)》为中英文双语教材,以问题为导向组织编   写,并配有丰富的案例,案例资料信息量大,选题新颖,通过案例问题讨   论与案例点评,有助于读者更深入地体会市场营销理论在营销活动中的指   导意义。    本书可作为高等院校工商管理、市场营销、物流管理、信息管理、会   计学、财务管理及人力资源管理等专业应用型人才的教学用书,也可以作   为相关从业人员的学习参考资料。   




part i about marketing

chapter 1 production and development of marketing

1.1 production of marketing

1.2 development of marketing

1.3 connotation and nature of marketing

1.4 research approaches of marketing

1.5 summary

chapter 2 marketing philosophy

2.1 production concept

2.2 product concept

2.3 selling concept

2.4 marketing concept

2.5 social marketing concept

2.6 mega-marketing concept

2.7 summary

part ii market elements

chapter 3 analysis of marketplace and marketing environment

3.1 implications and classification of marketplace

.3.2 implications and features of marketing environment

3.3 analysis of macro-marketing environment

3.4 analysis of micro-marketing environment

3.5 summary

chapter 4 analysis of market behavior

4.1 analysis of competitors

4.2 analysis of consumer market purchasing behavior

4.3 purchasing behavior analysis of organizational market

4.4 summary

chapter 5 market segmentation,targeting and positioning

5.1 market segmentation

5.2 market targeting

5.3 market positioning

5.4 summary

part iii marketing elements

chapter 6 marketing strategies

6.1 generalities

6.2 business determination adapt to the marketing strategy

6.3 varieties of the marketing strategy

6.4 summary

chapter 7 marketing competitive strategies

7.1 five basic competitive forces

7.2 basic competitive strategies

7.3 competitor ranking and marketing competitive strategy

7.4 summary

chapter 8 marketing engineering

8.1 origin and developmem of the marketing engineering

8.2 connotation and elements of the marketing engineering

8.3 marketing engineering methods

8.4 summary

chapter 9 marketing investigation and market forecast

9.1 marketing information systems

9.2 marketing research

9.3 marketing forecasting

9.4 summary

part iv marketing mix

chapter 10 product strategies

10.1 generalities

10.2 product policies

10.3 product positioning

10.4 product strategies

10.5 brands.

10.6 summary

chapter 11 price strategies

11.1 factors affecting pricing

11.2 elementary pricing methods

11.3 basic pricing strategy

11.4 summary

chapter 12 place strategies

12.1 basic types and features of place

12.2 choice tactics of place

12.3 wholesalers and retailers

12.4 summary

chapter 13 promotional strategies

13.1 generalities

13.2 sales promotion

13.3 public relations

13.4 advertising

13.5 summary

part v relative marketing issues

chapter 14 marketing management

14.1 marketing planning

14.2 marketing organization

14.3 marketing control

14.4 marketing audit

14.5 summary

chapter 15 other marketing orientations

15.1 service marketing

15.2 experiential marketing

15.3 international marketing

15.4 social marketing

15.5 summary



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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