

  《管理学全球化与创业视角(第13版)(英文影印版)》运用了大量的涉及美国、欧洲和亚洲(包括印度)的范例,探讨了适用于不同类型的组织和企业家的至关重要的管理原则和理念。正因如此,本书不仅是企业管理专业学生和教师得心应手的教材,而且也是企业管理人员不可多得的参考文献。    《管理学全球化与创业视角(第13版)(英文影印版)》特色要点:    ·每章都更新了反映当前形势的管理的国际化和创业视角。    ·与硅谷地区著名创业家、风险资本家、高层管理人员和律师的近期访谈内容给管理原则赋予了耳目一新的内涵。    ·全书增添了大鼙的聚焦于印度和中国的管理环境的案例和视角。    ·补充了蓝海战略、平衡记分卡和启发式决策的新理论内容。    ·价值链理念与管理的系统方法的结合。



chapter 1

figure 1.1 time spent in carrying out managerial functions

figure 1.2 skills and management levels

figure 1.3 approaches to management

figure 1.4 the management process, or operational, approach

figure 1.5 input-output model

figure 1.6 systems approach to m~nagement

chapter 2

figure 2.1 the organization and its external environment

chapter 3

figure 3.1 forms of international business

figure 3.2 the baldrige award criteria framework: dynamic relationships

figure 3.3 the european foundation for quality management model for business excellence

figure cia twos matrix for the competitive situation of china

chapter 4

figure 4.1 close relationship of planning and controlling

figure 4.2 steps in planning

figure 4.3 relationship of objectives and the organizational hierarchy

figure 4.4 systems approach to management by objectives

.chapter 5

figure 5.1 strategic planning process model

figure 5.2 tows matrix for strategy formulation

figure 5.3 dynamics of the tows matrix

figure 5.4 business portfolio matrix

chapter 6

figure 6.1 bases for selecting from among alternative courses of action

figure 6.2 the nature of problems and decision making in the organization

figure c2.1 tows matrix--a conceptual model

figure c2.2 tows matrix for india

figure c2.3 tows matrix for chrysler corporation before the merger

figure c2.4 tows matrix for daimler-benz before the merger

figure c2.5 tows matrix for daimler-chrysler after the merger

chapter 7

figure 7.1 formal and informal organizations

figure 7.2 organization structures with narrow and wide spans

figure 7.3 management by processes

figure 7.4 the organizing process

chapter 8

figure 8.1 a functional organization grouping (in a manufacturing company)

figure 8.2 a territorial, or geographic, organization grouping (in a manufacturing company)

figure 8.3 customer departmentation (in a large bank)'

figure 8.4 a product organization grouping (in a manufacturing company)

figure 8.5 matrix organization (in engineering)

figure 8.6 typical strategic business unit organization (in a large industrial chemical company)

chapter 9

figure 9.1 centralization and decentralization as tendencies

chapter 10

figure 10.1 formal and informal or informational organizations

chapter 11

figure 11.1 systems approach to staffing

figure 11.2 manager inventory chart

figure 11.3 personnel actions' based on manager supply and demand within the enterprise

figure 11.4 systems approach to selection

chapter 12

figure 12.1 the appraisal process

figure 12.2 formulation of a career strategy

chapter 13

figure 13.1 manager development process and training

figure 13.2 analysis of training needs,

figure 13.3 moving an organizational equilibrium

figure 13.4 a model of the organization development process

chapter 14

figure 14.1 maslow's hierarchy of needs

figure 14.2 comparison of maslow's and herzberg's theories of motivation

figure 14.3 porter and lawler's motivation model

figure 14.4 equity theory

figure 14.5 objective or goal setting for motivation

chapter 15

figure 15.1 the flow of influence with three leadership styles

figure 15.2 the managerial grid

figure 15.3 continuum of manager-nonmanager behavior

figure 15.4 fiedler's model of leadership

figure 15.5 path-goal approach to leadership effectiveness

chapter 16

figure 16.1 increased complexity of relationships through increase in group size

figure 16.2 which comparison line is the same length as the standard line?

chapter 17

figure 17.1 the purpose and function of communication

figure 17.2 a communication process model

figure 17.3 information flow in an organization

chapter 18

figure 18.1 feedback loop of management control

figure 18.2 comparison of simple feedback and feedforward systems

figure 18.3 system of inputs for feedforward inventory control

chapter 19

figure 19.1 transition from a gantt chart to pert

figure 19.2 pert flowchart

figure 19.3 matrix for e-commerce

chapter 20

figure 20.1 operations management system

figure 20.2 inventory control model

figure 20.3 sample .value chain activities and managerial actions for a computer manufacturer

figure c6.1 the future of global management matrix

figure c6.2 illustration of milestones and financing to achieve rapid growth and liquidity



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Management:a global and entrepreneurial perspective
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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