本书南棍是南拳拳系中长器械之一。也是南派武术中流传甚广的一种器械。初级南棍是中国武术的入门套路,共有16个动作,是晋升中国武术段位级别的标准考评套路。主要棍法有劈棍、扫棍、刺棍、挑棍、抱棍、弹棍、拨棍等。此套—路具有兼枪带棒、刚劲有力、把法多变、长短兼施的典型特点,步法稳健沉实。节奏明快干脆,发动饱满刚烈。本教材讲解清晰,简单易学。是初学者的理想教材。 As the traditional technique of martial arts of Southern School,“Elementary Cudgel of Southern School is one of the most popular among Southern School. It is the very routine for beginners. All together with l 6 movements, it is officially appointed as the Standard Routine of Level-promotion in the National Wushu Confest.“Elementary Cudgel of Southern School" is featured by such techniques as cut, pierce, hold, push, sweep, and point skill. And it is characterized by its variety in movement: forcefu ,strength, fierce movement and steady steps. It is demonstrated clearly and smoothly, so it is easy to practice and become the ideal routine for beginners. The book adopts the three-dimensional teaching method, combines the writing, diagram and video. The authoritative experts are invited for the technical performance and teaching demonstrations, so it ensures that learners grasp the sterling and original and skills.
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