《郎文当代英语辞典》(英语版)第3版(1995年)信息量非常大,全面反映了当代西方社会生活新面貌,是一部有助于培养英语口头与书面准确表达和恰当运用语言技能的实用并引人入胜的工具书。它具有以下的特点: (一)收词量大,覆盖面广,超过8万条单词和短语。 (二)释义精确、细致、浅显易懂。释义所用词汇为朗文公司语料库精选的最常用的2千英语单词。 (三)收集各方面的当代英语词汇:文学、商业、科技等等,以及日常生活交谈、会话中自然、随意的说法。例如,deconstruction(解构、拆析,文学评论用语),market economy(市场经济,商业用语),clone(克隆动物或植物,科技用语),say-so(允许、许可):Without his(the doctors)say-so,you cant leave the hospital.(没有医生的许可,你不得出院。日常生活随意用语)。 (四)新词丰富多彩。例如,snail mail(蜗牛邮件:humorous an expression meaning letters that are sent by post,used,especially by people who send computer messages,幽默用语,特别是那些通过电脑发送信息的人们所惯用的称谓),e-mail(电子邮件 v.Will you e-mail me about it?作动词用:你能否用电子邮件告诉我此事?) (五)提供英语口语和书面语中必不可少和最常用的同义单词和短语,以及它们的语法搭配和句型所出现的频率,并指出英、美用法之间的差异。例如,指出同义词buy,get和purchase分别在口语和书面语中出现的频率;在口语中get出现的频率百分比高于buy,而purchase的百分比却微乎其微。在书面语中buy的百分比大大高过purchase,而get则极少用。purchase多用于正式场合或商业环境中,在一般书面语中也比较少用。又例如,enter和go/come in 在口语和书面语中出现的情况:统计图表指出在口语中go in 和 come in 使用的次数较enter更为经常,因为enter用作这个词义过于正式,因此仅常见于书面语中。有关语法搭配和句型的例子,形容词afraid的各种用法出现的频率:afraid(that)百分比最高,其次为 afraid of something,再其次为 afraid to do something;afraid of doing something 则较少用,而 afraid so 和 afraid not 的百分比更低。英、美不同用法的例子:英国英语 on second thoughts(用名词复数),而美国英语口语则为 on second thought(用名词单数),二者皆译为“经考虑后改变主意”,“used to say that you have changed your mind about something:Ill have a coffee please.Oh no,on second thought,make it a beer. ”(请给我一杯咖啡。噢,对不起,还是来一杯啤酒吧。 ) (六)对同义词和反义词的细微歧义和用法用例句加以说明,简明扼要、恰到好处。例如,有关点、灭火的同义词和反义词:light,set fire to,catch fire,put out,go out,extinguish.说明为:If you want something to burn you usually light it:She lit a cigarette./the stove/a match.(她点燃了一支香烟/炉子/一根火柴。) You can also set fire to things,especially things that are not supposed to be burnt(点燃不应烧毁之物):Crowds rioted through the street,breaking windows and setting fire to cars.(人群在街头游行闹事,毁玻窗,烧汽车)。When something begins to burn,especially by accident,it catches fire(特指偶然引起的燃烧):The blaze started when some oily tags caught fire.(一些油浸的破布偶然燃烧起来,这就引起了一场大火。)To stop a fire you put it out,or else it may go out on its own(Not go off)(put out ,v.t.“熄灭”;go out ,v.i.“自动熄灭”)。On official notices and instructions you may see extinguish(正式布告和守则上可能使用extinguish 一词):Will passengers please extinguish all cigarettes.(请乘客都把香烟灭掉。) (七)附有24整页彩色插图,既赏心悦目,又使读者一目了然,大有助于释义。例如有关 house各部分的彩色插图(第410页)。图上说明还加上英、美英语中某些部分名称的不同:电视天线:TV aerial(英),TV antenna(美);庭院: garden(英),yard(美);私人车道:drive(英)driveway(美);人行道:pavement(英),sidewalk(美);路缘:kerb(英),curb(美)——拼写不同,读音相同;尖桩篱栅:fence(英),picket fence(美);垃圾箱:dustbin(英),garbage can(美);联立房屋:terraced houses(英),row houses(美);二联式公寓:semi-detached(英),duplex(美);公寓大楼:block of flats(英),apartment building(美)。 这部新版《郎文当代英语词典》还有其它特色,兹不一一列举。我相信读者必将视它为良师益友和一位百问不厌的有趣的伴侣。
李赋宁 中国外语教学研究会副会长 北京大学教授 博士生导师
how to find what you are looking for
1.1 compound words
1.2 phrasal verbs
1.3 derived words without definition
1.4 homographs
1.5 other types of headwords
1.6 phrases and idioms
understanding meaning
2.1 words with more than one meaning
2.2 definitions
2.3 examples
2.4 collocations
2.5 finding the meaning you want - signposts
2.6 long entries with menus
2.7 showing words with similar and opposite meanings
4.1 word classes
4.2 inflections
4.3 syntax- verbs
.4.4 phrasal verbs
4.5 syntax- nouns
4.6 syntax-adjectives and adverbs
4.7 very infrequent words
information on register and usage
5.1 indicating register
5.2 spoken words and phrases
5.3 usage notes
6.1 compound words
british and american english
7.1 pronunciation and spelling differences
7.2 words and meanings - british andamerican differences
7.3 differences in grammar
7.4 differences in phrases and collocations
1.1 compound words
1.2 phrasal verbs
1.3 derived words without definition
1.4 homographs
1.5 other types of headwords
1.6 phrases and idioms
understanding meaning
2.1 words with more than one meaning
2.2 definitions
2.3 examples
2.4 collocations
2.5 finding the meaning you want - signposts
2.6 long entries with menus
2.7 showing words with similar and opposite meanings
4.1 word classes
4.2 inflections
4.3 syntax- verbs
.4.4 phrasal verbs
4.5 syntax- nouns
4.6 syntax-adjectives and adverbs
4.7 very infrequent words
information on register and usage
5.1 indicating register
5.2 spoken words and phrases
5.3 usage notes
6.1 compound words
british and american english
7.1 pronunciation and spelling differences
7.2 words and meanings - british andamerican differences
7.3 differences in grammar
7.4 differences in phrases and collocations
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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