《不管三七二十一新英语口语900句不会怎么行?—— 60天流利口语脱口说》


作   者:[美] 柯灵思(Edwin T. Cornelius, Jr.) 著 ,洪寅善 译





全美语言学校通用的权威英语培训课程ESL创始人之一,美国著名语言学家和教育家柯灵思(Edwin T. Cornelius, Jr.)接受美国政府委托,本着向各国英语学习者传授标准英语的宗旨,创作了囊括日常生活方方面面的英语口语教材English 900。这次出版发行的New English 900是它的畅销升级版。本书共有60课。每课内容分为4部分:开篇提纲挈领,列出本课要学习的主题和语法要点;第二部分为汉译英,读者可以试着用自己现有的英语知识把汉语翻译成英语,这对提高英语翻译能力大有裨益;第三部分为与上页中文对应的地道英语表达,读者可以大声朗读背诵这些句子,掌握原汁原味的英语口语表达;最后一部分为实用小贴士,补充各种与本课内容相关的趣味知识,让你在不知不觉中加深英语文化底蕴。教材附有配套的练习册。练习册采用独创的4阶段基础会话训练法:900个连读、断句训练帮你搞定英语的发音和语调;420个词汇、表达翻译训练助你掌握核心单词和词组;840个基本句型训练让你轻松掌握常用句型;120个情景对话训练提升你的口语实战能力,全面巩固学习效果! 此外,本书随书附赠6种版本的MP3音频,能够满足读者各个学习阶段的听力需求,方便广大读者在上下班或上下学途中随时随地巩固学习成果。本书是一本真正经典、真正权威、真正实用的英语口语学习书。书中的900个句子都经过美国著名语言学家的精挑细选,反复推敲。只要掌握这900句,相信你的英语口语会有质的提升!


Day 1 | Hello.问候

Day 2 | Come in, please. 请求和吩咐

Day 3 | What’s this? 谈论物品(单数)

Day 4 | What are these? 谈论物品(复数)

Day 5 | What do you do? 职业

Day 6 | What’s your name? 姓名

Day 7 | What day is today? 星期和月份

Day 8 | Do you have a cell phone? 拥有

Day 9 | What time is it? 时间

Day 10 | What’s the date today? 日期和场所

Day 11 | What do you want? 谈论需求

Day 12 | Do you speak English? 语言

Day 13 | What are you doing? 谈论正在做的事情

Day 14 | How old are you? 年龄

Day 15 | What time do you get upevery day? 日常生活

Day 16 | What time did you get upyesterday morning? 谈论昨天发生的事情

Day 17 | Where did you go yesterday? 转述

Day 18 | What time did you use toget up last year? 谈论过去的习惯

Day 19 | Where do you live? 邻里对话

Day 20 | Where were you going when Isaw you at the mall? 谈论过去做过的事情

Day 21 | What color is your purse? 描述物品

Day 22 | Would you help me lift thisheavy box? 提出请求

Day 23 | Can you give me directionsto the Peace Park? 问路和指路

Day 24 | Are you married? 婚姻状况

Day 25 | My friend spent hischildhood in California. 社区

Day 26 | What time are you going toget up tomorrow? 谈论将来的计划

Day 27 | How is the weather today? 天气

Day 28 | How are you feeling today? 疾病

Day 29 | I get out of bed at about 7o’clock every morning. 生活习惯

Day 30 | I think you’re mistakenabout that. 看法

Day 31 | What do you plan to dotomorrow? 制订计划

Day 32 | I’m anxious to know whatyour decision is. 做决定

Day 33 | Are you going to goanywhere this year? 出行

Day 34 | What size shoes do youwear? 购物

Day 35 | We are ready to order. 外出就餐

Day 36 | How long did the movielast? 休闲娱乐

Day 37 | I’d like to make anappointment to see Mr. Grey. 预约

Day 38 | I went to see my doctor fora check-up. 医疗

Day 39 | Someone is on the line foryou. 打电话

Day 40 | This needs to get toChicago by the end of the week. 邮件

Day 41 | A strange thing happened tome this morning. 谈论过去发生的事情

Day 42 | We are looking for a houseto rent for the summer. 租房和买房

Day 43 | What are you going to weartoday? 衣着

Day 44 | You have your point ofview, and I have mine. 表达不同的意见

Day 45 | If it doesn’t raintomorrow, I think I’ll go shopping. 谈论将来可能发生的事情

Day 46 | I would have gone on thepicnic if it hadn’t rained. 谈论过去可能发生的事情

Day 47 | I can’t stand summer weather. 个人喜好

Day 48 | If you want my advice, I don’tthink you should go. 建议

Day 49 | Would you please hold thedoor open for me? 求助和感谢

Day 50 | I’ll see you off at theairport. 旅行

Day 51 | What’s your nationality? 国家与国籍

Day 52 | Geographically, Korea is locatedin the northern hemisphere. 地理

Day 53 | In elementary school,children learn to read and write. 学校和教育

Day 54 | What kind of work do youdo? 工作

Day 55 | I’m supposed to make apresentation on Friday. 会议和销售

Day 56 | My hobby is collectingcoins. 业余爱好

Day 57 | Baseball is my favoritesport. 消遣

Day 58 | There wasn’t much news inthe paper today. 报纸和杂志

Day 59 | I don’t watch a lot of TVanymore. 电视

Day 60 | What’s your favorite kindof music? 音乐和书籍



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《不管三七二十一新英语口语900句不会怎么行?—— 60天流利口语脱口说》
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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