College English reading


作   者:周俊英主编





  《大学英语选修课系列教材:大学英语实用阅读(上)(非英语专业本科用)》选材范围广,知识性强,信息量大,趣味性浓。题材涉及幽默探源、自然灾害、品牌意识、动物奇趣、性别差异、环境问题、垃圾食品、星际迷航、绿色殉葬、恐怖主义、智商与种族、自闭症等。既有传统文学大师的华彩乐章,又有跨国公司和Bill Gates 的真知灼见;既有风俗介绍,又有励志进取的文章。该书选材注重原汁原味,并试图给四、六级应试和研究生入学考试的学生提供试前的最好阅读训练素材。全书共分15个单元,每单元由课前讨论课文、注释、课后练习和补充阅读等部分组成。


unit 1
 text how to measure what you learned in college
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 six ways to be happy with your college choice
 passage 2 funding in american higher education
unit 2
 text a worldwide gender gap
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 women餾 position in the 17th century
 passage 2 gaining ground on the wage front
unit 3
 text what animals really think:food,warmth, sleep?
 their thoughts may be much deeper than that
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 how did dogs become adept at playing to humans?
 passage 2 death of a tiger
unit 4
 text tide of grief
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 tide of grief(continued)
. passage 2 in the wake of the tsunami
unit 5
 text fighting “big fat”
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 it餾 not the carbs, stupid
 passage 2 a gene that says,“no more”
unit 6
 text artful aging
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 four rules for living a long healthy life 
 passage 2 the power of positive thinking
unit 7
 text merchants of death
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 humans were born to run, fossil study suggests
 passage 2 a job or a cigarette?
unit 8
 text testing the science of intelligence
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 in defiance of darwin
 passage 2 color瞔oordinated “truths”
unit 9
 text scientists try to find out what餾 so funny about humor
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 searching for the divine
 passage 2 spiders watch their diets too,study says
unit 10
 text what餾 in a name?
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 developing a company image and brand
 passage 2 brand management:define your identity, then stick to it
unit 11
 text is a large asteroid headed for impact with the earth in 2880?
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 prehistoric asteroid“killed everything”
 passage 2 “dinosaur瞜iller”asteroid crater imaged for first time
unit 12
 text green burials:thinking outside the box
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 home funerals: an old tradition returns
 passage 2 waste leads to worry in indonesia
unit 13
 text when does autism start?
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 when does autism start?(continued)
 passage 2 lost and found: one woman餾 remarkable transformation
unit 14
 text border net has become a noose
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 back to our regularly scheduled programming
 passage 2 turning a corner
unit 15
 text is it apocalypse now?
 supplementary reading
 passage 1 is it apocalypse now?(continued)
 passage 2 the end is not at hand



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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