the unicum is an individual product that reflects the needs and ideas of one person and is usually driven by emotions and spontaneous inspirations. the private use of the unicum by its designer and his friends completes its subjective direction, as well as its artistic impetus that also articulates social criticism and irony.
the serial production has clearly a broader reference to the society. it reflects the requests and needs of as many users as possible and tries to express social streams and trends with which the future owners of the products can identify. the acceptance of the market throughout a longer period of time is a precondition for economical action.
while the unicum can give food for thought, the serial product must create more reasonable and longer valid expressions of social reality.
however, both forms of design are unified by the communication between the user and the product. each piece of furniture and each accessory tells something about itself, as well as about the lifestyle ideas of its addressees. therefore, the focus on a certain awareness of life or on a particular lifestyle always means a restriction with regard to the quantity of the serial production.
sicis oo9
ninabrunn 012
fehling & peiz 014
oaphna isaacs & laurens handers 021
ontwerpduo 023
studiogeenen 029
hichaolbillain 032
floriangross 036
yellow diva 038
lesh 041
jorgepensi 043
rick lee 046
targa italia 052
eduardocliment 060
noga berman 061
meritalia spa 064
stefanheiligerdesignstudio 068
kojicollection 072
livingdivani 076
.studio floris wubben 080
werteloberfellplatform 083
dzstudio 086
iosephwalshstudio 090
designs 094
pianca spa 095
fabrica 108
kahkam 112
alexander pelikan 114
fishbol design atelier 118
lessica carnevale 122
ruialves 124
gjancarlozema 128
valenunagonzalezwohlers 130
hanssalomonsen 131
lund&paarhann 134
werner neumann 136
robert brou 138
boxetti 140
exporhih 144
onyx 149
kennethcobonpue 152
chohyungsuk 164
aah-uit 166
walter knoll 168
april hannah 170
lincolnkayiwa 172
nicoklaber 173
duravit 175
studio 000ms 180
roshultssvenska hantverkab 183
misosoupdesign 187
bakery studio 190
biiro fiir form 192
straight line designs 196
stanislavkatz 198
istudiohanna&seo 200
emiliana design studio 202
serien.tighting 205
ehan 209
lan'od tim design studio 210
2creative design team 212
chrisdnawaterson 213
hz20430 214
porada 216
rapsel 218
dario gagliardini 220
sander hulder 222
dsignio 230
gsg ceramic design 231
pallucco 250
constance guisset 252
stodio gorm 254
postfossil 258
jason phillips design 260
nilufar 261
zaafdesign 264
diego granese 266
zanotta 267
loemen 268
justihe designteam 270
sicis oo9
ninabrunn 012
fehling & peiz 014
oaphna isaacs & laurens handers 021
ontwerpduo 023
studiogeenen 029
hichaolbillain 032
floriangross 036
yellow diva 038
lesh 041
jorgepensi 043
rick lee 046
targa italia 052
eduardocliment 060
noga berman 061
meritalia spa 064
stefanheiligerdesignstudio 068
kojicollection 072
livingdivani 076
.studio floris wubben 080
werteloberfellplatform 083
dzstudio 086
iosephwalshstudio 090
designs 094
pianca spa 095
fabrica 108
kahkam 112
alexander pelikan 114
fishbol design atelier 118
lessica carnevale 122
ruialves 124
gjancarlozema 128
valenunagonzalezwohlers 130
hanssalomonsen 131
lund&paarhann 134
werner neumann 136
robert brou 138
boxetti 140
exporhih 144
onyx 149
kennethcobonpue 152
chohyungsuk 164
aah-uit 166
walter knoll 168
april hannah 170
lincolnkayiwa 172
nicoklaber 173
duravit 175
studio 000ms 180
roshultssvenska hantverkab 183
misosoupdesign 187
bakery studio 190
biiro fiir form 192
straight line designs 196
stanislavkatz 198
istudiohanna&seo 200
emiliana design studio 202
serien.tighting 205
ehan 209
lan'od tim design studio 210
2creative design team 212
chrisdnawaterson 213
hz20430 214
porada 216
rapsel 218
dario gagliardini 220
sander hulder 222
dsignio 230
gsg ceramic design 231
pallucco 250
constance guisset 252
stodio gorm 254
postfossil 258
jason phillips design 260
nilufar 261
zaafdesign 264
diego granese 266
zanotta 267
loemen 268
justihe designteam 270
Fabulous furniture
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