目 录
Chinese Investment in Africa and Dispute Settlement with China-AfricaCharacteristics
中国企业投资肯尼亚的法律风险:预防及补救措施 003
Prevention and Remedies for Legal Risks of Investment of ChineseEnterprises in Kenya 018
投资非洲的法律风险及其防范 040
Legal Risks of Doing Business in Africa and the Mitigation of Such Risks050
中国企业在非洲投资的法律风险预防和救济 064
Prevention and Remedies for Legal Risks of Investment of ChineseEnterprises in Africa 068
中国企业投资安哥拉的法律问题 074
Legal Aspects of Chinese Investment in Angola 085
Customary Law in African Judicial Systems
习惯法在埃塞俄比亚法律体系中的角色 103
What Roles Does the Customary Law Play in the Judicial System? Exploringthe Ethiopian Legal Pattern 111
习惯法在司法体系中扮演什么角色 122
What Roles Does the Customary Law Play in the Judicial System 133
习惯法在司法体系中的角色探究 149
What Roles Does the Customary Law Play in the Judicial System 157
Evidence Law of Africa
南非司法体系的“排除规则” 169
The “Exclusionary Rule” in the South African Judicial System 183
刑事审判的证明标准 201
Standard of Proof in Criminal Justices 224
南非刑事审判中的证明标准 255
The South African Standard of Proof in Criminal Justice 267
中非特色争端解决机制的内涵与实现之路 283
Connotation and Realizing Ways of Dispute Settlement Mechanism withChina-Africa Characteristics 295
Chinese Investment in Africa and Dispute Settlement with China-AfricaCharacteristics
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