《培根随笔集》是英国思想家弗朗西斯·培根一 生心血的结晶。全书由五十余篇美妙而富有哲理的文 章构成,书中随处可见那些发人深思的语句,许多句 子都成为指导后人思想言行的名句箴言。书的内容几 乎涉及人类生活的方方面面。语言简洁,文笔优美, 说理透彻,警句迭出,几百年来深受各国读者喜爱。
培根学识渊博且通晓人情世故,对谈及的问题均由发 人深省的独到见解。
培根学识渊博且通晓人情世故,对谈及的问题均由发 人深省的独到见解。
IntroductionChronologyNote on the TextAn Advertisement touching the Controversies of the Church of EnglandLetter to Lord BurghleyOf Tribute; or, giving that which is dueA Device for the Gray's Inn RevelsOf Love and Self-LoveAdvice to the Earl of Rutland on his travelsEssays (1 597), Religious Meditations, Of the Colours of Good and EvilAdvice to Fulke Greville on his studiesA Confession of FaithTwo PrayersA Letter and Discourse to Sir Henry Savile touching helps for the intellectual powersThe Advancement of LearningEssays ( 1612)The Charge touching duelsThe Charge against Somerset for poisoning OverburyLetter to King James I, March 1621Letter to Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, 1621Poems and PsalmsThe ys or Counsels, Civil and Moral (1625)1.Of Truth2.Of Death3.Of Unity in Religion4.Of Revenge5.Of Adversity6.Of Simulation and Dissimulation7.Of Parents and Children8.Of Marriage and Single Life9.Of Envy10.Of Love11.Of Great Place12.Of Boldness13.Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature14.Of Nobility15.Of Seditions and Troubles16.Of Atheism17.Of Superstition18.Of Travel19.Of Empire20.Of Counsel21.Of Delays22.Of Cunning23.Of Wisdom for a Man's Self24.Of Innovations25.Of Dispatch26.Of Seeming Wise27.Of Friendship28.Of Expense29.Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates30.Of Regiment of Health31.Of Suspicion32.Of Discourse33.Of Plantations34.Of Riches35.Of Prophecies36.Of Ambition37.Of Masques and Triumphs38.Of Nature in Men39.Of Custom and Education40.Of Fortune41.Of Usury42.Of Youth and Age43.Of Beauty44-Of Deformity45.Of Building46.Of Gardens47.Of Negotiating48.Of Followers and Friends49.Of Suitors50.Of Studies51.Of Faction52.Of Ceremonies and Respects53 .Of Praise54.Of Vain-Glory55.Of Honour and Reputation56.Of Judicature57.Of Anger58.Of Vicissitude of Things59.A Fragment of an Essay on FameNew AtlantisAbbreviationsNotesFurther ReadingIndex
- 书名培根随笔集(英文版)
- ISBN9787544768870
- 作者(英国)弗朗西斯·培根
- 出版社译林出版社
- 出版时间2017-05-01
- 印刷时间2017-05-01
- 版次1
- 开本16开
- 纸张胶版纸
- 包装平装-胶订
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