Chemistry : the molecular nature of matter and change /


作   者:Martin S. Silberberg ; consultants, Randy Duran ... [et al.].





Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Martin Silberberg has become a favorite among faculty and students. Silberberg's 4th edition contains features that make it the most comprehensive and relevant text for any student enrolled in General Chemistry. The text contains unprecedented macroscopic to microscopic molecular illustrations, consistent step-by-step worked exercises in every chapter, an extensive range of end-of-chapter problems which provide engaging applications covering a wide variety of freshman interests, including engineering, medicine, materials, and environmental studies. All of these qualities make Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change the centerpiece for any General Chemistry course.


Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change
Keys to the Study of Chemistry
Some Fundamental Definitions
The Properties of Matter
The Three States of Matter
The Central Theme in Chemistry
The Importance of Energy in the Study of Matter
Chemical Arts and the Origins of Modern Chemistry Prechemical Traditions
The Phlogiston Fiasco and the Impact of Lavoisier
The Scientific Approach: Developing a Model
Chemical Problem Solving Units and Conversion Factors in Calculations
A Systematic Approach to Solving Chemistry Problems
Measurement in Scientific Study General Features of SI Units Some Important SI Units in Chemistry
Uncertainty in Measurement: Significant Figures Determining Which Digits Are Significant Working with Significant Figures in Calculations Precision, Accuracy, and Instrument Calibration Chapter Perspective Chemical Connections to Interdisciplinary Science: Chemistry Problem Solving in the Real World For Review and Reference Problems
The Components of Matter
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures: An Atomic Overview
The Observations That Led to an Atomic View of Matter
Dalton's Atomic Theory Postulates of the Atomic Theory How the Theory Explains the Mass Laws
The Relative Masses of Atoms
The Observations That Led to the Nuclear Atom Model Discovery of the Electron and Its Properties Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus
The Atomic Theory Today Structure of the Atom Atomic Number, Mass Number, and Atomic Symbol Isotopes and Atomic Masses of the Elements Tools of the Laboratory: Mass Spectrometry A Modern Reassessment of the Atomic Theory
Elements: A First Look at the Periodic Table
Compounds: Introduction to Bonding
The Formation of Ionic Compounds
The Formation of Covalent Compounds
The Elements of Life
Compounds: Formulas, Names, and Masses Types of Chemical Formulas Some Advice about Learning Names and Formulas Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds Names and Formulas of Binary Covalent Compounds An Introduction to Naming Organic Compounds Molecular Masses from Chemical Formulas Gallery: Picturing Molecules
Mixtures: Classification and Separation Tools of the Laboratory: Basic Separation Techniques Chapter Perspective For Review and Reference Problems
Stoichiometry of Formulas and Equations
The Mole Defining the Mole Molar Mass Interconverting Moles, Mass, and Number of Chemical Entities Mass Percent from the Chemical Formula
Determining the Formula of an Unknown Compound Empirical Formulas Molecular Formulas Chemical Formulas and Molecular Structures
Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations
Calculating Amounts of Reactant and Product Stoichiometrically Equivalent Molar Ratios from the Balanced Equation Chemical Reactions That Occur in a Sequence Chemical Reactions That Involve a Limiting Reactant Chemical Reactions in Practice: Theoretical, Actual, and Percent Yields
Fundamentals of Solution Stoichiometry Expressing Concentration in Terms of Molarity Mole-Mass-Number Conversions Involving Solutions Preparing and Diluting Molar Solutions Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions in Solution Chapter Perspective For Review and Reference Problems
The Major Classes of Chemical Reactions
The Role



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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