出版日期: 2012年4月25日
A Note on Abbreviations
Chapter One
Major Quests in Paul Auster's Poetic World
Ⅰ. The Quest for Father
Ⅱ. The Quest for Redemption and Rebirth
Ⅲ. The Image of Room: Duality of Solitude
Chapter Two
The Quest for Freedom in The Music of Chance
Ⅰ. Freedom and Power of Subjection
Ⅱ. The Quest for Freedom on the Road
Ⅲ. Freedom under Power Control
Chapter Three
The Quests for Knowledge and Identity
Ⅰ. The Quest for Knowledge in The New York Trilogy
Ⅱ. The Quest for Self and Identity
Ⅲ. Historical Identity and Identity Constructed in Relationships
Chapter Four
The Anti-Genre Narrative Mode of Paul Auster's Quests
Ⅰ. Postmodernist Mixture of Biography and Autobiography in The Invention of Solitude
Ⅱ. A Metaphysical Detective Fiction: The New York Trilogy-
Ⅲ. The Anti-Genre Narrative in The Music of Chance and In the Country of Last Things
Ⅳ. Reflections on Auster's Writing: The Quest for Meaning
Works Cited
附录三 略论玄学侦探小说的基本特征——评保罗·奥斯特的《纽约三部曲》
Chapter One
Major Quests in Paul Auster's Poetic World
Ⅰ. The Quest for Father
Ⅱ. The Quest for Redemption and Rebirth
Ⅲ. The Image of Room: Duality of Solitude
Chapter Two
The Quest for Freedom in The Music of Chance
Ⅰ. Freedom and Power of Subjection
Ⅱ. The Quest for Freedom on the Road
Ⅲ. Freedom under Power Control
Chapter Three
The Quests for Knowledge and Identity
Ⅰ. The Quest for Knowledge in The New York Trilogy
Ⅱ. The Quest for Self and Identity
Ⅲ. Historical Identity and Identity Constructed in Relationships
Chapter Four
The Anti-Genre Narrative Mode of Paul Auster's Quests
Ⅰ. Postmodernist Mixture of Biography and Autobiography in The Invention of Solitude
Ⅱ. A Metaphysical Detective Fiction: The New York Trilogy-
Ⅲ. The Anti-Genre Narrative in The Music of Chance and In the Country of Last Things
Ⅳ. Reflections on Auster's Writing: The Quest for Meaning
Works Cited
附录三 略论玄学侦探小说的基本特征——评保罗·奥斯特的《纽约三部曲》
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