Software Engineering English


作   者:( )Philip Lew,孙伟著





   [font color="#ff6600"]本书特色[/font]    ◆ 涵盖了软件工程领域中全方位知识内容    ◆ 介绍了软件工程专业中最新理念、模式、术语和标准    ◆ 兼顾了技术内容和英语教学的需要    ◆ 参考译文和完备的索引便于读者学习查阅    ◆ 各章丰富的习题帮助读者巩固所学知识    本书的目的是让学生了解软件工程知识中英语的表达方式和专业词汇。全书共分12章,内容涉及软件工程领域各个部分。本书采用英文编写,各章均总结了关键字,书后附有中文参考译文,各章还附有复习题。    本书用于软件工程专业本科或研究生教材,也可作为计算机类各专业本科或研究生教材。


chapter 1 introduction

1.1 outline the history of hardware in computing

1.2 hardware concepts and history overview

1.2.1 computer strueture concents

1.2.2 development of computers

1.3 software and the information age

1.3.1 first generation:switches using punch cards

1.3.2 second generation:assembly language,interpreters,compilers

1.3.3 third generation programming languages(3gl)

1.3.4 fourth generation(4gl)and artificial intelligence

1.3.5 new methodologies

1.3.6 future computing

1.4 0perating systems(0s)

1.4.1 windowing systems

1.4.2 x-windows

1.5 history of the internet

1.6 what is software engineering?

1.7 review questions

chapter 2 discrete mathematics

2.1 logic

.2.1.1 propositional logic

2.1.2 predicate logic

2.2 set theory

2.2.1 set theory basics

2.2.2 axiomatic set theory and paradoxes

2.2.3 fuzzy set theory

2.3 probability theory

2.3.1 kolmogorov's probability calculus

2.3.2 classical probability

2.4 graph theory

2.4.1 basic terminology

2.4.2 graph coloring

2.4.3 star graphs

2.4.4 simple circuits and simple paths

2.4.5 euler circuits,hamilton circuits,directed graphs

2.4.6 ttees

2.5 boolean algebra

2.6 review questions

chapter 3 0perating systems(0s)

3.1 operating system functions

3.1.1 computer start up

3.1.2 loading applications

3.1.3 memory and file management

3.1.4 command interpretation

3.2 file systems

3.2.1 hierachical file systems

3.3 modern operating systems

3.3.1 unix

3.3.2 winidows desktop operating systems

3.3.3 windows servcr operating systems

3.3.4 linux

3.4 reviee qurstions

chapter 4 0rganization of programming languages and programming concepts

4.1 organization of programming languages

4.1.1 language design factors

4.1.2 programming language abstractions

4.1.3 computer language types

4.1.4 programming language definition

4.2 data structures and algorithms

4.2.1 data structures

4.2.2 algorithms

4.3 object oriented principles

4.3.1 objects

4.3.2 class

4.3.3 inheritance

4.3.4 indirection

4.3.5 encapsulation

4.3.6 messages

4.4 review questions

chapter 5 programming languages

5.1 legacy languages

5.1.1 fortran

5.1.2 pascal

5.1.3 ada

5.1.4 cobol

5.2 modem network languages

5.2.1 html-hyper text markup language

5.2.2 xml

5.2.3 xhtml


5.2.5 the c programming language

5.2.6 c++

5.2.7 c# or c sharp


5.2.8 web services

5.2.9 java

5.3 review questions

chadter 6 software engineering requirements analysis

6.1 requiremems analysis phases"

6.1.1 elicitation

6.1.2 requirements grouping

6.1.3 requiremems evaluation

6.1.4 software requirements specification(srs)

6.2 analysis and design concepts

6.2.1 requirements modeling

6.2.2 analysis modeling

6.2.3 data modeling

6.2.4 information flow and data flow diagrams(dfds)

6.2.5 behavior modeling

6.3 unified modeling language

6.3.1 modeling mechanisms

6.3.2 metamodel

6.3.3 architectural views

6.3.4 notation and diagrams

6.4 use cases

6.5 review questions

chapter 7 software development concepts and design methodologies

7.1 software design fundamentals

7.1.1 stepwise refinement

7.1.2 abstraction

7.1.3 software architecture

7.1.4 data structure

7.1.5 program structure and modularity

7.1.6 procedure

7.1.7 information hiding

7.1.8 design representation

7.2 traditional design methodology

system development life-cycle model

7.3 modern design methodologies

7.3.1 0bject-oriented technology

7.3.2 prototyping

7.3.3 0perational modeling

7.3.4 software design and case technology

7.3.5 rapid application development(rad)

7.3.6 cleanroom software engineering

7.4 large scale software design issues

7.5 review questions

chapter 8 software architecture and system design

8.1 system architecture

8.2 software architecture

8.2.1 pipes and filters

8.2.2 data abstraction and object-oriented organization

8.2.3 implicit invocation

8.2.4 layered systems

8.2.5 centralized

8.2.6 distributed

8.2.7 main program/subroutine

8.2.8 domain architectures

8.2.9 mixed architectures

8.3 developing an architecture

8.4 component level design

8.4.1 component based development methods

8.4.2 modeling a component-based application

8.5 user interface design

8.5.1 graphical user interface(gui)

8.5.2 interface design factors

8.6 review questions

chapter 9 database systems

9.1 database history and concepts

9.1.1 the relational model

9.1.2 structured query language(sql)

9.1.3 acid properties

9.2 database design

9.2.1 key definitions and concepts

9.2.2 database normalization

9.3 commercial database systems

9.3.1 open source rdbms

9.3.2 desktop databases

9.3.3 choosing a database

9.3.4 database features

9.3.5 database standards

9.4 data warehousing

9.4.1 dimensional design

9.4.2 data warehouse design considerations

9.4.3 data warehousing product considerations

9.5 data mining

9.5.1 ad hoc query processing

9.5.2 online analytical processing(0lap)

9.6 review questions

chapter 10 computer networking

10.1 networking basics

10.1.1 network topology

10.1.2 interface timing

10.1.3 line configuration

10.1.4 data interfaces

10.1.5 network application paradigms

10.1.6 network protocols

10.1.7 network 0perating system(nos)

10.1.8 network management systems

10.1.9 network devices

10.2 local area network(lan)

10.2.1 ethernet

10.3 wide area networks(wan)

10.3.1 packet switching

10.3.2 packet technology development

10.4 the world wide web

10.4.1 firewall

10.4.2 file transter protocol

10.4.3 domain name service(dns)

10.5 home based broadband network services

10.5.1 digital subscriber line technology

10.5.2 cable modems

10.6 wireless networking

10.6.1 wireless application protocol

10.6.2 bluetooth

10.6.3 wi-fi

10.7 review questions

chapter 11 project and process management

11.1 project management

11.1.1 developing a project plan

11.1.2 manage expectations

11.2 project management tips

11.3 software processes

11.4 quality

11.5 capability maturity model(cmm) for software

11.6 team software development

11.6.1 the team software process(tsp)

11.6.2 personal software process(psp)

11.7 implementing sw-cmm

11.8 software change and configuration management

11.8.1 change management and configuration management

11.8.2 change management support tools

11.9 new project management methods and software development

11.9.1 steve mcconnell's surviving projects

11.9.2 jim highsmith:adaptive complex systcms

11.10 summary

11.11 review questions

chapter 12 software testing and quality assurance

12.1 test methods

12.1.1 white box testing

12.1.2 black box testing

12.1.3 performance and reliability testing

12.2 testing levels

12.2.1 unit testing

12.2.2 integration testing

12.2.3 alpha or system test

12.2.4 acceptance or beta test

12.2.5 regression testing

12.2.6 installation testing

12.3 test completion criteria and metrics

12.3.1 test metrics

12.3.2 quality measurement

12.3.3 risk measurement

12.3.4 mean time to failure/repair

12.3.5 process measurement

12.4 software testing teams

12.5 common testing problems

12.5.1 understanding the purpose of testing

12.5.2 poor test plans

12.5.3 wrong test personnel

12.6 testing techniques

12.6.1 inspection

12.6.2 common tests

12.6.3 interface testing

12.7 quality measurement and standards

12.7.1 is0 9000

12.7.2 the iso 9000-3 standard

12.7.3 iso certification process

12.7.4 implementing is0 9000-3

12.8 review questions


acronym dictionary




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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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