Designs of pseudorandom sequences and their applications to cryptography
作 者:陈智雄著
1 Introduction
1.1 Stream Ciphers and Pseudorandom Sequences
1.2 Cryptographic Measures for Pseudorandom Sequences
1.2.1 Uniformly Distribution
1.2.2 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
1.2.3 Binary Lattice
1.2.4 Linear Complexity
1.3 Exponential Sums
2 Elliptic Curve Generators
2.1 Elliptic Curves and Character Sums
2.2 Elliptic Curve Linear Congruential Generators
2.2.1 Uniformly Distribution in Parts of the Period
2.2.2 Linear Complexity
2.2.3 Non-linear Complexity
2.3 Binary Sequences from Elliptic Curves
2.3.1 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
2.3.2 Extended Construction of Binary Sequences
2.4 Binary Lattice from Elliptic Curves
2.4.1 A Construction of Binary Lattices
2.4.2 A Construction of Binary Sequences Related to Binary Lattices
2.5 Discrete-Log Sequences from Elliptic Curves
2.5.1 Elliptic Curve Legendre Sequences
2.5.2 Discrete-Log Binary Threshold Sequences
2.5.3 k-Ary Discrete-Log Sequences
2.5.4 Multi-Dimensional Discrete-Log Sequences
2.5.5 Linear Recursive Sequences over Elliptic Curves
2.6 Binary Sequences from Elliptic Curves and Their Twists
2.7 Binary Sequences from Elliptic Curves over Rings
3 Inversive Number Generators
3.1 Explicit Inversive Generators (I)
3.2 Explicit Inversive Generator (II)
3.2.1 Correlation Measure of Order Two
3.2.2 Correlation Measure of Higher Order
3.3 Inversive Binary Lattice
3.3.1 Construction of Inversive Binary Lattice
3.3.2 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
3.3.3 Modified Measures
3.4 Modified Inversive Binary Sequences
4 Fermat quotients
4.1 Fermat Quotients Sequences
4.1.1 Distribution of Fermat Quotients
4.1.2 Linear Complexity Profile
4.2 Binary Threshold Sequences from Fermat Quotients
4.2.1 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
4.2.2 Linear Complexity and Linear Complexity Profile
4.3 Legendre-Fermat Quotient Sequences
4.3.1 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
4.3.2 Linear Complexity Profile
4.3.3 Linear Complexity
4.4 Euler Quotients
4.4.1 Least Period
4.4.2 Distribution for Dimension One
4.4.3 Distribution for Higher Dimensions
4.5 Polynomial Quotients
4.5.1 Small Degree
4.5.2 Monomials
Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences
5.1 Whiteman-Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences
5.2 Ding-Helleseth-Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences.
5.3 Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of k-Symbols
5.3.1 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
5.3.2 Linear Complexity Profile
5.3.3 Linear Complexity
5.4 Quaternary Sequences
5.5 Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences from Finite Fields
5.5.1 Well-distribution and Correlation Measures
5.5.2 Linear Complexity Profile
Pseudorandom Subsets
6.1 Pseudorandom Subsets from Elliptic Curves
6.2 Quasi-random Subsets from Elliptic Curves
6.3 Pseudorandom Subsets from Generalized Cyclotomic Classes
Designs of pseudorandom sequences and their applications to cryptography
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