part 1 at the restaurant 在餐馆
a conversation practice 会话练习
1 restaurant reservations or finding a place to eat
2 ordering dishes 点菜
3 presenting the bill 结帐
4 handling complaints 处理抱怨
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
1 booking or requesting a table 订位和找位 2 giving the order 点菜
3 taking the order 接受点菜
part 2 at the barber's or hairdresser's
a conversation practice 会话练习
1 at the hairdresser' s 在美发院
2 at the barber's 在美容院
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
1 at the hairdresser' 在美发院
2 at the barber' 在美容院part 3 at the post office 在邮局
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
.1 expressions used by the customer 顾客用语
2 expressions used by the clerk 职员用语
part 4 at the bank 在银行
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法 1 making an inquiry 询问
2 changing money 兑换钱
part 5 in the library 在图书馆
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
part 6 at the hospital 在医院
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法 1 expressions used by the doctor 医生用语
2 expressions used by the patient 病人用语
part 7 at the police station 在警察局
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
part 8 index 索引
a conversation practice 会话练习
1 restaurant reservations or finding a place to eat
2 ordering dishes 点菜
3 presenting the bill 结帐
4 handling complaints 处理抱怨
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
1 booking or requesting a table 订位和找位 2 giving the order 点菜
3 taking the order 接受点菜
part 2 at the barber's or hairdresser's
a conversation practice 会话练习
1 at the hairdresser' s 在美发院
2 at the barber's 在美容院
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
1 at the hairdresser' 在美发院
2 at the barber' 在美容院part 3 at the post office 在邮局
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
.1 expressions used by the customer 顾客用语
2 expressions used by the clerk 职员用语
part 4 at the bank 在银行
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法 1 making an inquiry 询问
2 changing money 兑换钱
part 5 in the library 在图书馆
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
part 6 at the hospital 在医院
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法 1 expressions used by the doctor 医生用语
2 expressions used by the patient 病人用语
part 7 at the police station 在警察局
a conversation practice 会话练习
b other useful expressions 其他常用说法
part 8 index 索引
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用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问
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