英文共同题名:Extension course English


作   者:孔庆炎总主编;《英语》系列教材编写组编







《英语拓展教程.1(高职高专版.非英语专业用)(第三版 附光盘)》

unit 1 greeting people you meet for the first time

listening in and speaking out 1

reading in and writing out 3

passage a. how to make an introduction 3

b. two points to help strangers in america

practicing your grammar 6

merry learning 7

unit 2 introducing people to each other

listening in and speaking out 9

reading in and writing out 11

passage a. when you first meet an american 11

b. my sister is crazy about karaoke 12

practicing your grammar 14

merry learning 14

unit 3 getting and giving information about people

listening in and speaking out 15

reading in and writing out 17

passage a. four students in an english class 17

b. preparations for travelling abroad 18

.practicing your grammar 20

merry learning 21

unit 4 making a telephone call

listening in and speaking out 23

reading in and writing out 2j7

passage a. a guide to business telephone users 25

b. david made a telephone call 25

practicing your grammar 27

merry learning 28

unit 5 can i see your manager?

listening in and speaking out 29

reading in and writing out 31

passage a. i've got a new job 31

b. we need a secretary 31

practicing your grammar 33

merry learning 34

unit 6 communications facilities

listening in and speaking out 3y

reading in and writing out 37

passage a. be polite in the office 37

b. ladies'hats 37

practicing your grammar 39

merry learning 40

test one (unit 1 - unit 6) 41

unit 7 at the information desk of a travel agency

listening in and speaking out 49

reading in and writing out 51

passage a. a plan for sunday 51

b. mr. stone's timetable in china 51

practicing your grammar 54

merry learning 54

unit 8 live arrival / departure information

listening in and speaking out 55

reading in and writing out 57

passage a. see the world 57

b. social events and tours 57

practicing your grammar 59

merry learning 60

unit 9 itinerary and schedule

listening in and speaking out 61

reading in and writing out 63

passage a. beatriz' itinerary in london 63

b. itinerary for a three-day tour in hangzhou 64

practicing your grammar 65

merry learning 66

unit 10 giving shopping advice

listening in and speaking out 67

reading in and writing out 69

passage a. terrible shoppers 69

b. how to save on a shopping list 70

practicing your grammar 72

merry learning 73

unit 11 can i help you?

listening in and speaking out 75

reading in and writing out 77

passage a. credit 77

b. i'd like to buy some money 78

practicing your grammar 80

marry learning 80

unit 12 a souvenir to remind me of china

listening in and speaking out 81

reading in and writing out 83

passage a. the keys to advertising 83

b. what do you think of men in makeup? 84

practicing your grammar 86

merry learning 87

test two (unit 7 - unit 12) 89

语法附录 95

vocabulary 125

phrases 136

key to exercises 137

课文参考译文 177



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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