1. 本教材是北京外国语大学英语系的一项重要科研成果,汇集了英语教学专家们的丰富教学经验,体现了前沿的教学思想。
2. 教材吸纳了国外最新的语言材料,题材丰富,内容新颖,包括了现代生活的各个方面,具有鲜明的时代特征。
3. 教材在总体目标、语言项目、词汇范围和练习方式上,都体现了新大纲的要求,符合国家标准。
4. 教材在教学法上博采众长,不拘一格;在教学原则上注意发挥学生的主动性与积极性;在编写手法上注意纵向连贯和横向配合,循序渐进。
lesson one
text a another school year—what for?
text b the thought card
lesson two
text a maheegun my brother
text b thanksgiving hunter
lesson three
text a more crime and less punishment
text b the land of the lock
lesson four
text a the nightingale and the rose
text b nightingale
lesson five
text a say yes
text b arrangement in black and white
lesson six
text a the man in the water
.text b the broken lanterm
lesson seven
text a the greatest invention
text b the flying machine
lesson eight
text a psychologically speaking
text b psychologically speaking(continued)
lesson nine
text a quick fix society
text b remarks by bill clinton at grand canyon national park
lesson one
text a another school year—what for?
text b the thought card
lesson two
text a maheegun my brother
text b thanksgiving hunter
lesson three
text a more crime and less punishment
text b the land of the lock
lesson four
text a the nightingale and the rose
text b nightingale
lesson five
text a say yes
text b arrangement in black and white
lesson six
text a the man in the water
.text b the broken lanterm
lesson seven
text a the greatest invention
text b the flying machine
lesson eight
text a psychologically speaking
text b psychologically speaking(continued)
lesson nine
text a quick fix society
text b remarks by bill clinton at grand canyon national park
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