Ulla Connor and Thomas A. Upton, Editors
Section I
The argument for using English specialized corpora to understand
academic and professional language····················11
Lynne Fiowerdew
Section II
Stylistic features of academic speech: The role of formulaic expressions·37
Rita C. Simpson
Academic language: An exploration of university classroom and
textbook language ····························65
Randi Reppen
A convincing argument: Corpus analysis and academic persuasion······87
Ken Hyland
Section III
//so what have YOU been WORking on REcently //: Compiling a
specialized corpus of spoken business English ··············115
Martin Warren
//did you //from the mini$AR //:What is the practical
relevance of a corpus-driven language study to practitioners in ·····141
Bong Kong's hotel industry?
Winnie Cheng
"Invisible to us":A preliminary corpus-based study of spoken business··167
Michael McCarthy and Michael Handford
Legal discourse: Opportunities and threats for corpus linguistics ····203
Vijay K Bhatia. Nicola M. Langton and Jane Lung
Section IV
The genre of grant proposals: A corpus linguistic analysis········235
Ulla Connor and Thomas A. Upton
Rhetorical appeals in fundraising direct mail letters ··········257
Ulla Connor and Kostya Gladkov
Framing matters: Communicating relationships through metaphor in
fundraising texts ····························287
Elizabeth M. Goering
Pronouns and metadiscourse as interpersonal rhetorical devices in
fundraising letters: A corpus linguistic analysis ············307
Avon Crismore
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